
  • 网络computing platform;Trusted Computing Platform Alliance
  1. Web服务使得web向着一个基于Internet的计算平台发展。

    Web services make Web develop towards a computing platform based on Internet .

  2. 网格是下一代的Internet上的计算平台。

    Grid is the next-generation Internet Computing platform .

  3. 基于Web的化学计算平台有效的解决了这些问题。

    Web based Chemometrics remote calculation platform gives the elegant solution .

  4. Web服务正在成为一种基于标准技术的计算平台,能够支持构建松散耦合的广域分布式系统。

    Web Service is becoming a standard-based computing platform and supports construction of loosely coupled wide-area distributed systems .

  5. 本文设计和实现了远程计算平台Web网站与主控服务器之间通信和交互的应用层通信协议。

    The application layer protocol for the communication of the website and the control unit is designed and implemented .

  6. 基于PC机群的有限元并行计算平台的搭建

    Setup of Finite Element Parallel Calculation Platform Based on a Group of PCs

  7. 基于Linux下的高性能符号计算平台的实现

    The Implementation of High Performance Symbolic Computation on Linux

  8. SAR成像处理在高性能计算平台上的性能分析和优化

    Performance Analysis and Optimization of SAR Imaging on HPC Platforms

  9. 论文首先介绍了J2EE计算平台和J2EE技术;

    First the paper introduced the computer platform and technology of the J2EE .

  10. 基于MatlabGUI电路计算平台的设计

    Design of Circuit Calculator Based on MATLAB GUI

  11. Web服务(WebServices)作为一种新兴的与操作系统无关、开发语言无关的分布式计算平台,正受到越来越广泛的关注和实际应用。

    As a newly emerged OS-independent and language independent distributed computing platform , Web services has received more and more concerns and commercial deployment .

  12. 给出了一个应用SOAP安全传输机制实现的网格计算平台实例。

    A grid security computing platform is given as an instance of SOAP application .

  13. 基于Socket光子追踪分布式计算平台设计

    Design of Distributed Computing Platform for forward ray tracing based on Socket

  14. B.研究和分析了用于化学远程计算平台的基于B/S体系结构。

    B. A B / S structure for " Chemometrics remote calculation platform " is researched and analyzed .

  15. 因此Sun公司提出的J2EE平台能很好的满足神经网络计算平台的架构。

    From this point , we find that the J2EE platform provided by SUN company fits very well .

  16. CFD并行计算平台的搭建与性能分析

    Constructing and Capability Analysis of CFD Parallel Computing Environment

  17. 当今,SUN公司推出的Java的分布式计算平台&J2EE标准已经得到了广泛的认可。

    Nowadays , Sun corporation 's distributed computing platform of java & J2EE standard has already been approved by the extensive one .

  18. NET是Microsoft发布的下一代计算平台,由开发工具、服务器、WebServices、智能终端及.NET用户体验等组成。

    NET is the next generation computing platform founded by Microsoft Corporation , consist of developer tools , Web services , servers , smart clients , and .

  19. 搭建了并行计算平台,并利用商用CFD软件对该平台的基本工作性能进行了测试。

    A parallel computation platform was built and its fundamental working performances were tested by commercial CFD software .

  20. 你可以在你的桌面上运行VisualStudio(或者其他开发环境),而在亚马逊的云计算平台上运行最终代码。

    You can run Visual Studio ( or another development environment ) on your desktop and run the finished code in the Amazon cloud .

  21. 本文以MATLAB6.5为计算平台,采用BP神经网络结构:一个输入层、一个隐含层、一个输出层。

    The paper adopts MATLAB 6.5 as computational platform and BP neural network configuration which consists of input level , implied level and output level .

  22. Web服务就是一种企业整合的新型软件系统,能够提高不同计算平台,应用,商业参与者之间的协作,而Web服务组合技术是组合不同的服务以解决更为复杂的应用需求。

    Web Service is a new type of software system to handle EAI ( Enterprise Application Integration ) and enable improved coordination among multiple computing platforms , applications , and business partners .

  23. 本文基于这种想法,设计并实现了一个分布式计算平台,并利用该平台求解Mesh网络连通性问题。

    Based on this idea , we design and implement a distributed computing platform , and apply it to the Mesh network connectivity problem .

  24. 基于J2EE分布式计算平台,本文开发了河南省旅游网络地理信息查询系统,探讨了结合网络技术和地理信息系统技术进行专题信息发布的构造模式和实现方法;

    Based on J2EE distributed computing platform , this paper design and implement a distributed tourism resource information system for Henan province .

  25. 因此,利用ANSYS数值计算平台的二次开发进行桥梁气动稳定性能的时域分析是可行的。

    So it is feasible to conduct time domain aerodynamic stability analysis in the ANSYS program resorting to its function of secondary development .

  26. 基于多核计算平台和高速缓存感知的Haar小波变换算法

    Haar wavelet transform algorithm based on multi-core computing platform and cache-awareness

  27. Hadoop正是众多云计算平台之一,如今是Apache开源项目。

    Hadoop is one of the many cloud computing platforms and isan Apache open source project now .

  28. CORBA是OMG提出的一种面向对象的分布式计算平台。

    CORBA is an object-oriented distributed calculation platform raised by the Object Management Group ( OMG ) .

  29. 通过SOA,您可以独立于应用程序及其运行的计算平台构建、部署和集成这些组件。

    With an SOA , you can build , deploy , and integrate these components independent of applications and the computing platforms on which they run .

  30. 最后,作者通过采用J2EE企业计算平台,设计出了该系统模型的实现框架,同时做了一个实例来验证该实现框架设计的可行性。

    Finally , this thesis designs an implement framework by using J2EE platform and makes an example to verify the feasibility of this implement framework .