
  • 网络computer manufacturing industry
  1. 美国计算机制造业的高劳动生产率促进了制造业劳动生产率的上升,进而提升了全社会的劳动生产率;

    The high productivity of the computer manufacturing industry has contributed to the increase in productivity of the U.S. manufacturing industry , and therefore has elevated the productivity of the whole society ;

  2. 随着科技的发展,计算机制造业已经进入了以客户需求为导向的微利时代。

    With the development of technology , computer industry has entered the customer demand-driven era .

  3. 接着对装备制造业四个典型行业(电子通讯和计算机制造业、交通运输设备制造业、通用设备制造业、专用设备制造业)发展现状进行分析。

    Secondly , this article analyzes four typical industries of equipment manufacturing industry , such as Electronic and Communication Equipment Manufacturing Sector , Communications and Transportation Manufacturing sector , General Equipment Manufacturing sector , Special Equipment Manufacturing Sector .

  4. 数控/计算机辅助制造业金属加工中心机械工程计算机控制

    Numerical Control / Computer-aided Manufacturing Metalworking Centre

  5. 本文的研究方向是计算机视觉在制造业中的应用。

    The emphasis of this thesis is the mechanical application of computer vision .

  6. 生产线控制系统在计算机集成电子制造业的应用

    The Application of Product Line Control System in CIM

  7. 随着计算机技术在制造业中的广泛应用,作为计算机辅助设计和制造(CAD/CAM)技术的重要组成部分,数控加工仿真技术成为了现代制造业技术中缩短生产周期和提高生产效率的重要环节之一。

    With the wide application of computer technology in manufacturing , numerical control ( NC ) machining simulation technique , which is an important component of Computer-Aided Design ( CAD ) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing ( CAM ), has been the key approach to shorten production cycle and improve production efficiency .

  8. 根据OECD的规定,高技术产业主要包括航天航空器制造业、电子及通信设备制造业、电子计算机及办公设备制造业、医药制造业和医疗设备、仪器仪表制造业等行业。

    According to the regulations of OECD , high-technology industries include the industry of aerospace and aircraft , electronics and communication equipments , computers and office equipments , medicine and medical equipments and instruments .

  9. 分行业来看,电子及通信设备制造业以及电子计算机及办公设备制造业对高技术产业聚集的影响最大;

    The electronic and telecommunication equipment , computer and office equipment in Guangdong develop best .

  10. 如何利用现代科学技术尤其是计算机等技术进行制造业生产控制,是我国学者近年来研究的热点。

    Recent years , researchers in China focus on the production control and management technology for manufacturing with modern science especially the computer technology .

  11. 随着计算机技术和制造装备业的发展,计算机辅助制造作为现代制造技术的重要工具,已经成为衡量国家制造业核心竞争力的重要标志。

    With the development of computer technology and manufacturing equipment industry , CAM ( Computer Aided Manufacturing ) as an important tool of modern manufacturing technology , has become a symbol of national core-competitiveness of manufacturing industry .

  12. 商务部官员高尚德对今年前十个月外国资本流入模式进行了分析,表示在通讯、计算机、办公用品制造业等行业有了一定的增长。

    Gao Shangde , an official with the Ministry of Commerce , analyzed the pattern of foreign capital inflow in the first ten months of this year , saying that growth has been seen in industries such as telecommunications , computers , and office equipment manufacturing .

  13. 人造卫星中的计算机控制数控/计算机辅助制造业金属加工中心

    The computer control in man-made satellite . Numerical Control / Computer-aided Manufacturing Metalworking Centre

  14. 计算机辅助装配系统设计是计算机应用于制造业的重要技术之一,在实际工作中具有非常重要的意义。

    Computer Aided Assembly Planning plays on important part in the computer aided manufacture field .