
  1. 我国企业跨国并购尚处于起步阶段,虽然呈现了迅速增长的势头,但并购过程中的风险与困难不容忽视,必须谋定而后动。

    In China , cross-border M & A is still in its infancy . Although it shows strong forward momentum , but the risks and difficulties must be considered first before actions .

  2. 言语虽然通俗,但却道出了保障的重要性。凡事预则立,不预则废,在做任何事情之前,一定要充分的考量,谋定而后动。

    Although the popular speech , but it points to the importance of protection . " Forewarned is forearmed , not pre-waste ", before doing anything , we must give full consideration , before making any decisions .