
xī mén
  • west gate;a surname;western door
西门 [xī mén]
  • (1) [western door]∶位于城墙西方的门

  • (2) 复姓

西门[xī mén]
  1. 你经由西门进教堂。

    You enter the church through the West door .

  2. 一会儿,又把一石赤豆放在东门外,说谁能把它搬到西门去,将给予同样的奖赏。

    After a while , he put a dan ( an ancient Chinese unit of measurement1 ) of beans outside the east gate , and said whoever moved this to the west gate would get the same rewards .

  3. 他们发现,圣何塞的西门购物中心(WestgateShoppingCenter)正在招募大学生,要他们穿上戏服逗小孩子玩。

    They discovered that the Westgate Shopping Center in San Jose was seeking college students who could dress up in costumes and amuse the kids .

  4. 2006年加拿大西门菲沙大学进行CGA项目教学培训与研究。

    In2006 , she participated in the CGA teaching & training program in Simon Fraser University in Canada .

  5. 中国达人秀,ITV本土西门克威尔电视秀的中国版,每集收视高达4亿。

    China 's Got Talent , a local versionof Simon Cowell 's ITV hit , has seen viewers top 400 million an episode .

  6. PX品牌有一种雪利酒是用帕德罗西门内葡萄(PedroXiménez)酿造的,它太甜了,像糖浆一样,几乎难以下咽。

    A PX sherry , made of the pedro xim é nez grape , was so insistently sweet and syrupy as to be almost undrinkable .

  7. 本文将讲述一个离奇的故事,随着故事发展,你会看到一个来自中国、疾病缠身的无名弃婴,是怎样变成美国路易斯安那州西门罗的贝拉•新•克莱尔•斯特里克兰(BellaXinKaLareStrickland)的。

    As stories go , the tale of how a desperately ill , nameless baby from China turned into Bella Xin KaLare Strickland of West Monroe , Louisiana , is an extraordinary one .

  8. 博维达餐馆位于博尔哈的购物中心,餐馆主人何塞·M·巴亚(JoséM.Baya)认为正是西门尼斯的艺术才华令自己生意兴隆。

    Jos é M. Baya , the owner of La B ó veda , in Borja 's market plaza , freely credits her artistry for helping his business flourish .

  9. 其中最大胆的一次袭击是2013年对内罗毕西门(Westgate)购物中心发起的袭击,造成67人遇害。

    The most audacious raid was in 2013 on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi in which 67 people were killed .

  10. 去大西门杜蒙在滑雪Superpipe男子总决赛,周日,在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。

    Simon Dumont goes big during the Skiing Superpipe Men 's Finals , Sunday , at the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen .

  11. 苏珊娜·鲁伯特(SusannaRubert)说,最终解决方案是,她的公司委托西门尼斯绘制一幅原创作品,作为该公司的特别酒标,这样,西门尼斯最终可以绘制自己版本的《看这个人》,展示真正由她自己绘制的图案。

    To settle it , Susana Ruberte said her company commissioned an original work by Mrs. Gim é nez for their special label that finally allowed her to create her own version of " Ecce Homo , " demonstrating that she could actually paint .

  12. 激进派的西门和出卖耶稣的家略人犹大。

    Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot , who betrayed him .

  13. 最近十年关于空想社会主义者圣西门的研究综述

    Roundup of Recent 10-Year Researches on Saint Simon , Utopian Socialist

  14. 他从西门走进乔治广场花园。

    He goes into Gorge Square Gardens by the West Gate .

  15. 西门是我们学校跑得最快的人之一。

    Simon is one of the fastest runners in our school .

  16. 西门:真倒霉!为什么要转飞曼彻斯特?

    Simon : What bad luck ! What was the reason ?

  17. 呃,在西门廊有猜字谜游戏。

    Uh , they 're having charades in the West lobby .

  18. 圣西门现代化思想初探

    An Investigation of Saint Simon ′ s Thought on Modernization

  19. 宁波市西门社区卫生服务持续发展实践与探讨

    On Sustainable development of Health Services in Ximen community of Ningbo city

  20. 西门和同伴追了他去。

    And Simon and those who were with him came after him .

  21. 不闻名的圣西门正计划他的好梦。

    Saint-Simon , ignored , was erecting his sublime dream .

  22. 圣西门的实业思想与法国近代的工业化

    Henri Saint - Simon 's Industrial Theory and Industrialization in modern France

  23. 圣西门认为科学家代表实业社会的理性原则;

    Saint Simon believed that scientists represented rational principle of industrial society ;

  24. 北京市朝阳区工人体育场西门内88号楼;

    NO.88 inside worker 's stadium west gate , Chaoyang District Beijing .

  25. 科学思想是圣西门思想的一个重要组成部分。

    The scientific thinking is an important component of Saint-Simon 's thought .

  26. 西门,你看见这女人麽?

    Then Jesus went on , 'Do you see this woman Simon ?

  27. 西门彼得问耶稣说,主往那里去。

    Simon Peter said unto him , Lord , whither goest thou ?

  28. 圣西门的著作同时包含有实证主义的与社会主义的因素。

    Saint-Simon 's writings contain both positivistic and socialist elements .

  29. 西门:不是,当然不是,德国啤酒是顶刮刮的。

    Simon : No , of course not ; that was great .

  30. 属于或关于古雅典西门的。

    Of or relating to a gateway on the west of ancient Athens .