
  • 网络debt-to-equity ratio;debt to equity ratio;debt-equity ratio
  1. 它们是负债权益比率、负债与有形净资产比率等。

    They are debt-equity ratio , debit to tangible net worth ratio and etc.

  2. 负债权益比率是用于反映企业长期偿债能力的另外一个指标。

    The debt-equity ratio is another indicator that reflects a corporation 's long-term debt-paying ability .

  3. Watts和Zimmerman教授对此提出了分红计划假说、负债权益比率假说和企业规模假说三大著名假设。

    Three famous hypotheses bonus plan hypothesis , ratio of liability to equity hypothesis and business scale hypothesis have been made by Prof. Watts and Zimmerman .

  4. 东航的股东权益已为负值,而上航的净负债对股东权益比率达到22倍。

    CE fell into negative shareholders ' equity , while SA 's net debt to equity hit 22 times .