
pǔ xì shù
  • family tree;pedigree tree
  1. 本文对给定的谱系树,针对有限离散型拟合问题,提出了非常一般的最优准则,并给出了拟合问题的精确最优解的构造性方法。

    In this paper , we offered a quite general optimality criterion for the finite discrete firing problem to a given family tree and gave a method for constructing the exact optimal solution of this problem .

  2. 对给定谱系树的一个最小拟合算法

    A Minimal Fitting Algorithm to a Given Family Tree

  3. 什么是语系?什么是谱系树?

    What is a language family ? What is a family tree ?

  4. 具有约束条件的谱系树拟合

    The Fitting to a Family Tree with Restricted Conditions

  5. 给定谱系树的多准则拟合

    Multi-Criterion Fitting to a Given Family Tree

  6. 还对有限离散的谱系树最优拟合问题,给出一种利用矩阵运算的求解方法。

    For the discrete optimal fitting problem , we also give a solving method by matrix computing .

  7. 利用混合模型对革蜱幼虫哈氏器分类及对其进化谱系树的估计

    Classification and analysis of family system of haller 's organs of DERMACENTORS in larval by using mixed model

  8. 现今语言学界发展出一种标记语言进化,显示它们之间相互关系的方式,即语言家族谱系树。

    Now , one way of representing the evolution of languages , showing the way languages are related to each other , is with the family tree model .

  9. 谱系树图是一种很直观的展示方式,它明白地告诉我们同属于一个家族的语言是如何发展的,两种语言之间的关系紧密程度如何。

    Now , the tree model is a convenient way of representing the development of a language family and of showing how closely related two of more languages are .

  10. 通过分析聚类分析联结表,给出了建立聚类分析谱系图二叉树的算法和源程序,提出了通过遍历谱系图二叉树绘制聚类分析谱系图及进行聚类分析中其它研究的方法。

    In this paper , an algorithm and a program are given for setting binary tree of the dendrogram on cluster analysis through studying the link table , and methods are presented for drawing the dendrogram and making other researches on cluster analysis by traversing the binary tree .