
  • 网络image-numberology
  1. 航天视觉模拟的计算机成象数学模型

    The mathematical model for space flight visual simulation by computer generated image

  2. 中医学体系与《周易》象数学理论

    The Theoretic System of TCM and the Symbol-Number Doctrine in " Zhou Yi "

  3. 地理学要向更深的层次发展,必须象数学、物理、化学、微观生物学等学科一样,自己有一套精确与统一的语言。

    If the geography wants to develop to deeper level , it must be similar to mathematics , physics , chemistry , microbiology etc , which have a set of precise and united language .

  4. 此时的易学思想,受老庄思想的影响,亦发生了这种变化,由传统的象数学转向了义理学,这种思潮的代表人物是王弼。

    Yi-ology in this period was also influenced by thoughts of Lao Zhuang and had changed greatly from traditional symbol and mathematics to Yi Li-ology . Wang Bi is the most important representative in this period .

  5. 汉末三国时期,《太玄》研究形成第一次高潮,推动和促进了魏晋玄学的形成和发展。晋范望《太玄解赞》成为象数学的代表之作。

    The first surge of Tai Xuan study appeared in the era of Three Kingdoms , and facilitated the formation and development of Wei-Jin Metaphysics , with Fan Wang 's work on Tai Xuan as the magnum opus .

  6. 程序正确性证明可以象证明数学定理一样证明程序是正确的,它对于可信计算具有重要意义。

    And program correctness proof can guarantee this and it is very important to dependable computing .

  7. 本文阐述依据平行丝室检测的二维信息,实现滤波反投影成象的数学方法。

    A mathematical algorithm of back-projection filtered for image reconstructions using two-dimensional signals detected from parallel multiwire proportional chambers is described .

  8. 首先归纳出声成象的数学模型,然后求得成象设备的系统函数。

    Firstly , the mathematical model of acoustic imaging is worked up . Then , the system function of the imaging device is found out .

  9. 本文完善了Chirpscaling(CS)SAR成象算法的数学模型,获得了雷达点目标二维频域的精确解析式,并进一步得到该算法存在的残余相差。

    This paper improves the model of Chirp Scaling ( CS ) SAR imaging algorithm . Based on the theoretical analysis , the exact formulation of point target in two-dimensional frequency domain and the phase error are obtained .

  10. 本文分析了SPOT影象的几何特性,建立了SPOT立体象对求解的数学模型。

    After a brief analysis of the geometry of SPOT imagery , a mathematical evaluation model is introduced .

  11. 本文将光学稳象方法抽象为稳象模式,建立起稳象数学模型。

    In this paper optical image-stabilization methods are abstracted as image-stabilization modes and the mathematical models for stable images are built .

  12. 本文从稳象模式出发推出并讨论各种典型的光学稳象系统以说明稳象数学模型的具体应用。

    According to the image stabilizing mode , typical optical image-stabilizing systems are abtained and discussed to show the concrete applications of image-stabilizing mathematic models .

  13. 在对零件设计域与制造域间特征映射前后的原象特征与象特征信息分析基础上,给出了原象特征与象特征的数学描述方式。

    Based on the analysis of inverse image feature and image feature of feature mapping from design domain to manufacturing domain , the mathematical descriptions on the inverse image feature and image feature are given .