
  • 网络plan control;Schedule control;control plan;Execution Control
  1. 在ISO9001质量体系保证下,运用微机设计、编程和生产计划控制,从而保障了生产高品质的产品提供给客户。

    At the guarantee of the ISO9001 quality system , we use microcomputer design , program and produce plan control .

  2. 在对XB电厂设计时间管理失败的原因分析中,特别对活动定义、历时估计、项目经理的能力、项目要素之间的平衡问题、进度计划控制措施等方面进行了详细的分析;

    In the analyzing the reason of failing case , especially it analyses activity defining , time estimating , capacity of project management , element balance and progress plan control and so on .

  3. 他计划控制谈话局面,不让马特转换话题。

    He planned to lead the conversation and keep Matt from changing the subject .

  4. 利用血管同步计划控制增强CT扫描最佳时机的实验

    Experiment of controlling optimal contrast CT scan timing by synchronous vascular injection planning

  5. 基于MRPⅡ-MES的生产计划控制和调度

    The Control and Dispatch of Production Planning Based on MRP ⅱ and MES

  6. 这项计划控制得很好管理计划及控制系统

    The project is well in hand . management planning and control system

  7. 论述项目计划控制在项目管理中的重要作用;

    The paper introduces the determination , implementation and control of project plan .

  8. 协助计划控制经理编制和汇总公司的月度项目进展报告;

    Assist the schedule control manager to develop and prepare monthly progress report .

  9. 杭州汽轮机厂计划控制系统分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Production Scheduling and Control System at Hangzhou Steam Turbine Works

  10. 社会主义也有市场经济,资本主义也有计划控制。

    Socialism has regulation by market forces , and capitalism has control through planning .

  11. 中小配套型企业计划控制方案的研究

    Study on Planning and Control Scheme for a Kind of Medium & Small Scale Enterprise

  12. 预算:计划控制供应链业务的预算,满足公司的确补给要求。

    Budget : Plan and control Supply Chain functional budgets to fulfil supply chain requirements .

  13. 多品种中小批量类型企业生产计划控制方法的实证研究

    How to control productive plan in enterprises of multiple variety and middle or small batch production

  14. 基于供应链不确定性的企业生产计划控制研究

    A study of enterprise production planning and control based on the uncertainties of the supply chain

  15. 中国早已抛开了朝鲜那一套用计划控制经济的政策,而且绝不会再使用朝鲜式的计划经济。

    China has been moving away fom the policies that North Korea uses to centally plan its economy .

  16. 论述项目计划控制在项目管理中的重要作用;阐述计划控制的意义和体会;

    It discusses the importance of planning control in project management , the significance and understandings of planning control .

  17. 本论文主要是从计划控制、信息控制和规章制度控制三个方面,为一汽提出实施控制的一些建议。

    Plan control , information control and rules control are considered in this assay for FAW 's strategy control .

  18. 评估应该找到增进风险和计划控制的方法,其中的一个解决方案是引入迭代开发。

    The assessment should explore needs to gain control of risks and plans , for which a solution is to introduce iterative development .

  19. 以军计划控制黎巴嫩南部战略重镇以作为预定进攻的基地。

    Israeli forces plan to control over its strategic town in southern Lebanon that could serve as a base for a planned offensive .

  20. 指出了管理控制过程以及适用的控制方式,即闭环计划控制与目标控制。

    The study points out the management control process and the fit ways of control , the feedback plan control and the goal control .

  21. 对服务过程的资源配置和计划控制进行优化决策,注重协同效应,实现多层次多项目多目标的协同优化。

    Resources allocation and planning control of the process of service must be optimization decisions , focused on synergies of multi-level multi-project multi-objective collaborative optimization .

  22. 由于项目管理水平的低下,使得项目计划控制能力也相对低下,造成很多项目控制出问题。

    Because the project management level is low , make project plan control ability is too low , resulting in a lot of project control problems .

  23. 在技术层面既要做好信息系统维护,保证信息安全,又要做好事前计划控制和事中实时控制;

    At technology levels , information system should be maintained , data security should be safeguarded , and accounting planning control and real-time control should be applied .

  24. 在此基础上,作者从项目组织管理和项目计划控制两方面对电梯工程项目管理进行了研究和设计,得出了结论。

    Further , the author studies two aspects of project management , i.e. project 's organization management and planning & controlling and draws his conclusion in the end .

  25. 在入库管理中,根据当月物料采购计划控制采购入库操作,增加了对计划外采购入库进行审批的功能。

    In the goods stocked management , goods are stocked according to the monthly purchasing plan ; the function of the authorization operation about the access purchases beyond the plan is added .

  26. 其次,对影响淮安企业物流成本的因素进行了分析,认为企业内部多头管理导致物流系统计划控制受到限制。

    Secondly , the author analyzes the factors affecting logistics cost of enterprises of Huai ' an , and finds that the multi-departmental internal management of the enterprises has limited the planning control of their logistics systems .

  27. 重要的变化不是劳动力数量的减少&就像我们在衰退期会预测的那样,而是计划控制招聘活动的雇主比例上升。

    The important change is not about reductions in workforces , like we would expect in a recessionary period , but rather an increase in the percentages of employers who are planning to put a hold on hiring .

  28. 组织有秩序的生产与满足市场多变的要求,是多品种、中小批量生产企业进行生产计划控制管理的两难选择。

    To carry on production in a systematic fashion and meet the changeful demand of market , it is a difficult choice for the enterprises of multiple variety and middle or small batch production to control and manage production plan .

  29. 为了保证项目的顺利实施,本文还特别研究了该项目管理的实施措施,重点从人力资源、计划控制与质量保障等方面提出了相应的对策。

    To ensure the smooth implementation of the project , this paper studied in particular the implementation of the project management measures , the focus of human resources , planning control and quality assurance and other aspects of the countermeasures .

  30. ERP的成本计划与控制原理分析

    An Analysis of the Principle on Cost Planning and Controlling in ERP