
jǐng gào
  • warn;caution;admonish;injunction;caveat
警告 [jǐng gào]
  • (1) [warning]∶对犯错误者的一种处分

  • 他受到了警告处分

  • (2) [warn]∶告诫,使警惕

  • 警告青年人离开

警告[jǐng gào]
  1. 似乎应该警告你有风险。

    It seems only right to warn you of the risk .

  2. 我必须警告你不要期望过高。

    I must warn you against raising your hopes .

  3. 他耳边响起警钟,警告他别让这种事情发生。

    A warning voice admonished him not to let this happen .

  4. 接到有炸弹的警告后,警察疏散了街上的行人。

    After the bomb warning , police cleared the streets .

  5. 她由于是初犯,被从轻发落,只受到了警告。

    As a first offender , she got off with a caution .

  6. 这些数字须附以谨慎对待的警告。

    These figures should come with a government health warning .

  7. 我最后一次警告你——闭嘴!

    I 'm warning you for the last time ─ stop talking !

  8. 他温和的话中蕴涵着警告之意。

    His soft words contained an undertone of warning .

  9. 医生发出警告不要吃在那条河里捕的鱼。

    Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river .

  10. 他在厨房里大声发出警告。

    He called out a warning from the kitchen .

  11. 他的警告依然在我耳边回响。

    His warning was still ringing in my ears .

  12. 政府警告说要采取断然措施。

    The government is threatening to take drastic action .

  13. 指挥官预先得到敌人要发动袭击的警告。

    The commander had been forewarned of the attack .

  14. 警方多次鸣枪警告。

    Police fired a number of warning shots .

  15. 她未被送上少年法庭,而是受到了警告。

    She wasn 't sent to the juvenile court ; instead she was cautioned .

  16. 红灯闪亮向他们发出警告。

    Red lights flashed a warning at them .

  17. 裁判警告他有危险动作。

    The referee warned him for dangerous play .

  18. 警方已经发布了内华达的水灾警告。

    Police have issued flood warnings for Nevada .

  19. 警方警告公众要警惕可疑包裹。

    Police are warning the public to be on the alert for suspicious packages .

  20. 我们对这个警告绝不能等闲视之。

    We cannot afford to ignore this warning .

  21. 我听到她的大声警告,但已经太晚了。

    I heard her warning shout too late .

  22. 已经向住在火势下风处的人们发出不要出门的警告。

    Warnings were issued to people living downwind of the fire to stay indoors .

  23. 他的许多警告都证明是有先见之明的。

    Many of his warnings proved prophetic .

  24. 警告性标示必须明白易懂。

    Warning notices must be readily understandable .

  25. 他受到警告,如果继续上班迟到,就被辞退。

    He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work .

  26. 她被警告说如果她再这样做就会丢掉工作。

    She was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job .

  27. 我警告过她无数次了。

    I 've warned her countless times .

  28. 红灯闪亮向他们发出警告。

    Red lights flashed them a warning .

  29. 老师警告说,如果他们上课时继续使用手机就予以没收。

    The teacher threatened to confiscate their phones if they kept using them in class .

  30. 突然有一盏警告灯开始闪烁。

    Suddenly a warning light blinked .