
ɡǎn xìnɡ rèn shí
  • perceptual knowledge
感性认识 [gǎn xìng rèn shi]
  • [perceptual knowledge] 通过感觉器官对客观事物的片面的、现象的和外部联系的认识。感觉、知觉、表象等是感性认识的形式。感性认识是认识过程中的低级阶段。要认识事物的全体、本质和内部联系,必须把感性认识上升为理性认识。参看理性认识

  • 这种感性认识的材料积累多了,就会产生一个飞跃,变成了理性认识,这就是思想。--《人的正确思想是从哪里来的?》

  1. 亲身体验是获得感性认识的最好途径。

    Experiencing things yourself is the best way to acquire perceptual knowledge .

  2. 散文的感性认识与理性解读

    The Perceptual Knowledge and the Rational Interpretation on Prose

  3. 既然您已经对Aspect代码的形式特征有了更好的感性认识,让我们暂时把注意力转移到编写Aspect的工作上来吧。

    Now that you have better sense of what aspect code looks like , let 's turn our attention briefly to the business of writing aspects .

  4. 研究与实践表明:教学中,运用MATLAB软件进行数字滤波器设计及实现,可增强学生的感性认识,加深对数字滤波器设计基本原理的理解,改善教学效果。

    The practical research finds that students can enhance geist understanding of designing digital filter by using MATLAB in teaching , and the teaching turns out with good effect .

  5. 但是F-35从对越少越好的感性认识上来说是最好的阐释。

    But the F-35 is the ultimate expression of the less-is-more sensibility .

  6. 这使得人发人员可以对某个运行在JRuby上的应用如何与优化器交互有一个感性认识。

    This is useful to get a feel how an application running on JRuby interacts with the optimizations .

  7. 介绍了在电工学理论课程教学中引入EWB软件实验,使理论教学与仿真验证相结合,将抽象的理论知识变成直观的感性认识。

    This paper introduces the software EWB is imported in the electronic engineering of theory teaching , and the theory combines with the simulation , the abstract theory becomes intuitionistic geist knowledge .

  8. 第二部分,VIS设计中品牌设计的内涵与外延,从理性认识和感性认识两个方面来深度剖析VIS设计对品牌的重要影响,从而树立起品牌独特的形象特征。

    The second part of the connotation and denotation of the VIS , design , brand design , from rational knowledge and perceptual depth analysis of the VIS design brand , thus establishing a unique brand image characteristics .

  9. 在动态电路理论教学中提高学生感性认识的探索

    The Teaching Research on Dynamic Circuits to Improve Students ' Sensibilities

  10. 认为感性认识是知识的基础的经验主义。

    The form of empiricism that bases knowledge on perceptual experience .

  11. 我们的知识纠正了我们对世界的感性认识。

    Our perceptions of the world are corrected by our knowledge .

  12. 利用计算机模拟实验操作,对提高学生的感性认识、掌握和理解课堂理论知识有很大帮助。

    It is helpful using computer to simulate experiments on learning theoretical knowledge .

  13. 教师播放投影片,放录音,学生先从视听觉上对新内容有一感性认识。

    Now , let 's look at the picture and listen to the tape .

  14. 感性认识与现实同等重要。

    Perceptions count for as much as reality .

  15. 将大量的视频媒体应用到实验演示中,丰富了学生对实验过程的感性认识。

    Use a lot of video chip in experiment demo , give sensibility to students .

  16. 会计实验教学体系,应包括以下内容:1、专业感性认识;

    The system should include the following contents : 1 . professional sensibility - cognition experiment ;

  17. 增强了学习者的感性认识,在很大程度上提高了教学质量。

    It strengthens the sensibility of the learners , increase to a large extent teaching quantity .

  18. 前者强调感性认识的重要性和实在性,强调认识的经验来源;

    The former emphasized the importance of sense cognition and reality and emphasized the source of sense ;

  19. 希腊人已经承认抽象的或数学的空间不同于感性认识的空间。

    The Greeks had recognized that abstract or mathematical space is distinct from sensory perceptions of space .

  20. 如果以为理性认识可以不从感性认识得来,他就是一个唯心论者。

    Anyone who thinks that rational knowledge need not be derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist .

  21. 可以促进学生的感性认识,从而激发学生的学习兴趣;

    Can promote the student 's sensitive faculty understanding , stir up a student thus of study interest ;

  22. 作者用此方法首次拍摄到了无化学反应与伴有化学反应时的湍流场中亚微观及微观混和过程中微流元团的照片,对微观混和过程有了感性认识。

    Pictures of these microfluid elements during mixing in turbulent field with or without chemical reaction were taken .

  23. 见习的目的是增强学生对临床工作的感性认识,强化学生的理论知识;

    The aim of clerkship is to enhance students'perceptions of clinical work , and strengthen the theoretical knowledges .

  24. 本文论述风光摄影在感性认识上的升华必须以把握复杂多样的理性创造来显现。

    This article argues that the perceptual distillation of sight photography should be presented by various complicated rational creation .

  25. 因为笔者只对汉地的佛像情况比较熟悉,具有较多的感性认识;

    Because the writer is only familiar with it in Han , and has more perceptive knowledge on it ;

  26. 探讨和解决这些问题,就有赖于对房地产价格理论与泡沫研究进行深入的研究,而不能止步于肤浅的感性认识,或者简单地照搬国外的指标等。

    The solution to this problem depends on the deep study on the real estates and its foam theories .

  27. 它分别从程序和方法两方面来对风险基础审计做出系统的介绍和解释,以使大家对其有一定程度的感性认识。

    It generalizes the basic procedure and method of Risk-oriented auditing so as to give readers the sensible recognition .

  28. 强调感性认识与理性认识在设计思维活动中起到的阶段性指导作用;

    And it emphasizes on the function in stage played by perceptual and rational knowledge in the design thinking activity ;

  29. 从认知心理学的角度来看语感是一种界于陈述性知识和程序性知识之间的对语言的感性认识。

    Accumulating sensibility from cognizing psychology angel . Language sense is a geist cognition between recite knowledge and program knowledge .

  30. 第二重形式是信息处理形式,其表现是人的感性认识和理性认识;

    The second form is the information process form , which is represented by the perceptual knowledge and rational knowledge .