
jì suàn fù zá xìnɡ
  • computational complexity
  1. Packing问题的计算复杂性

    The Computational Complexity of Packing Problems

  2. TSP问题的脂肪计算复杂性与启发式算法设计

    Fat Computational Complexity and Heuristic Design for the TSP

  3. 由于计算复杂性和估计精度方面的限制,目前实用的OFDM系统的信道估计主要还是非盲估计方法。

    Considering complexity and performance , OFDM systems usually adopt non-blind estimation .

  4. 算法的计算复杂性优于全FFT实现。

    The atithmetic complexity of the algorithm is prior to the full - FFT implementation .

  5. One-Way函数在计算复杂性和密码技术中均有重要的应用。

    One Way functions play an important role in complexity theory of computation and public key cryptography .

  6. 针对某些领域应用动态时间规整(DynamicTimewarping,DTW)存在的计算复杂性问题,提出了基于路径约束的DTW算法。

    To solve computing complexity problems in some fields , dynamic time warping ( DTW ) based on path constraint is proposed .

  7. 关于TSP的计算复杂性

    The Computational Complexity of TSP

  8. 如今,随着闪存进入G容量时代,闪存必然会被使用在计算复杂性更高、任务更繁复的系统中。

    Nowadays with its pace into the times of giga volume , flash memory will surely be applied in the systems of more complex calculation and heavier workload .

  9. 同时,与已有的无可信中心的adhoc网络密钥管理方案相比,减少了通信次数和计算复杂性。

    Compared with the existing key management schemes without a trusted center for Ad hoc network , our scheme reduces the communication and computation complexities .

  10. 这种矩阵张量乘积表示式不仅揭示了各种DFT((?)2)算法之间内在联系和便于比较它们的计算复杂性,而且给出获得最小乘法次数的DFT(2(?)

    This unified expression of tensor products of matrices not only delineates the inherent relationship between various DFT ( 2 (?)

  11. 并采用BAN认证逻辑对协议的安全性进行了形式化证明,也对协议的计算复杂性进行了定性分析。

    Then the formalized security proof of the protocol using BAN authentication logic , and the qualitative analysis about its computing complexity are given .

  12. 它属于典型的组合优化问题,已被证明是NP完备的,具有较高的计算复杂性。

    It is a typical combination optimization and has been proved to be a NP-complete problem with high complexity of computation .

  13. 矩形件排样优化问题实际上是一个十分困难的问题,从数学计算复杂性理论看,它属于具有最高计算复杂性的一类问题:NP完全问题。

    Optimal layout of rectangle pieces belongs to NP-complete problem , so it is usually impossible to find its optimal solution .

  14. 一个第二类Fredholm积分方程类的计算复杂性

    The Computational Complexity for a Type of the Second Class Fredholm Integral Equations

  15. 计算复杂性理论表明,被称作NP完全问题的旅行推销员问题以及其它类似的组合优化问题在计算上是等价的。

    The complexity theory of calculation has proved that the so-called problem of NP and other similar problems are equal in calculating .

  16. 改进Py区分攻击算法的计算复杂性分析

    Computational Complexity Analysis on Improved Py Distinguish Attack Algorithm

  17. 利用阶梯式控制策略,有效地减小了参数整定中的计算复杂性,并能更方便地通过阶梯因子对所得PID控制器的控制性能进行调节。

    By using stair-like tactics , the calculation complexity of parameter tuning is reduced effectively , and it is easier to regulate the quality of the PID controller by changing stair factor .

  18. 采用Excel和MATLAB软件相结合解决了模糊层次分析法(FAHP)带来的计算复杂性问题。

    Analysis software such as Excel and MATLAB were employed to solve computational complexity issues brought with the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process ( FAHP ) .

  19. 另外MOT方法具有相当的计算复杂性,这使得对一些电大尺寸目标的精确分析几乎是不可能的。

    The other is the computational complexity which make it impossible to accurately analysis the electrically large object subjects .

  20. 然而,战场环境中多UAV系统将面临信息不确定性、计算复杂性、时间紧迫性的严峻挑战。

    But multi-UAV systems in battle fields have to confront the uncertainty of information , the complexity of mathematical model , and the pressure of computing time .

  21. 20世纪70年代至今的计算复杂性理论表明,对于NP难度问题可能根本就不存在多项式时间复杂度的求解算法,于是人们使用各种启发式算法求此类问题的近似解。

    Investigations from the 1970s to now , show that for NP hard problems , there possibly does not exist an algorithm is of Polynomial time complexity .

  22. 算法的计算复杂性是O(mV2),其中m是组成员数量,V是网络中节点数量。

    The running complexity of it is O ( m | V | 2 ) , where m is the number of group members , | V | is the number of nodes in network .

  23. LEO卫星网络切换协议中的路由选择策略应当综合考虑路由本身优化性,路由计算复杂性,路由更新的信令代价。

    The performance of satellite handoff protocol is depended on the optimality of the selected route , complexity of route computing and the cost for route updating .

  24. 能行计算复杂性Blum测度的产生性

    The productiveness of blum 's measure of the computational complexity

  25. 矩形件属于二维优化排样问题,从计算复杂性上看,属于非确定型多项式问题,具有最高计算复杂性的NP完全问题,通常只求其有效的近似解。

    From the computational complexity , it belongs to an indefinite polynomial and the most complicated NP complete problem , and it only seeks an effective approximate solution .

  26. 讨论了CLARA算法的基本思想,给出了CLARA算法的步骤,并分析其计算复杂性。

    We first discuss the basic thought , give the step of CLARA algorithm in succession , and analyze the computing complexity .

  27. SVPWM的计算复杂性掩盖了它的本质,故而人们难以建立冲量等面积原理与矢量等效原理之间的内在联系。

    Complicated computation of SVPWM conceals its essence , thus internal relations between pulse area equal principle and equivalent vectors principle are difficult to be established .

  28. 每一并行通道计算复杂性非常小,只取决于输入离散信号的长度及Gabor频率抽样点数。

    The computational complexity of each parallel channel is very low and is dependent of the length of input discrete signal and points of frequency of Gabor transform .

  29. 如何解决Dempster组合规则的计算复杂性问题是目前研究的热点。

    How to solve the computation complexity of the Dempster rule is a hot topic at present .

  30. 利用Fisher判别原理,对企业的信用风险等级进行判别,通过将财务指标向低维空间投影,降低了计算复杂性。

    We use Fisher discrimination approach to assess credit risk of the firm via projecting financial ratio onto the lower dimension space , which diminishs the complexity of computation .