
  • 网络Measuring Instrument;Measuring Tool
  1. VaR是当前国际主流的市场风险计量工具。

    VaR is a popular market risks measuring instrument in the world .

  2. 如:缺乏科学计量工具统计词汇的能力,以至没有对超纲词和复现率进行科学统计,也未能将报刊阅读课程词汇大纲与两本报刊教材中的词汇进行计量比较。

    Such as : lack of scientific measuring tool to statistic vocabulary , my statistic does not include the outline word and repetition rate I can also not compare the outline with the vocabulary of the two newspaper teaching material .

  3. 风险管理的核心是对风险的定量计算,即风险度量。VaR方法作为金融风险的计量工具已得到金融界的广泛认可。

    T The core of financial risk management is to measure the risk quantitatively .

  4. 其次在综述文献的基础上提出了三个研究假设,并借鉴前人的经验选取了logistic回归模型作为计量工具,而且详细介绍了所选变量。

    Secondly it puts forward three research hypotheses and chose logistic regression model as measurement tools , and introduces in detail the selected variables .

  5. 本文分析了直接与间接两种效应,并分别运用计量工具进行了实证分析。

    It uses the empirical method to analyze both the direct and the indirect effect .

  6. 在社会科学研究与社会科学评价研究里,网络给研究者提供了更便利的计量工具,也促成了更准确、客观的计量方法。

    The network provides researchers with a still more convenient metrical instrument for social science research and evaluation research .

  7. 本章包括变量说明、样本数据选择与计量工具以及实证研究模型三个部分。

    This chapter includes variable description , sample data choice , measuring tools and the three parts of empirical research model .

  8. 工序说明列出了要求使用的工具、符合刻度要求的计量工具、设立的工作要求、切换工具和清除间隔吗?

    Do the process instructions list required tools and gauges with calibration requirements , job set up , tool change and cleaning intervals ?

  9. 在原油贸易交接过程中,流量计为主要计量工具,就动态计量中流量计系数的确定及如何运用该系数计算油量进行了分析。

    This paper describes the determination of flowmeter factor and how to calculate the metering volume of oil with the factor in dynamic custody transfer metering .

  10. 实际情况中,液货船不仅承担着运输重任,在液货交接时,其液货舱更是成为了重要的计量工具。

    In reality , liquid cargo ships are not only bear the transport task , its cargo tanks but also become an important measurement tool in the transfer of liquid cargo .

  11. 科学工作者将会告诉我们如何制作浮沉子计,一种以法国科学家笛卡尔的名字命名的计量工具。笛卡尔还是法国的计量学家和哲学家。

    The science boffins are going to show us how to make a Cartesian diver . It is named after Rene Descartes , a famous French scientist , mathematician , and philosopher .

  12. 1994年开始的汇率制度改革(下简称汇改)使得人民币汇率由传统会计计量工具向市场化价格变量的方向转变。

    Exchange rate system reform started in1994 ( hereinafter referred as the exchange rate reform ), transformed RMB exchange rate from traditional accounting measurement tool to the direction of the market price variable .

  13. 在本文实证分析中,采取的是大量的数据及图表分析,并结合计量工具进行分析,但总体上由于对计量理论掌握的深度不够,仍然存在许多不足之处。

    In the empirical analysis , although it take large amounts of data and charts , combined with the measurement tools to analyze , in general , the depth of measurement theory is not enough , there are still a lot of inadequacies .

  14. 目前我国正在大力提倡节能降耗,这就需要精度较高的资源和能源计量工具,超声波流量计作为一种精度较高的流体计量工具将在节能降耗方面发挥巨大作用。

    At present , the government is vigorously promoting energy conservation and emission reduction , which requires high precision tools to measure the resources and energy . The ultrasonic flow meter as a high precision fluid measurement tool will play a major role in this activity .

  15. 本文在CES效用函数理论模型的基础上,使用中国经验数据和计量分析工具,实证考察了历次消费税政策变动对应税消费品的消费影响。

    Based on the theoretical model of CES utility function , this paper used the experience data and metrological tools , and empirically investigated the consumption effect on the taxable goods , with the changing of excise .

