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rànɡ xián
  • yield one's position to sb. more qualified
让贤 [ràng xián]
  • [retire and give room to better men] 让位给贤能的人

  • 退位让贤

  1. 你是说如果你不让贤,我就没有机会?

    Like if you didn 't I wouldn 't have a shot ?

  2. 我要让贤在爱上我。

    I 'm going to make hyeonjae love me .

  3. 委员会要求凯西先生让贤。

    The Committee asked Mr Casey to step aside .

  4. 名匾「记首世家」、「至德」让贤美德千年不朽。

    The famous tablets tell the stories of the family passed on for thousand years .

  5. 面对这个现实,我认为退位让贤对本公司最为有。

    Faced with this reality , I think that my resignation would be in the best interests of the company .