- 网络Occidental College

President Obama went to Occidental College in the state of California .
Peter Dreier , a politics professor at Occidental College , says he usually has20 to25 students in his community organizing class .
At Occidental Obama began to slowly drift away from basketball and partying .
The art theory of western academic has undergone a historical process of and development .
In the early 1900 's , some returned students who affected by architectual thoughs of academism began to imitate the west classical architecture .
As a result , Xu had combined the Western institutionalized art with the realistic movement , thus starting a new direction of utilitarianism .
For this purpose , he departed from the rigid portraits of traditional Western schools , and opted for a new mode of expression found in Romanticism and Cubism .
The disadvantages of the model , which is base on the western academic education systems from France and Soviet Union , have become obvious and were responsible for the loss of the Chinese painting education .
Starting from the evolution of college system in universities , the present research states the origin of college system , the theory and practice of college system in modern western society , and the history of college system in China .
When he entered Occidental College in Los Angeles in 1949 with little command of English , he could not understand his first lecture , and decided , he said , to take every drawing class I could get my hands on .
One example is Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business , which made a splash in 2011 by opening facilities in London , reversing the prevailing trend in which western schools set up programmes in Asia .
It is increasingly clear that the EMBA , once the Cinderella programme of the western business school world , is becoming a luxury product .
Top Asian schools can now give you the support you get in a top western school .
China 's booming economy presents many opportunities to Western business schools , as well as some unique challenges .
In typical western business schools a presentation merely whets the appetite of the argumentative and eager students watching .
In recent years , western business schools have played host to a large number of ambitious young Chinese professionals .
In fact , more and more Western business schools are developing entire masters programmes in the area of business ethics .
In addition , where feasible , business ethics courses should be overseen , if not taught , by experienced Western business school scholars .
Nearly all of the 100 or so universities in China appear to have a business or management school not too dissimilar to those of the west .
However , it is only the top 10 per cent of these institutions that have made serious attempts to replicate the western business school learning experience and its more modern business school curriculum .
They should be implored to develop and deliver similar courses to those offered at most Western business schools and ensure that these courses are made compulsory choices , not sidelined as optional electives .
The yawning gap in business ethics and social responsibility courses across mainland Chinese business schools becomes even more difficult to fathom when considered alongside the continuing increase in such courses across Western business schools .
The Founding and Developing of Early Women 's Colleges in Western Countries
That 's good news for western business schools .
The aim , says Prof Chan , is to bring together schools from the east and the west .
The aim , says Prof Chan , is to " bring together schools from the east and the west . "
He currently works as a digital tutor in the Visual Arts Degree at WITT , New Plymouth , New Zealand .
Early women 's colleges in Western countries provided an access to higher education to women who could not enter the traditional universities .
Every Chinese business school should also send leading members of staff to respected western business schools for training in the western approach .
Many teach in some of the West 's best business schools . C.