
shì suàn biǎo
  • trial balance;trial table
试算表[shì suàn biǎo]
  1. 试算表尽管有其局限性,但仍然是种有用的会计工具。

    The trial balance is a useful accounting device despite its limitations .

  2. 试算表能证明分类账帐户的借方余额和贷方余额是否相等。

    The trial balance can prove the equality of debit and credit balances in the ledger accounts .

  3. 试算表:编制会计报表或财务计算的电脑程式。

    Spreadsheet : A software package designed to perform financial calculations .

  4. 致使试算表不平衡的错误是很容易犯的。

    Errors are easily made that prevent the trial balance from balancing .

  5. 在屏幕上有个Visicalc试算表

    And there was a spreadsheet on the screen Visicalc ,

  6. 三种资讯可以被储存在一个试算表的单位格子中。

    Three kinds of information can be stored in a spreadsheet cell .

  7. 试算表可以使财务报表的编制更加容易。

    The trial balance can make the preparation of financial statements easier .

  8. 过账前会计科目结算及试算表预览。

    Account balance trial balance preview before posting .

  9. 新的公式列表显示,让试算表中的每项计算一目了然;

    The new Formula List view shows you every calculation on your spreadsheet at once .

  10. 我知道大部分文字处理,简报,试算表程序。

    Yes , I know most of the word processing . presentation , spreadsheet program .

  11. 编制调整后试算表是会计循环中非常有用的一个环节。

    The preparation of the adjusted trial balance is a very useful step in the accounting cycle .

  12. 用试算表校验应付系统里的应付账款是否与子帐中的数额相等。

    Use this report to verify that total accounts payable liabilities in Payables equal those in the subledger .

  13. 电子试算表套件,可用于最终用户作为一种工具来制定方法,分析资料。

    Electronic spreadsheet packages can be used by end users as a tool to develop ways to analyze information .

  14. 面向对象的计算-是一个试算表应用程式,您可以使用来计算,分析和管理您的数据。

    OO Calc-is a spreadsheet application that you can use to calculate , analyze , and manage your data .

  15. 试算表不能证明经济业务已被正确地记入适当的账户。

    The preparation of a trial balance can not prove that transactions have been correctly recorded in the proper accounts .

  16. 尽管集成了数据和有了功能强大的工具,大多数商业分析仍然是由当地的数据加载到简单的试算表。

    Despite integrated data and powerful tools , most business analysis is performed by loading local data into simple spreadsheets .

  17. 指派的作业请参考本课程使用的教科书中所附加的各种试算表和资料库档案。

    The assignments refer to various spreadsheet and database files that are based upon the contents of the textbooks used in the course .

  18. 我们需要一份配管材料表(管架一览表、焊条明细表)。明细帐科目余额试算表

    421 We need a piping material list ( list of piping support , bill of welding rod ) . trial balance of subsidiary ledger

  19. 而我所有的努力-我的晚餐安排,我的睡衣轮换制,我的排便情况试算表&现在我算明白了,我一直在浪费时间。

    But for all my efforts like the dinner schedule , the pajama rotation , my bowel movement spreadsheet its clear now , Im wasting my time .

  20. 检查数据导入时缺少维度值,试算表借记卡或信用卡,和公司间的活动已标记为内部和外部贸易。

    Checks during data importing for missing dimension values , trial balance debit or credit , and intercompany activity that has been tagged for internal and external trading .

  21. 调整分录过账后,就可以编制调整后试算表,以检查所有分类账账户的借方余额和贷方余额总计是否相等。

    After the adjusting entries have been posted , an adjusted trial balance can be made to test the equality of total debit and total credit balance of all ledger accounts .

  22. 本文论述集成电路的DC/DC转换器设计中如何合理地选择控制器、利用试算表和设计公式进行计算、选择元器件、元器件布置和接地、各项指标的验证。

    This paper discusses how to reasonably choose controller , use trial tablet and design equation to calculate , choose component , arrange component , make earthing and confirmation of the relative indications .

  23. 试算表只是会计师的一种工作底搞,不需向任何人公布,但它是检查分类账所有帐户的借贷金额是否相等的有力工具。

    The trial is only a working paper of the accountant , not intended for distribution to others , but it 's a strong tool to see whether the debit and credit balance of all the accounts are equal .

  24. 学习并理解有关开具发票、收款和付款、记录收入和支出、编制分类帐帐户以及编制初期试算表的会计系统和流程的操作知识。

    To develop knowledge and understanding of the operational aspects of maintaining accounting systems and procedures relating to invoicing , receipts and payments , recording income and expenditure , the preparation of ledger accounts , and the preparation of an initial trial balance .

  25. 未调整的试算平衡表和调整后的试算平衡表已经讨论过。

    A third trial balance usually is taken after the closing entries have been posted .

  26. 财务报表及试算平衡表;

    Financial Statements and Trial Balance ;

  27. 编制试算平衡表的目的是验证记录的准确性,以及为编制财务报表做好准备。

    It is prepared at the close of an accounting period after transactions have been recorded .

  28. 试算平衡表多数不平衡的情形都可以通过计算试算平衡表中借贷方合计的差额而被发现。

    Many out-of-balance conditions can be detected by computing the difference between total debits and total credits on the trial balance .

  29. 编制月度试算平衡表;编制月度利润表、负债表及现金流量表;

    Prepare the trial balance on a monthly basis ; prepare the income statement and balance sheet , cash flow statement ;

  30. 试算平衡表是列示所有帐户余额,且按资产、负债和所有者权益顺序列示会计资料。

    A trial balance is a list of all accounts with their balances-as-sets first , followed by liabilities and then owner 's equity .