  16. 本文尝试运用数理和计量经济学工具,对有关的理论和实际问题进行有益的探索。

    The author tries to do some investigation and study on the above problems using mathematical and econometrics approaches .

  17. 我确定这适用于任何的计量器工具,如果它部分地正确,而且一习惯于它。

    I 'm sure this applies to any metering instrument if it is halfway accurate and one gets used to it .

  18. 经济学是实证的导向:它使用统计和计量分析工具来测试对经济数据的理论预测。

    Economics is empirically oriented : it uses the tools of statistical and econometric analysis to test theoretical predictions against economic data .

  19. IC卡预支费电能表作为一种新奇的电能计量收费工具正越来越受到电力部分的欢迎。

    IC card prepaid power meter as a novel tool for energy metering and charging is increasingly being welcomed by the electric power sector .

  20. 协整理论是20世纪80年代由格兰杰等人发展起来的计量经济学工具,但是2003年之前在中国学术界的应用并不广泛。

    Cointegration theory was developed as an econometric tool by Granger and others in the 1980s , but in China it was not applied widely before 2003 .

  21. 近年来,热量表作为热量计量的工具,不仅已被用户广泛接受,而且能明显起到节能的作用。

    Recently , the heat meter as a tool for measuring the heat , not only has been widely accepted by users , but also clearly plays an important role in energy conservation .

  22. 采用新的计量分析工具来研究不完备市场中的套期保值,以及带摩擦的金融市场中的套期保值,将会成为现代套期保值理论新的理论领域。

    To do researches in inflation proof of hedge ration in the incomplete market by means of new calculation analysis and that in financial market with " friction " will become the new theory in modern hedge ratio theory .

  23. 然后运用计量经济学工具,用我国上市公司的数据对假设进行检验,得出我国上市公司在现阶段下控制权对公司绩效的影响。

    Then using econometric tool and the data of Chinese listed companies , we test the hypothesis , the result shown that at this stage of Chinese listed companies ' control right have impact on corporate performance at this stage .

  24. 其次,论文在实证分析中,运用了不少经验数据和数量指标,但所使用的计量分析工具还不够先进和丰富,在一定程度上可能会影响到分析的精准性。

    Secondly , in the empirical analysis of the paper , a lot of empirical data and quantity indexes are applied . However , measurement and analysis tools used are not advanced and abundant enough , which may affect analysis accuracy to some degree .

  25. 在研究分析过程中,本文采用规范分析与实证分析结合的方法,应用西方经济学、信息博弈论等理论相关原理,使用计量经济学工具和统计分析工具,对主要研究对象进行分析。

    This paper analyzed the main research objects of every part by relevant econometric tools and statistical analysis tools , combining normative analysis and empirical analysis , applying related principles of western economics , agricultural economics , technology economics , public economics , information theory .

  26. 同时,运用SPSS17.0和Amos17.0等计量统计工具进行数据分析,构建了三种非R&D活动与创新绩效的之间的结构方程模型,通过模型要素之间的路径关系进行了假设检验。

    At the same time , statistics tools such as SPSS 17.0 and Amos 17.0 were used to analyze the data , construct the structural equation model of three kinds of non-R & D activities and innovation performance , and verify the proposed hypotheses through paths relationship of model elements .

  27. 另外,以公允价值计量衍生金融工具,必然导致未实现损益的出现,而未实现损益的处理和公允价值的确定有可能助长利润操纵的行为。

    If financial derivative tools is measured by fair value , which certainly cause unrealized gains or losses that probably encourage profit manipulation .

  28. 我国对于公允价值的研究起步比较晚,而却大多集中在公允价值计量对金融工具的影响,很少有关注怎样提高公允价值的可靠性问题。

    Most of the study focuses on the impact of financial instruments , and few concerns how to improve the reliability of the fair value .

  29. 为保持信息质量的有用性,各准则制定机构都把以公允价值计量所有衍生金融工具作为目标。

    To keep the information 's quality , all the standard-making institutions try to measure all the derivatives by fair value .

  30. 然后运用计量经济学的有关工具,实证检验了纽约商业期货交易所天然气期货市场的基本功能和其他的衍生功能。

    Then using some econometrics tools and through some concrete evidence , the author tested the basic functions and derivative functions of futures market of natural gas in New York Mercantile Exchange .