- 名satire

Is this crime fiction , a celebrity tell-all , juicy satire or all of the above ?
The Romans borrowed freely from the Greeks but excelled in different fields - engineering , architecture , satire , and ethics ( the Stoic tradition peaked in Rome , a little later , with the writings of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius ) .
But reality is not so far removed from satire .
The satire touches with finespun ridicule every kind of human pretense .
Cutting remarks ; edged satire ; a stinging comment .
Satire in Literature and Art Front Developing Literary Aesthetics
What role is there for satire when real business leaders are beyond far-fetched ?
In such circumstances , cartoons and satirical accounts of somber political events redress .
With succinct language and excellent characterization , it is a masterpiece of classical satirical literature of China .
scrambles familiar objects into incongruous juxtaposition , and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude .
Nevertheless , in the perpetual flow of Chinese modern humorous satire literature , there once raised two radiant novases .
This thesis analyzes several famous literary works from the following aspects as linguistic and rhetoric in order to understand the theme of those writers .
The writer about the indirect expression way in works in iron rule , and it is also certainly result ironic literature 's development in China .
Joseph Heller is one of the most important novelists and representative writers of black humor in America in the second half of the twentieth century .
By analyzing the text including new hero legend , problem novel , family literature and ironic literature , the paper measured the literary value with four dimensions .
In the introduction , the writing covers how American black humor distinguishes from that in early twentieth century France , which is associated with existentialism and satire .
Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness , its originality of perspective.Satire rarely offers original ideas.Instead , it presents the familiar in a new form .
On english humorous satirical works
I fear she has branched into literary criticism by means of satire
This paper also examines modern Chinese satirical and humorous novels from the perspective of world satire and humor , and reveals their national and epochal characteristics , historical limitations and the reason for these , thus providing a reference for the further development of contemporary satirical and humorous novels .
Factors such as unreal of satirical feeling made it ineffective influence in literary history .
However , although the satire novels , Zhang Tianyi 's main writing achievement had been attached much importance and been discussed , it need to be all-sidedly and systematically researched by Jhe point of view of satirizing literature .