
  • 网络survey item;surveying items
  1. 并应用国际制造战略调查项目(InternationalManufacturingStrategySurvey)的相关数据对文章的结果进行验证。

    We also use the data of International Manufacturing Strategy Survey to test the results .

  2. 方法:按国际牙齿美学指数(DAI)调查项目及标准,采用随机抽样方法,对330名12~18岁学生进行测量计算。

    Methods : Three hundred and thirty students were investigated according to the standards of the Dental Aesthetic Index ( DAI ) survey .

  3. 同样是这群人还曾参加了1980年的一次IQ测试,作为国家青年长期追踪调查项目登记入伍的一部分。

    This same group also participated in an IQ test in1980 as part of their enrollment in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth .

  4. 调查项目包括pH值、溶解氧、化学耗氧量、油类、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Hg、无机磷、无机氮、硫化物和有机质。

    The measure items include pH value , dissolve of oxygen , oxygen consumption , oil , Cu , Pb , Zn , Cd , Hg , inorganic phosphorous , inorganic nitrogen , sulfide and organic matter .

  5. 美国南加州大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)教授施特劳斯(JohnStrauss)是中国上述调查项目的牵头人之一,他认为中国相对低的发达程度是造成中国老年人贫困率较高的原因之一。

    John Strauss , a professor at the University of Southern California and one of the leaders of the project , pointed to China 's relatively low level of development as part of the explanation for higher poverty levels there . '

  6. 文章还论述了调查项目的特点与值得借鉴的地方,分析了SERU问卷的理论依据。

    Meanwhile , the paper analyse the characters of the survey and advantages to reference and the theoretical basis of SERU questionnaire .

  7. 以徐州市数字国土土地变更调查项目为例,介绍了利用高精度定位的GPS和便于携带、功能强大的PDA,将二者集成用于土地变更调查。

    In the " Digital Land " project of Xuzhou city , it introduces the high precision data of GPS technology and the excellent capability of PDA , of which the integration of this two technologies are used in the change survey of land use .

  8. 浅析地质调查项目设计预算审查

    Analysis on planing , budget and examine of geological survey projects

  9. 对国土资源调查项目经费预算编制与审查的思考

    Budget Making and Examining the Fund for Land Resource Survey Project

  10. 这些资金是用来调查项目的可行性的。

    These are used to look into the project 's viability .

  11. 社会学家曾在特定地区开展过一次调查项目。

    Sociologists used to implement a surveillance program in selected areas .

  12. 地质调查项目预算标准执行情况的动态评估

    Dynamic Appraisal for Implementing the Budget Standard of Geological Survey Projects

  13. 建立地质灾害调查项目社会评价指标体系

    Set up social evaluation index system of investigation projects on geological disasters

  14. 但对地质调查项目进行社会评价是具有挑战性的课题。

    The social evaluation of geologic survey project is a challenging subject .

  15. 地质调查项目钻探经济规模工作量研究

    Study on Appropriate Economic Scale of Drill Workload for Geological Survey Projects

  16. 对地质调查项目经费预算管理面临问题的探讨

    Analysis on the Problems in the Budget Management of Geological Survey Projects

  17. 农业地质环境调查项目持续性评价初探

    Study on the Agro - geography Investigation Project Sustainability Assessment

  18. 做好国土资源调查项目经费总结报告的体会

    Drawing up Summary Report of Using Geological Survey Project Fund

  19. 关于南京市六合区土地利用现状更新调查项目的几点思考

    The Thought about Nanjin City Land Condition Update Investigation Project

  20. 我的调查项目将是有关冷冻鱼的。

    My project 's going to be about frozen fish .

  21. 地质调查项目预算编制管理信息系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of MIS on automatic budgets-making of Chinese geologic survey project

  22. 把握矿产远景调查项目的实践定位

    How to grasp working orientation of metallogenic prospective survey

  23. 浅谈地质调查项目绩效评价

    Discussions on success and effect appraisal of geological projects

  24. 国土资源调查项目绩效考评的探讨与思考

    A Look at the Performance Examination and Appraisal for Land Resource Survey Project

  25. 区域住户调查项目三方审查会议

    Tripartite Review Meeting on the Regional Household Survey Project

  26. 该组织全力进行一个长期的自我剖析过程,即新闻可信度调查项目。

    The organization is deepsintosa long self-analysis known as the journalism credibility project .

  27. 一开始我不知道怎么完成这个调查项目。

    At first I didn 't know how to finish the research project .

  28. 这个夏天,有些同学找到了一些惊喜与挑战并存,且收获颇丰的实地调查项目。

    This summer some students have found exciting , challenging and rewarding projects .

  29. 调查项目包括劳动卫生条件和健康检查。

    The scope of this investigation includes the working conditions and health examination .

  30. 并且还讨论了不同病情调查项目的适用性。

    The usability of different investigation items was discussed .