
  • 网络North-West Passage;The Northwest Passage
  1. 另外,在国家实践中加拿大也从未关闭西北航道。

    Addition , in State practice Canada also never closed Northwest Passage .

  2. 探索贸易路线,即进行毛皮交易的西北航道

    for a trade route , a Northwest Passage for the fur trade .

  3. 但一如横穿加拿大北部冰冷水域,世人期待已久的西北航道(NorthwestPassage)对于船舶,特别是那些缺乏没有使用防冰增强和加固船体的船舶来说,东北航道依然是一个暗藏杀机的凶险地带。

    But the Northeast passage , like the long-sought northwest passage across the icy waters north of Canada , remains a treacherous place for ships to operate , especially those lacking ice-hardened , reinforced hulls .

  4. 西北航道归属未定论也导致在过境通行和无害通过问题上存在障碍。

    Northwest Passage attribution " undetermined " also lead transit passage and innocent passage issues barriers .

  5. 去年,西北航道首次出现融冰现象,自那以后,这条传说中的航道就频上报刊头条。

    The fabled northwest passage has made headlines ever since it thawed last year for the first time .

  6. 使用独木舟探索贸易路线,即进行毛皮交易的西北航道。

    used canoes and paddled to explore for a trade route , a Northwest Passage for the fur trade .

  7. 至少从1969年开始,加拿大就一直允许声誉较好的运输公司使用西北航道,至今尚未出现被拒绝通行的先例。

    At least 1969 Canada been allow reputation better transport companies use Northwest fairway yet appear rejected passage precedent .

  8. 据说,因纽特人在形容雪时,词汇非常丰富,但在谈及西北航道时却很词穷,只能想到一种由水冻结而成的多年冰。

    It is said that the Inuit have many words for snow , but when it comes to the northwest passage only one type of frozen water matters : multiyear ice .

  9. 将来,全球气温的不断上升可能会致使北极多数地区在夏季没有冰层覆盖,更加易于勘探,打通自大西洋至太平洋的西北航道。

    In the future , rising global temperatures could leave much of the Arctic ice-free in the summer , enabling easier exploration and opening up the North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific .

  10. 文章指出,北极航线会很快变得可航行并导致国家间争端的产生,特别是西北航道可能成为国际争端的重要来源。

    The paper points out that Arctic Sea Route will become swiftly navigable and lead to the emergence of the dispute between countries ; especially the Northeast Passage may become a potential source of international conflict .

  11. 这一前景已经引发了加拿大同别国间关于西北航道(从戴维斯海峡沿着加拿大北岸到阿拉斯加的极区航道)通行权的争议,该航道岛屿密布,是有诸多争议的地区之一。

    This prospect is already raising the profile of disputes such as that between Canada and other countries over access to the northwest passage , one of many contested areas in a rugged region dotted with islands .

  12. 比如说,今年西北航道上的一年冰融化时,就为多年冰从伊丽莎白群岛漂移至西北航道开辟了道路,从而堵塞西北航道。

    This year , for example , when the first-year ice in the passage had melted , it opened the way for multiyear ice ( MYI ) from the Queen Elizabeth Islands to flow into and clog the northwest passage .

  13. 由于地处北极圈内,特定的地理环境因素使得西北航道在全年大部分时间里处于封冻状态,只有在夏季很短暂的一段时间里可以通行。

    As located within a specific geographical environment , a mounts of factors make the Northwest Passage most of the time throughout the year in a frozen state , and only a very short period in the summer time you can access .

  14. 北极西北航道指的是西起美国阿拉斯加北部的波弗特海,向东经过加拿大北极群岛水域到达东部的戴维斯海峡和巴芬湾,最终连接太平洋和大西洋的航道。

    The Arctic Northwest Passage stretches from Beaufort sea at the north of Alaska in America in the west to the Davis Strait and Baffin Bay in the east across the Canadian Arctic archipelago waters and it finally connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans .