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  • 网络xijiang river basin;xijiang river valley
  1. 至少有4个β中尺度雨团(A、B、C、D)在西江流域发生发展。

    There were at least four meso - β - scale rainy clusters existing over the Xijiang River valley ( A , B , C , D ) .

  2. 西江流域经济走廊建设前瞻

    Forward-looking on the Developments of Economic Hallway in Xijiang River Valley

  3. 利用4种鲤科鱼类的14对微卫星引物对西江流域一批野生鲮进行PCR扩增。

    A group of wild mud carp samples collected from Xijiang River was amplified by PCR using 14 pairs of microsatellite primers isolated from four species of Cyprinidae .

  4. 在LaNina当年1~3月时,西江流域主要表现为干旱少雨的特征。

    And from January to March in the year of La Nina , Xijiang River Basin mainly shows the characteristic of drought .

  5. 在ELNino当年1~3月和LaNina次年1~3月时,西江流域表现为干旱少雨、径流小的特征。

    From January to March in the year of El Nino and the next year of La Nina , Xijiang River Basin shows the characteristics of drought and low river discharge .

  6. 进一步采用人工神经网络与主成分分析(PCA)相结合的方法进行了西江流域梧州水位的预报方法研究。

    Furthermore , combined artificial neural network ( ANN ) method and principal component analysis ( PCA ) method , the study on forecast method of water level at Wuzhou over Xijiang valley is made .

  7. 西江流域洪灾分析及防洪的几点建议

    The Xijiang river basin flood disaster analysis and some flood prevention suggestions

  8. 西江流域硝酸盐氮输出规律研究

    Study on nitrate-N export changes of the Xijiang River

  9. 西江流域水体有机污染物及大分子有机质的研究

    Particulate Organic Matter and Organic Pollutants in Water Body of the Xijiang River

  10. 1959&2008年广西西江流域洪涝气候特征

    Flood Characteristics of the Xijiang River Basin in 1959-2008

  11. 粤西江流域瑶族迁徙成因

    The Migration of the Yao People in the Xijiang River Basin of Guangdong

  12. 西江流域致洪暴雨的相似预报

    Similar Forecast of the Torrential Rain Resulting in Flood in Xijiang River Region

  13. 西江流域经济发展不平衡测度与分析

    Measure and Analysis of the Imbalance in Economic Development among Reaches of the West River

  14. 中国西江流域喀斯特景观趋异与晚新生代流域环境变迁

    Divergence of karst landscape in Xijiang catchment and environmental change of the region in Late Cenozoic

  15. 广西西江流域农业土壤镉的空间分布与环境风险

    Spatial variation and environment risk of cadmium in agricultural land in the Xijiang River draining of Guangxi Province

  16. 珠海港集团地处珠三角西部,周边港口竞争环境较为激烈,且粤西及西江流域都属于珠海港的腹地范围。

    Zhuhai Port Holdings locates on the west of the Pearl River Delta , and the competition environment is very intensive .

  17. 广西西江流域是多民族文化交融之地,有丰富的民族文化资源。

    The Xijiang River valley is a cultural borderland densely populated with many ethnic groups with rich resources of ethnic cultures .

  18. 西江流域的有机碳侵蚀通量为10.18×106gC/km2·yr。

    The weathering flux of organic carbon in Xijiang River drainage area is about 10.18 × 10 6gC / km 2 · yr.

  19. 随着西江流域经济发展,西江集装箱运输已经出现巨大需求和强劲发展潜力。

    With the development of Xijiang drainage area economy , the great need for Xijiang container transport is appeared which has a strong development potential .

  20. 为了探索提高径流中长期预测精度的有效途径,尝试建立了基于支持向量机的径流预测模型,并应用于西江流域梧州站的年、月径流预测中,取得了很好的效果。

    To increase the efficiency of medium and long term runoff prediction , a prediction model based on support vector machine was recommended in this paper .

  21. 人群的流动是构成西江流域圩镇与周边城市、村落之间联系的基础。

    The circulating throng was the foundation that constituted the relation among the towns in the river basin of Guijiang and its surrounding cities and villages .

  22. 分析和探讨了1966-1995年6~9月西江流域16个暴雨洪涝个例,总结出相似的天气形势。

    In this paper , 16 torrential rain and flood processes from June to September ( 1966-1995 ) were analyzed and similar weather situations were summarized .

  23. 发展西江流域的劳动密集型产业,对促进广西经济发展和城市化建设有诸多好处。

    Developing the intensive labor type property in Xijiang river valley , will bring a lot of advantages to promote the economic development and the construction of urbanization in Guangxi .

  24. 针对西江流域的洪涝灾害,利用流域的水文参量和气象参量作为自变量,探索基于人工神经网络的洪涝预报方法。

    This paper explores the flooding forecast method based on the artificial neural network by using the hydrological parameter and the meteorological parameter as the independent variable regarding to the flooding disaster in Xijiang River Basin .

  25. 通过对西江流域暴雨成因、洪水特性、流域水系、河道汇流系数等资料,分析了西、北江洪水成因及遭遇情况;

    Through the flowing datum : formation-cause of rainstorm 、 flood-specificity , the hydrographic-net of watershed 、 the coefficient of confluence of river-course and so on of BeiJiang river-basin , the text analyzed the formation-cause of flood ;

  26. 文章介绍了西江流域水源涵养林的现状,简述了西江流域水源涵养林建设的原则和措施,分析了营建水源涵养林的树种选择及其配置方式、群落结构模式,提出了发展水源涵养林的建议。

    Authors analyzed current status of water-conserved forests in Xijiang Valley , proposed the principles , methods , tree species choice and arrangement as well as population structure , finally presented some suggestions for development of water-conserved forest .

  27. 西江流域开发在大西南开发乃至整个西部大开发中具有十分重要的战略地位:大西南区域经济开发的增长轴;

    The development of the Xijiang River basin has very important strategic position in the grand development of West China , especially in that of Southwest China . That is mainly reflected in the following aspects : the growth axis of regional economic development in Southwest China ;

  28. 这正是90年代以来珠江口咸潮呈现出逐渐趋于频繁与严重的原因之一。枯水期西江流域降水量的大小、年际变化幅度均自东南至西北呈递减趋势。

    That is just one of the reasons why the saltwater intrusion at the Pearl River mouth has been getting more frequent and severer since the 1990s.Both the precipitation and yearly fluctuation range of the Xijiang River Basin in the dry season show the decreasing tendency from southeast to northwest .

  29. 对2005年6月一次引发珠江(西江)流域致洪暴雨的环流特征和影响系统,尤其是β中尺度系统的环境场进行了研究。

    The circulation characteristics and the influencing systems of the heavy rainfall causing flood in the Pearl River ( the Xijiang River ) valley in June 2005 are investigated .

  30. 枯水期西江径流量受流域降水量的影响存在显著的时空差异性和一定的滞后性。

    The influence on the Xijiang River discharge in the dry season by precipitation of the river basin shows significant spatio-temporal difference and certain lagging .