
jì zhànɡ pínɡ zhènɡ
  • Bookkeeping voucher;recording voucher;bookkeeping/accounting vouchers
  1. 文章通过分析ERP系统中自动生成记账凭证的实现过程,指出ERP系统自动生成记账凭证的模式不能彻底解决记账凭证编制的职业判断智能化问题,也就无法彻底实现记账凭证的智能化自动生成。

    Through analyzing the implementation process of accounting voucher in the ERP , The article pointed out that the ERP can not work out the intelligent occupation judgment in automatic generation of the accounting voucher thoroughly .

  2. 负责管理记账凭证的制单和复核工作。

    Be responsible for managing accounting voucher making and verifying .

  3. 谈记账凭证录入的基本要求

    Basic requirement of evidence logging for keeping account

  4. 四是记账凭证类型最好只设一种通用格式。

    Four record the account certificate best of the type to establish an in general use format .

  5. 根据原始发票登记记账凭证和总帐和明细账!这就是上帐!

    Register proof of charge to an account and general ledger and detail Zhang according to original bill ! This is keep books !

  6. 填制记账凭证是电算化后日常会计核算中最频繁、工作量最大的一项工作。

    Document preparation is one piece of the most frequent and heavies t work in the daily accounting and bookkeeping after being computerized .

  7. 比如:用计算机实现由原始凭证做记账凭证,实现会计系证自动生成。

    For example : the realization of keeping accounting document from original bill by using computer , the automatic formation system of the active accounting voucher .

  8. 账单算错了,我们得叫服务员核实一下。负责管理记账凭证的制单和复核工作。

    " The bill is wrong , and we have to ask the waiter to cheek it . " Be responsible for managing accounting voucher making and verifying .

  9. 原始凭证生成记账凭证一般都是有滞后性的,比如我们要先取得发票才能去报销。

    Primitive proof creates evidence of charge to an account have lag sex commonly , for instance we should obtain bill ability to submit an expense account first .

  10. 凭单制在政府服务流动人口孕产妇中的运用取消记账凭证,采用应付凭单制等控制方法;

    Simply Analyzing the Application of the Voucher in the Governmental Serves for Pregnant Women of Floating Population I suppose a group of journals and the Voucher System are the optimum choice .

  11. 在账务管理系统中,为方便操作,并确保业务数据和账务数据完全一致,将系统中的记账凭证按照其生成方式的不同被分为手工凭证和机制凭证。

    In order to conveniently operate and make sure that the business data and billing data completely consistent , accounting vouchers are divided into manual vouchers and mechanism vouchers according to different way of its formation in the financial management system .

  12. 现金、银行存款日记账,应根据收、付款记账凭证,随时按照业务发生顺序逐笔登记,每日终了应结出余额。

    Journal of cash , bank deposit , should the basis closes , pay proof of charge to an account , chase a pen to register orderly according to business happening at any time , daily cease should written guarantee a remaining sum .

  13. 可以根据公司产品特点设置几个大的类别或型号,做收入和结转生产成本、销售成本时后面付产品明细表,凭此做记账凭证。

    Can set a few large categories or model according to company product characteristic , when making income and cost of carry forward production , sale cost from the back pay a product list , do certificate of charge to an account by this .

  14. 目前该项研究已经初具规模,实现了固定资产大部分业务记账凭证的自动生成,但是限于时间、精力、知识水平等,该核算系统仍存在一些问题,仍需要不断地完善。

    Now the research study is in its effectiveness , and could realize most business about fixed assets . But limit to the time , energy , and knowledge , there still exist some problem in our study , and it still need to constantly improve .

  15. 又称科目汇总表核算形式,根据记账凭证定期汇总编制记账凭证汇总表,并据以登记总分类账的会计核算形式。

    Call business accounting of course summary table the form again , collect summary table of proof of total staff charge to an account regularly according to proof of charge to an account , seize the form of accountant business accounting that always classifies Zhang with registering .

  16. 发电企业费用报销需要变革传统财务报销模式,围绕财务审核流程,完成借款填写、报销填写、领导审批、预算控制、财务审批、银行支付、自动生成记账凭证的网络化流程管理。

    Reimbursement of power generation enterprise needs to change the traditional reimbursement model , around financial audit process , complete the network process management of loan application , reimbursement fill-in , leadership approval , budget control , financial approval , bank payment , automatic generation of accounting documents .

  17. 我的岗位职责是记账、凭证编制以及归档。

    In this position , I was responsible for bookkeeping , vouchers preparation and filings .

  18. 工作职责:-处理会计日常事务,包括记账、凭证编制以及归档。

    Job Responsibilities : - Handle daily accounting issues including bookkeeping , vouchers preparation and filings .