
jiě pōu
  • anatomy;dissect;dissection
解剖 [jiě pōu]
  • (1) [dissect]

  • (2) 剖开生物的躯体,以研究各器官的组织构造

  • 解剖青蛙

  • (3) 比喻对事物作深入的分析研究

  • 他常常解剖自己的思想状况

解剖[jiě pōu]
  1. 除了专注于教育的功能之外,苹果还为新的iPad突出了一些增强实用性应用程序,包括一款Froggipedia应用,让学生们可以用ApplePencil解剖青蛙。

    Alongside the education-focused features , Apple also highlighted some augmented reality apps for the updated iPad , including a Froggipedia app that lets students virtually dissect frogs using an Apple Pencil .

  2. 方法用实体解剖、B超观察HCD组、正常对照组的胆囊成石情况;

    Methods Noumenon dissect and B-type ultrasonic apparatus was used to observe condition of gallbladder calculus formation in HCD group and normal control group ;

  3. 他在活体解剖方面经验丰富。

    He had worked extensively on the anatomy of living animals .

  4. 一想到解剖兔子我就想吐。

    The thought of dissecting a rabbit disgusts me .

  5. 一些人认为活体解剖是不道德的。

    Some people consider vivisection to be immoral .

  6. 反活体解剖者反对在活动物身上做实验性的研究。

    Antivivisectionists are opposed to research which involves experimenting on live animals .

  7. 只需备有解剖刀和镊子。

    A scalpel and tweezers are the only tools needed .

  8. 阿尔比努斯是最伟大的解剖学家描述了18世纪。

    Albinus was the greatest descriptive anatomist of the18th century .

  9. 每个标本都被细心解剖。

    Each specimen is carefully dissected .

  10. 我叫你监督解剖室,不是去制定一些空想的规定。

    I told you to supervise autopsies , not to set up a lot of fancy rules .

  11. 尸体解剖是为了确认死亡原因。

    Examination of a cadaver is to determine the cause of death .

  12. 研究人员需要更多的供解剖用的尸体。

    Researchers need a growing supply of corpses for dissection .

  13. 解剖制约可能妨碍单边或双边插入关节螺钉。

    Anatomic constraints may preclude the insertion a transarticular screw unilaterally or bilaterally .

  14. 但问题是,他们不太清楚心脏到底长什么样子,一部分可能是因为天主教会禁止尸体解剖。

    But the problem was they didn 't really know what the heart looked like , partially4 because the Catholic Church prohibited autopsies5 .

  15. 到了详细解剖图出现的时代,如十六世纪初达文西的作品,简化符号的表现方式早已固定了。

    By the time detailed6 anatomical drawings appeared , like those of Leonardo da Vinci in the early 16th century , the simplified symbol had already taken root .

  16. 三维时间飞跃法MR血管成像评价眼动脉解剖及变异

    Three-dimensional time of flight MRA evaluation of anatomic variation of ophthalmic artery

  17. 结果开发出了一个3D解剖图谱及一个虚拟手术室漫游系统。

    Results A 3D atlas and a roaming system of virtual operating room were developed .

  18. 结果纤维喉镜和螺旋CT均可显示喉内正常解剖及肿块形态;

    Results The visualization of normal anatomical structure in larynx on CT was the same as that of fiberoptic laryngoscopy .

  19. 鼻及鼻窦常见病变和解剖变异的CT冠状位靶扫描(附507例分析)

    CT coronary focused scan in the common diseases and anatomic variations of nose and paranasal sinuses ( analysis of 507 cases )

  20. 目的探讨正常肛管及肛门括约肌解剖结构的磁共振(MR)表现。

    Objective To assess the imaging of the normal anatomy of anal canal and complex anal sphincter apparatus in magnetic resonance ( MR ) .

  21. 目的探讨双钢板内固定术治疗C型肱骨远端骨折的临床疗效及解剖基础。

    Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy and anatomic base of internal fixation with double plate in treatment of type-C fracture of the distal humerus .

  22. 方法:通过CT扫描个体化采集下颌骨解剖信息,在三维重建基础上,通过CAD软件,建立下颌骨缺损个体化功能性修复的有限元生物力学分析模型并进行相应的力学分析;

    Then three dimensional finite element model of individual functional reconstruction of mandible defect was established and relevant biomechanics analysis was carried out .

  23. 目的探讨慢性额窦炎额窦引流系统CT解剖特征及临床价值。

    Objective To study the anatomic features of frontal drainage system on CT scan in chronic frontal sinusitis , and to evaluate its clinical value .

  24. 目的:运用动态钆增强MR成像技术,评价正常股骨头骨骺及髋关节外展固定体位时股骨头骨骺的不同解剖区域的血供特征。

    Objective : To evaluate the characterization of blood perfusion of femoral head epiphysis with hips in neutral and abduction position by using dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging .

  25. 手术方法按解剖对合内侧副韧带采用直接缝合法或U形钉内固定。

    The torn medial collateral ligaments were anatomically corrected by their ends with direct suture or staple internal fixation .

  26. PP(333)对温室葡萄枝条次生木质部细胞解剖结构的影响

    Effect of PP_ ( 333 ) on the Cell Anatomy Structure of the Secondary Xylem of Greenhouse Cultivated Grape

  27. 正常人椎间盘MRI弥散张量成像ADC值、FA值与年龄和解剖部位的相关性研究

    The Correlation between the MRI-DTI-ADC / FA Value and Age , Anatomic Location of Healthy Volunteers Lumbar Intervertebral Discs

  28. 直动脉的长度、内径及密度(支cm)均存在解剖部位差异性(P<0.05).方法之间无差异性。

    There were anatomic differences in length , internal diameter and density of the vasa recta ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  29. 目的探讨急性胰腺炎(AP)累及肾旁后间隙(PPS)的螺旋CT表现及其解剖基础。

    Objective To evaluate spiral CT features and anatomic basis of the posterior pararenal space ( PPS ) involvement in acute pancreatitis ( AP ) .

  30. 胫骨远端解剖钢板治疗不稳定性Pilon骨折的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical research in treating unstable Pilon fracture with anatomic plate of distal tibia