
  • 网络Computer Systems Integration
  1. 基于ERP和工业监控的计算机系统集成研究

    Study on the Computer System Integration That on the Basis of ERP and Industry Control

  2. 实施化学矿山CIMS应用工程,要通过计算机系统集成取得效益,对生产过程进行适度计算机控制,强调人的作用。

    The chemical mines can implement successfully the CIMS project only by integrating computer systems , appropriately computer controlling their production and attaching importance to man 's functions .

  3. 它为异构计算机系统集成提供了可行的解决方案。

    It provides a practicable scheme for heterogeneous computer system integration .

  4. 证券公司集中交易模式下的计算机系统集成设计

    The Computer System Integration Design of Concentrated Trading Patterns of Securities Firms

  5. 上海申模计算机系统集成有限公司。

    Shanghai Shen Me Computer System Integration Co. , Ltd.

  6. 他说他以前在中国是搞计算机系统集成的。

    He told me that he had worked in the area of computer system integration .

  7. 在过去,要将整个供应链中的计算机系统集成起来,需要每个参与方都采用相同的计算平台或集成解决方案。

    In past , it was required that every partners adopted the same of compute platform or integration schema if we would integrate computer systems on the whole supply chain .

  8. 过程控制系统逐渐从封闭式向开放式转变,中间软件技术在过程控制计算机系统集成开发中作用重大。

    Process control system is changing gradually from a closed to an open system and the middleware technology is now playing an important role in the integration of process control computer systems .

  9. 计算机系统集成是使各种计算机硬件、软件、网络、通信及人机环境,根据应用要求,依据一定的规范进行优化组合,以充分发挥各种软、硬件资源的作用,实现最佳效果。

    The computer system integration is uses kinds of computer hardware , software , network , the communication and the man-machine environment , according to the certain rule to realize the desired effect , fully exert the software and the hardware function .

  10. 基于CORBA技术的电信业务计算机管理系统集成的研究

    Study of Integration in Telecommunications Computer Manage System Based on CORBA

  11. APF在计算机系统总集成项目中的应用

    The Application of APF in the Total Integrated Computer System

  12. LE公司是一家小型民营企业,公司的主营业务是计算机网络系统集成。

    LE Company is a small private-owned enterprise . The main business of the company is net-system integration of computer .

  13. 最后对于深圳中心图书馆计算机系统总集成APF项目管理实际应用分析,包括项目范围、项目周期计划、项目实施周期、客户检查和项目后回顾等。

    Finally , it carries out a case application analysis on APF for Shenzhen Central Library System Integration , including scope of project , project period planning , project execution period , customer 's inspection as well as project post-review etc.

  14. 主控计算机系统能够集成测功机、分析仪、颗粒采样系统等设备,实现重型发动机ESC,ETC和ELR试验的数据采集,流程控制和数据处理。

    The system can integrate devices of dynamometer , emission analyzer and particulate sampling system and realize function of data acquisition , device control and data processing for heavy duty engine ESC , ETC and ELR test .

  15. 计算机控制系统集成技术在汽车综合性能检测站中的应用

    Application of Computer Control System Integration Technology in Vehicle Inspecting Station

  16. 以安全为核心的计算机信息系统集成的工程过程与过程管理

    Security Centered Engineering and Process Management for Computer Information System Integration

  17. 《计算机网络系统集成》课程实践教学方法研究

    Research on Practical Teaching Method of Computer Network System Integration Course

  18. 鞍钢国贸公司计算机网络系统集成

    Integration of Computer Network System in AISC International Trade Cooperation

  19. 计算机信息系统集成标准体系初探

    A Discussion of the Computer Information System Integration Standards Architecture

  20. 计算机测控系统集成实验装置研究

    Experiment Installation Research of computer Processing and Controlling system

  21. 计算机信息系统集成项目中如何进行范围管理

    How to Management Project Scope in IT Integrated Project

  22. 项目管理在计算机信息系统集成中的应用

    Project Management in Computer Information System Integration

  23. 计算机网络系统集成方案

    Technique for Computer Network System Integration

  24. 草甘膦合成过程模糊控制策略与计算机控制系统集成研究

    Study on Fuzzy Control Strategies for Process of Glyphosate Synthesis and the Integration of Computer Control System

  25. 把多媒体计算机系统的集成性、交互性与通信技术结合起来,就构成了网络多媒体计算机系统。

    Band the integrations , interactive , communication of multimedia computer system together compose the Networking Multimedia Computer System .

  26. 分析我国计算机信息系统集成资质认证的特点、作用和存在弊端。

    In this paper , the position and function of the qualification certification is presented and analysed in detail .

  27. 本文主要对深圳中心图书馆计算机系统总集成项目的实施管理问题进行了研究。

    This thesis has mainly had a study on the execution and management of computer system integration for Shenzhen Central Library .

  28. “你所做的一切正是将(一台计算机)系统集成在单个芯片上”他说。

    " All that you 're doing is reducing ( a computer ) system to a single chip ," he said .

  29. 对正在发展形成的无线综合监控系统、计算机监控系统集成等新概念及新的监控理论聚类融合控制等进行了分析。

    The paper also examines the new concepts of developing wireless comprehensive supervisory control system integration , and the theory of Computer Supervisory Control .

  30. 以实事求是的观点在计算机信息系统集成项目建设中推广项目管理,提高项目建设的质量,节省项目建设时间与项目建设资金。

    It generalizes the project control in the computer information system in construction with the viewpoint basing on facts , improves quality , economizes the project time and funds .