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  1. 许由连整个天下都不要,而这个人却怕许由偷他的帽子,真是不理解许由的品德啊!

    Xu You even declined the crown while the man was afraid that he might steal his hat . Certainly the man did not know Xu You 's character .

  2. 意而子听许由这么说,顿时觉得尴尬而不知所措。

    Hearing what Xu You said , he suddenly felt embarrassed and at a loss .

  3. 难道如许由者,他们会舍弃道,而就那些世人推崇的仁、孝吗?

    Could those people , such as Xu You , desert Tao to accept the benevolence and filial piety that are canonized by the common people ?

  4. 尧要将帝王之位让给善卷、许由,他们却辞而不受,也是从自己修养的立场考量,怕这些俗事,打扰他们沉稳,安宁,祥和的心境。

    They considered it in the standpoint of his culture and they were afraid that worldly affairs would disturb their mind of soundness , tranquility and peace .

  5. 联系整部《庄子》,可以看出在书中尧并不是作为仁德之君来刻画,许由的形象也不仅是“圣人无名”的注解。

    Reviewing the whole book Chuang Tzu , we can see Yao is not regarded as a kind emperor , and the character Xuyou is not only an explanation of " Saint is nameless " .

  6. 他从来没有想过忠孝仁爱信义等根深柢固的教条,在许由眼里居然是一种负担,一种妨碍自由的绊脚石。

    He never thought that in Xu You 's eyes , the deep-rooted creeds , such as loyalty , filial piety , benevolence , love , credit , righteousness are a kind of burden , and a stumbling stone to the freedom .

  7. 陶渊明、张翰、范蠢、巢父、许由这些历史人物,仇远用来表示归隐之思。在对历史人物和事件的描述上有一定的创新和发挥。

    Historical figures such as Tao Yuanming , Zhang Han , Fan Li , Chao Fu and Xu You were included to embody his intension of retiring from political life . Moreover , it is desired to be original in the portrayal of historical figures and events .