
yì yīn
  • transliteration
译音 [yì yīn]
  • [transliteration] 将某种语言的词用另外一种语言与其发音相同或近似的词的音调表达,如tank译成坦克

译音[yì yīn]
  1. 通过查阅古籍和对泰国的泰族语言分析、比较,可以认定,车里是傣泰语言中“佛塔”的译音。

    This paper , based on textual research and the analysis of the Thai language , concludes that Cheli is the transliteration of the word Buddhist pagoda in the Thai language .

  2. “我能比呀”虽系译音,亦含有重大意义,盖所示吾人均能参加比赛,但凡事皆须要决心毅勇,便能与人竞争。

    " I can than ah ," but of transliteration , also contain significant , as shown I can be covered in the competition whenever Shijie to resolve Bravery , and will be able to compete .

  3. 日本学者的汉梵对音译音研究

    Study on Sino-Sanskrit Phonetic Contrast and Transliteration by Japanese Scholars

  4. 搏克(蒙古语的译音,即蒙古式摔跤)是蒙古族传统体育的主要项目。

    Burk-Mongolian wrestling-is one of the main events in Mongolian traditional sports .

  5. 浅谈汉语音译外来词的译音规范

    On Standard Chinese Transliteration of Foreign Proper Names

  6. 籍贯广东的洪英(译音)是中国众所周知最长寿的老人。

    Hong Ying , who comes from Guangdong , is known as the oldest person in China .

  7. 黎语地名汉字译音规则汉英名词习惯用法与汉译英的准确性

    Contrastive Study of Noun Usage Between Chinese and English and the Accuracy in Translation from Chinese into English

  8. 田志希原名田敏惠(译音),现在代表韩国打球,今年才开始在职业巡回赛上亮相。

    Formerly Tian Minwei , Jeon Ji Hee now plays in Korean colours and is in her first year on the ITTF Pro Tour .

  9. “新韩投资公司”的股票分析家沈载晔(译音)表示,对全球经济的忧虑促成了股票和韩元的大量抛售。

    Shim Jae-yob , an equities strategist at the securities brokerage firm Shinhan Investment , says global economic concerns prompted the stocks and currency sell-offs .

  10. 汉字不仅表音而且表义,这要求外来商标词的汉译者不但要关注译音是否和谐上口,而且要充分注意汉译后的商标词可能引发的语义联想。

    So it requires the translator pays attention to the pronunciation and the possible meaning association when the foreign brand word was translated into Chinese .

  11. 韩国大田家庭法院协议离婚受理室的法官柳在博(译音)告诉记者,“许多夫妇周末发生口角,星期一就愤怒地赶过来要求离婚”。

    " Too many angry couples come to court for a divorce after an argument erupted over the weekend ," Judge Yoo Jae-bok of the Taejon Family Court told Reuters .

  12. 而对满语转写、汉满对音译音资料与汉语语音研究,以及汉满对音译音资料对汉语语音研究的影响,应该拓展其研究空间。

    The paper argues that the research domain should be broadened to the Chinese-Manchu transliteration and relevant materials , its relationship with and impact on the study of Chinese historical phonology .

  13. 在中国人填写的表格中,有一项是籍贯,你知道是什么意思吗?籍贯广东的洪英(译音)是大陆众所周知最长寿的老人。

    Do you know what " native place " - one of items of a Chinese form-mean ? Hong Ying , who comes from Guangdong , is known as the oldest person in China .

  14. 英美人名的汉译不仅牵涉到译音的准确度问题,还关涉到两种文化各自的特质以及作为文化体现者的语言特性。

    Chinese transliteration of people 's English names not only concerns the accuracy of sound between the source and target languages , but also has much to do with the cultural specificity and the characteristics of the respective languages .

  15. 总部设在首尔的“被绑架者与北韩难民人权市民联盟”负责人陶熙尹(译音)表示,韩国不需要急于向北韩提供粮食援助。

    Do Hee-youn is president of the Seoul-based Citizen 's Coalition for Human Rights of Abductees and North Korean Refugees . He says South Korea does not need to be in a hurry to provide the North with food aid .

  16. 通过比较,我们分析了《东国正韵》译音体系的自身特征,明确了译音系统的时代和所根据的汉语方言,认清了其在中古音韵史上的价值。

    By comparison , we analysed on the own features of the transliteration phonetic system in " the East rhyme ", and we also knew the times of the transliteration phonetic system and the basic Chinese dialects . Besides , we recognized its value in the Middle age phonological history .