
  • 网络Spanish Catholicism;Roman Catholic Church in Spain;Roman Catholicism in Spain
  1. 论西班牙天主教在菲律宾传播的历史背景

    On the Historical Background of the Dissemination of Spanish Catholicism in the Philippines

  2. 南部殖民地仍免不了根据宗教立论。西班牙天主教在菲律宾:殖民扩张与宗教调适

    The colonies to the South were not without religious testimony . Catholicism in the Philippines under Spanish Rule : Colonial Expansion and Religious Syncretism

  3. 西班牙天主教在菲律宾:殖民扩张与宗教调适当代中国社会转型期宗教调适与和谐社会建设&兼论马克思主义宗教观

    Catholicism in the Philippines under Spanish Rule : Colonial Expansion and Religious Syncretism Religious Adaptation and Construction of Harmonious Society in Contemporary China & On religious viewpoints of Marxism

  4. 克鲁西乌斯在这儿种下了西欧第一批郁金香。荷兰的第一所大学也在这儿创立,那是奥兰治亲王威廉因其勇敢对抗西班牙天主教压迫者而授予的奖赏。

    It 's where Clusius planted the first tulips in Western Europe and it 's where Holland 's first university was founded , a reward granted by William of Orange for the city 's bravery in battle against his Spanish Catholic oppressors .

  5. 西班牙天主教语境下的宗教政策&16-18世纪菲律宾华侨皈依天主教研究在这种语境中,现代小说创作担负起了批判民间鬼神文化与宗教神秘意识的职能。

    The Spanish religious policy on the Chinese : A case study of the Overseas Chinese in the Philippines during 1500s-1700s In this linguistic context , the modern novels served as to criticize folk ghosts and gods ' culture and mysterious consciousness .

  6. 本文以辨证唯物主义为指导,探讨了近代基督教传播的二重性,并在基督教东扩史和欧洲扩张史背景下来探讨了西班牙天主教在东方的传播。

    Guided by the dialectical materialism , this paper examines the dualism of the dissemination of modern Christianity , and the dissemination of Spanish Catholicism in the East against the background of the history of Christian eastward expansion and the history of European expansion .

  7. 本文探讨了西班牙在天主教语境下对菲律宾华侨的宗教政策和华侨的反应,以及这种政策所产生的结果。

    This paper focuses on the motivations and methods of Spanish assimilation of overseas Chinese in the Philippines , and the reaction of the Chinese to the religious policy .

  8. 还因为许多人好心的英格兰、法国、苏格兰、西班牙的天主教教徒们说我玛丽才是英格兰真正的女王,而非伊丽莎白。

    And because many people-good catnolic people in England , France , Scotland , spain-say that I , Mary , am the true queen of England , not Elizabeth .

  9. 教皇本笃十六世将在西班牙会见100多万天主教朝圣者,同他们一道庆祝青年节。

    Pope Benedict will address more than a million catholic pilgrims who flocked to Spain for World Youth Day .