
  • 网络planned consumption
  1. 存在着盲目无计划消费、从众消费、人情消费、攀比消费等误区。

    There are blind consumption , follower consumption , human-relationship consumption , unrealistic consumption , etc.

  2. 参议院金融法案将针对个人费用高于8000美元或家庭费用高于21000美元的健康保险计划征收消费税。

    The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax on health insurance plans that cost more than $ 8,000 for an individual or $ 21,000 for a family .

  3. 我们必须令经济复苏,解决我们的权利计划、消费政策、监管方式及税收体系长期面临的挑战。

    We must turn the economy round and address the long-standing challenges associated with our entitlement programmes , spending policies , regulatory approaches and tax systems .

  4. 主要表现形式有:节俭消费、滞后性消费和观望型消费。3、计划外消费行为,即冲动型消费行为。

    The main manifestations are : frugal consumption , consumption and wait-and-see consumption lag . Third , the consumer behavior out of plan , namely the impulsive consumption behavior .

  5. 克服冲动消费:当你有了计划之外消费的冲动时,强迫自己等上一段时间,一周以后再看看自己是否仍想购买这件物品。

    Tame the impulse . Use a self-enforced waiting period whenever youre tempted to make an unplanned purchase . Wait for a week and see if you still want the item .

  6. 商业公司认识到,若顾客太过于专注购物本身,则会减少因漫步商店走道而产生的“冲动消费”,抑或是“计划外消费”。

    Companies know that if you 're focused while you shop , you 'll be less likely to make impulse buys or make purchases you didn 't intend to make while wandering the aisles of the store .

  7. 据报道,亚马逊(Amazon)计划推出自有消费品品牌,例如小吃和洗衣粉。

    Amazon is reportedly planning to produce its own brand of consumer goods products , such as snacks and washing powder .

  8. 中国的计划是转向消费,而股市预见到了成功。

    The plan is to switch to consumption , and the stock markets anticipate success .

  9. 但是,共和党人指出,总统还计划推出能源消费的新税收政策,各个收入水平的人都会受到影响。

    But Republicans note the president also plans a new tax regime on energy consumption that will affect Americans of every income level .

  10. 你的邻居看起来比你有钱也可能是这个原因,他们分清事情的轻重缓急,只要是在计划之内的消费,就会拿出存款来。

    Your neighbors could also have more money than you do because they prioritize differently , and pay from their savings for projects that they want done .

  11. 但最近几个月,随着中国大陆的紧急订单开始出现,这些出口厂商开始转向谨慎乐观的态度,中国大陆的5850亿美元刺激计划正扩大消费需求。

    They have turned cautiously optimistic in recent months , however , as rush orders came in from China , where Beijing 's $ 585bn stimulus package is boosting consumer demand .

  12. 他们打出一套“组合拳”,包括近零利率、美联储为抵押贷款提供巨额融资,以及向新购房者提供补贴和“旧车换现金”计划等各种消费激励措施。

    They have gone about this with a combination of near-zero interest rates , massive fed financing of mortgages and various consumption incentives , such as rebates for new homebuyers and cash for clunkers .

  13. 但据波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)2011年进行的一项调查显示,只有9%的中国城市家庭今年确实计划使用信用卡消费。

    But only 9 % of Chinese urbanites actually plan to use the cards this year , according to a Boston Consulting Group survey in 2011 .

  14. 它试图更精确地瞄准价格和信贷发放,采取了旨在增强企业流动性的商业票据计划和旨在刺激消费类贷款的talf举措等。

    It has tried to target the price and distribution of credit more precisely . This has been done through schemes such as the commercial paper programme designed to boost corporate liquidity , or the TALF initiative designed to boost consumer lending .

  15. 该计划对数百种消费产品的能源效率进行认证。

    The program certifies hundreds of consumer products for energy efficiency .

  16. 中国计划鼓励国内增加消费。

    China plans to encourage more domestic consumption .

  17. 有迹象表明,旧车报废计划以及日本针对消费耐用品的环保积分计划,推动提高了销售额。

    There is evidence that stimulus moves such as car scrappage programmes and Japan 's eco-points scheme for consumer durables have helped sales .

  18. 几个星期,交易者预期美联储会扩张购买债券计划以希望鼓励消费。

    For weeks , traders have been anticipating that the Federal Reserve will expand a program to buy bonds in hopes of encouraging spending .

  19. 飞利浦电子公司上周五说它计划将出售其消费电子部门的几个工厂,作为以削减成本为目的的结构调整的一部分。

    Philips Electronics NV said Friday it plans to sell several factories in its consumer-electronics division as part of a restructuring aimed at shedding costs .

  20. 除非出现供给的奇迹,否则总统未来的减税计划都将改变消费的构成,即增加消费,减少国家投资。

    Barring a supply-side miracle , the president 's future tax cuts will shift the composition of spending in favour of consumption and against national investment .

  21. 拜登表示,美国为中国的第12个五年计划和向更加消费型经济作出的调整感到鼓舞。

    The United States is encouraged by China ' s12th five-year plan and the reordering of the Chinese economy toward a more consumer-based economy , Biden said .

  22. 美国政府试图限制发电厂温室气体排放量的计划,暴露出消费品企业和工业企业之间日益加深的裂痕,前者支持这一计划,后者则强烈反对。

    A White House plan to curb greenhouse gas emissions from power stations has exposed a growing rift between consumer businesses that support the proposal and industrial groups that are vehemently opposed to it .

  23. 该智囊机构的新建议也符合中央政府自身的经济计划,该计划提倡拉动国内消费,以降低经济增长对出口的依赖程度。

    Its position is also in line with the central government 's own economic plan , which favours lifting domestic consumption to reduce reliance on exports for economic growth .

  24. 汽车产量很可能也已经触底,“旧车换现金”计划消除了过剩库存,尽管该计划鼓励人们超前消费,使这方面的形势较难解读。

    Auto production has also probably bottomed out , with cash-for-clunkers eliminating excess inventories , though the scheme pulled forward demand , making this harder to read .