
  1. 从社团组织发展看西泠印社

    Study on Xiling Engravers ' Society from the Development of Society Organization

  2. 1949年至1979年西泠印社历史研究

    Research on History of Xiling Seal Engravers ' Society from 1949 to 1979

  3. 西泠印社早期社员的考察

    Members of Xiling Seal-Engraving Society in Early Period

  4. 以学术为旨归&西泠印社社史研究二题

    Taking Scholarship as the Final Purpose ── Study on the History of Xiling Seal Engravers ' Society

  5. 西泠印社透露,买家是一位神秘女士,不愿透露身份。

    Xiling Yinshe said , the buyer of the liquor is a lady who would like not to be identified .

  6. 杭州西泠印社有限公司是西泠印社文化产业的主体之一,是依照《中华人民共和国公司法》组建的国有独资有限责任公司。

    Company profile As one of the main bodies to develop the cultural industry of Xiling Seal Engraver 's Society , Hangzhou Xiling Seal Engraver 's Society Co.

  7. 本文即以此为主线,在努力发掘新材料的基础上,对涉及马衡与西泠印社社史、私人的诸问题,作较客观、全面的讨论。

    On the basis of his participation , the author uncovers new materials about the history of the society and presents an objective and full exposition of the society 's history .

  8. 文章认为,在1949年至20世纪70年代末的30年间,西泠印社的发展历经了很大的起伏变化过程,大致可以划分为沉寂期、恢复期、低谷期、发展期这样四个阶段。

    The paper holds that Xiling Seal Engravers ' Society experienced ups and downs in the thirty years from 1949 and 1979 which can be divided into four stages , namely still , recovery , stagnancy and development .