
  • 网络bruchidae;Lariidae;Lariide
  1. 本文对我国口岸检疫截获的21种豆象科害虫列出成虫检索表,并就多数种的鉴别要点、寄主及分布进行了介绍。

    A key to 21 species of Bruchidae intercepted in plant quarantine inspection is presented and notes on morphological characteristics , host and distribution for most of the species are given .

  2. 三种植物粉剂对四纹豆象(鞘翅目:豆象科)行为、死亡率和繁殖的影响(英文)

    Effects of Three Plant Powders on Behaviour , Mortality and Reproductive Fitness of Callosobruchus maculatus ( Fabricius ) ( Coleoptera : Bruchidae )