
jiàn suǒ jí fù bǎo hán
  • demand guarantee
  1. 如果争议多涉及的信用证、托收或见索即付保函的金额没有超过附件中列出的最低数额,中心则不收取附加费。

    No Additional Fee will be charged where the amount of the letter of credit , the collection , or the demand guarantee in dispute does not exceed the minimum amount stated in the Appendix .

  2. 但是,有关见索即付保函,理论界尚存在很多理解分歧,立法也尚不健全,导致了见索即付保函在实务操作中的不规范做法,加大了保函主体要面临的风险。

    While , there are branch viewpoints about the understanding of the Demand Guarantee , and the legislation for it is not perfect , which leading to the irregular operation and increasing the risk that the commercial subject faced .

  3. 论ICC见索即付保函统一规则下的国际工程保函

    International Construction Guarantees and ICC " Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees "

  4. 国际经贸中见索即付保函法律风险研究

    Research on the Law Risks of Demand Guarantees in International Trade

  5. 银行独立担保在当前的实务中主要有见索即付保函和备用信用证两种形式。

    The independent guarantee has two forms in practice , the demand guarantee and the standby letter of credit .

  6. 见索即付保函顺应历史发展和交易主体的需要产生,也因其本身独有的特点而很快被越来越多的人所接受。

    The Demand Guarantee was produced in the meantime . It accepted by more and more people because of its characteristics .

  7. 有的见索即付保函在提交了简单的书面付款要求后即予以付款,而不需要违约声明或者其他单据要求。

    At one end is the guarantee which is payable on simple written demand , without a statement of default or other documentary requirements .

  8. 由于独立保函起源于国际商事贸易实践,相关国际规则中又都惯常使用见索即付保函的说法,故本文也大都采用见索即付保函的提法。

    Whereas , the origin of the independent guarantee came from international business practice , the related international rules would like to say demand guarantee .

  9. 第四部分研究了见索即付保函法律制度中的几个核心法律问题。首先是各方当事人的法律关系,其次是支付机制,最后是欺诈和不当索赔问题。

    The forth part focuses on several core legal problems of the legal system of Demand Guarantee including the legal relationship of the parties , the payment mechanism , the fraud and improper demand .

  10. 见索即付保函是一种常见、便捷的担保方式,常见于国际经济活动中,近年来随着国内经济的发展在国内经济活动中也逐渐广泛应用。

    As a common and convenient way of security , demand guarantees is widely used in international commercial activities . With the development of domestic economy , they are also increasingly used in domestic commercial activities in recent years .

  11. 见索即付保函和国际备用信用证作为国际结算和担保的重要形式,在国际金融、国际租赁和国际贸易及经济合作中应用十分广泛。

    Both Demand Guarantee and Standby Letter of Credit play a very important role in International Finance , International Leasing and International Trade . They are more and more widely used in all aspects of international economy since last twenty years .

  12. 法律上所称之独立担保,在商业实践中惯常称之为独立保函,也即见索即付保函,因该类保函通常由银行开立,故又称之为见索即付银行保函。

    Independent Guaranty which is called in legal circles is likely called Independent Guarantee , namely Demand Guarantee in business world . Because in most cases , this kind of guarantee is issued by bank , so we call it Demand Bank Guarantee as well .