
  • 网络Let Love Free;Moonlight Mile;Free Yourself;Schwerelos
  1. 不爱的时候,让爱自由。

    Does not love , let love of freedom .

  2. 历史只有一个,真相只有一个,你骗不了任何人,把你的心灵之窗打开吧,让爱和光明自由飞翔。

    A history of only one , the truth is only one , you can not fool anyone , put your mind to open the window , and let love and light free-flying .

  3. 我想念你的拥抱。你用臂膀静静地拥我入怀,让爱在我们之间自由而无声地流淌。

    I missed you embrace ; the loving arms that hold me still and let the love flow freely and silently between us .