
  • 网络spanish music
  1. 举个例子,当王子寻找灰姑娘时,他到了一个受到西班牙音乐影响的地方。

    For example , when the prince searches for Cinderella , he travels to a land influenced by Spanish music .

  2. 法雅将西班牙音乐的精髓&弗拉明戈艺术和吉他音响融入到这首作品中,使这首作品带有很强的民族色彩。

    Falla integrated both Flamenco music , the essence of the Spanish music , and the sounds of the guitar into this work , which make it be with strong national flavor .

  3. 萨拉对18世纪的西班牙音乐并不熟悉。

    Sala is not familiar with the Hispanic music of 18th century .

  4. 我父亲喜欢西班牙音乐。

    My father loves music from spain .

  5. 伊萨克·阿尔贝尼斯&西班牙音乐史上最重要的代表人物之一

    Isaac Alb é niz One of the Most Famous Figures in the Music History of Spain

  6. 当她穿过走廊的时候,那带着西班牙音乐气息的空气迎面扑来。

    As she proceeded to walk down the corridor , the air , which rose with the musical tingle of Spanish coloring everything that touched it , greeted her .

  7. 法雅将欧洲作曲技法和西班牙音乐元素很好地结合在一起。使《西班牙乐曲四首》成为了西班牙钢琴音乐中一颗璀璨的恒星。

    Falla perfectly combined the composing techniques of the West with the elements of the Spanish music , making the works Four Pieces of Spanish Music one of the dazzling stars in Spanish piano music .

  8. 法雅音乐创作中的西班牙民间音乐因素

    The Spanish Folk Music Elements in Falla 's Composition

  9. 西班牙钢琴音乐的黄金时期

    The Golden Age of Spanish Piano Music

  10. 他曾任教于西班牙巴塞罗那音乐学院、意大利威尔弟音乐学院。

    He 's been an Alexander Technique teacher at the Conservatory of Barcelona , Verdi 's Conservatory .

  11. 这部组曲展现了西班牙钢琴音乐所具有的浓郁的民族气息和独特的艺术魅力,体现了真正的西班牙精神,同时彰显了作曲家与众不同的、富有个性的创作风格。

    This piano suite shows full-bodies national characteristic , special art glamour of Spanish piano music and reflects the real spirit of Spanish .

  12. 该文对法雅音乐中所运用的西班牙民间音乐的旋律、节奏以及舞蹈特性效果等手法作了具体分析,认为西班牙民间音乐因素才是其音乐的灵魂。

    The article analyzes the Spanish folk music elements , such as melody , rhythm and dancing character in Falla 's music , which shows the spirit of his music .

  13. 它以强烈的戏剧冲突、独特的西班牙民族音乐风格、丰富的和声和配器手法、鲜明的人物性格塑造征服了全世界的观众,也使比才仅仅因为一部歌剧而跻身世界著名作曲家之列。

    It conquered the world audience by the strong dramatic conflicts , the unique style of folk music of Spain , rich harmonies and orchestration techniques , the distinctive characterization , and also made Bizet rank among the world famous composers because of an opera but only .

  14. 这首歌是根据西班牙传统吉他音乐改编的。

    This song is based on traditional Spanish guitar music .

  15. 西班牙的民间音乐一直以它独特的艺术魅力著称。

    Spanish folk music is well known for its unique art charm all the time .

  16. 乐曲具有西班牙巴斯克地区音乐的风味,展现乡间喜庆气氛,又急具创新的加入了爵士音乐因素。

    Music is the Spanish Basque region of the music style , displaying the countryside mood , a radical innovation joined the jazz element .

  17. 第三章讨论了以男性作为聚焦人物的全世界都知道和西班牙来的音乐。

    The third chapter will focus on " The Whole World Knows " and " Music from Spain ", which are told from men 's points of view .

  18. 恩里克·格拉纳多斯(EnriqueGranados,1867-1916)是十九世纪末二十世纪初西班牙民族乐派的代表人物之一,他的钢琴作品在西班牙钢琴音乐史中占有重要的地位。

    Enrique Granados is one of representatives of Spanish folk music during the late 19th century and the early 20th century . His piano works have important impact on the history of Spanish Music .