
wù chā fēn xī
  • error analysis
  1. RED队列稳态误差分析

    Steady State Error Analysis of RED Queue

  2. 高精度GPS网数据处理中的系统误差分析

    The Systematical Error Analysis of High Precision GPS Network Adjustment

  3. 用于远距离差分GPS的电离层误差分析与补偿

    Analysis and Correction of Ionospheric Time Delay for Differential GPS

  4. 高分辨率多极化SAR图像目标分类误差分析

    Analysis of Influence of Error on High-Resolution and Multipolarization SAR Image for Target Classification

  5. AutoCAD样条曲线的生成原理及误差分析

    AutoCAD spline curve generating principle and its accuracy analyses

  6. 线形调频DDS及其误差分析

    The generation of chirp with DDS and error analysis

  7. 并利用双目交汇测量方法得出了双CCD仿人眼颈系统立体视觉测距方程,并进行了误差分析。

    Using binocular intersection measuring method , its solid vision measuring equations are worked out and these error factors are analyzed .

  8. Navier-Stokes方程流函数形式两重网格算法的误差分析

    Two-Grid Error Estimates for the Stream Function Form of Navier - Stokes Equations

  9. 用NOAA/AVHRR探测地表反射率和NDVI的订正及误差分析

    Corrections to noaa / avhrr reflectance and NDVI and their error analysis

  10. InSAR相位解缠算法比较及误差分析

    Comparison of InSAR Phase Unwrapping Algorithms and Error Analysis

  11. MEK血球计数仪检测误差分析

    Analysis of the examination error of MEK - 8613k blood cell counter

  12. HTG系统液位测量误差分析与修正

    Error analysis and correction in level measurement of HTG system

  13. IGS精密星历的误差分析

    Error analysis of IGS Precise Ephemeris

  14. 中国DMC小卫星在轨测试技术研究卫星通信有效载荷在轨测试误差分析

    A Research on the Technology of On-Orbit Calibration and Validation of China DMC Microsatellite ; Measurement Error Analysis for In-Orbit Test of Satellite Communication Payloads

  15. 共轴波导-同轴转接器的研制及用于大3cm波导功率测量时的误差分析

    Development of Waveguide-Coaxial Adaptor with a Common Axis and Error Analysis in Large 3-cm Waveguide Power Measurement

  16. 加工及装配误差分析表明这种结构的Interleaver完全可以满足ITU-T100GHz波长间隔的解复用。

    The analysis of assembling tolerance shows that this kind of interleaver can meet the requirement of de multiplexing of ITU T 100 GHz grid .

  17. 涡流检测中X-R正交分解器的实现及误差分析

    Implementation and error analysis of X-R orthogonal decomposer for eddy current testing

  18. 干涉式光纤陀螺系统Serrodyne调制误差分析

    Serrodyne Modulation Error Analysis of Interferometric Fiber Optic Gyro

  19. 用YY-10型交直流比较仪测量交流功率时的误差分析

    Error Analysis for Measuring AC Power with YY-10 AC / DC Comparator

  20. 现场测定环节影响K1测定值的真实性;建立了K1值测定的误差分析和仪器漏气判别依据;

    The on-the-spot measuring links have influence on the truthfulness of the measured K1 value , for this reason , a judgement basis is set up for the error analysis of the measured K1 value and the gas leakage of apparatus .

  21. 弯管流量计在高温工作环境下的误差分析

    The Error Analysis of Elbow Flowmeter in High Temperature Running Environment

  22. IC卡水表误差分析及自动标定技术研究

    Error Analysis and Automatic Demarcating Technique Study of IC Card Watermeter

  23. 差分吸收光谱技术监测气溶胶消光系数的误差分析

    Determination of the Error of Aerosol Extinction Coefficient Measured by DOAS

  24. 低频噪声谱自动测量系统及测量误差分析

    An Automatic Noise Spectral Density Measurement System and Measurement Errors Analysis

  25. 霍耳元件测螺线管磁场分布实验误差分析

    Error Analysis of Measuring Solenoid 's Magnetic Field by Hall Effect

  26. 热电偶测温系统的误差分析与处理

    Error Analyzing and Dealing in the Thermal Couple Temperature Measuring System

  27. 信号电机自动测试系统原理及误差分析

    Principle and Error Analysis of Automatic Test System for Signal Motor

  28. 离散纵标方法诸格式的误差分析

    Error analysis of some difference schemes for solving discrete ordinates equations

  29. 飞行器归算误差分析及解决方案设计

    Analysis of reductive - calculation error of aerocraft and the solution

  30. 钻井船结构应力实测中的误差分析与处理方法

    Analysis and Handling of Errors During Stress Measurement of Drilling Platform