
  1. 他被评选为这次运动会表现最出色的运动员。

    He was singled out as the outstanding performer of the games .

  2. 交通:香港国际机场(HongKongInternationalAirport)经常被评选为全球最佳机场之一,有100多家航空公司在此运营,从这里可直飞中国内地约50个目的地。

    Getting there : The Hong Kong International Airport , regularly voted among the world 's best , is used by more than 100 airlines operating flights to about 50 destinations in mainland China .

  3. 在今年的3月,马布里带领北京队拿下第三个,也是连续第二个CBA总冠军,他自己也被评选为CBA总决赛最有价值球员。

    He led Beijing to their third and second straight Chinese basketball league title in March and was voted the CBA finals MVP .

  4. 南京还有先锋书店(LibrairieAvant-Garde),一家隐藏在地下停车场的洞穴状书店,集零售和表演于一体,曾被评选为中国最美的书店。

    Nanjing is also home to Librairie Avant-Garde , a cavernous retail and performance space hidden away in an underground car park that was once voted China 's most beautiful bookstore .

  5. 很具讽刺性的是,Gutenberg最近被评选为千年风云人物,但实际上却是中国人发明了那个技术。

    It 's rather ironic that Gutenberg was recently voted the man of the millennium , when it was the Chinese who actually invented the technology .

  6. 据Skytrax对数百万飞机乘客进行的一项调查显示,阿联酋航空被评选为2016年全球最佳航空公司。

    The world 's best airline for 2016 is Emirates , according to a survey of millions of airline passengers conducted by Skytrax .

  7. 马自达MX-5两座敞篷跑车今年被评选为年度全球最佳车型以及年度全球最佳汽车设计,这种双料冠军相当少见。

    The Mazda MX-5 , a two-seater roadster , was voted both world car of the year and world car design of the year this year - a rare double accolade .

  8. SAIF在盛大娱乐互动有限公司的投资于2003被评选为“年度最佳投资案例”,并于2004年被评选为“年度最佳退出案例”。

    Yan 's leadership , AIF 's investment in Shanda Interactive Entertainment ( SNDA ) has been named " the Investment of the Year " in2003 and SAIF was voted as " VC Firm of the Year " .

  9. 答:我连续三次被评选为月度最佳职员。

    A : I was employee of the month three times .

  10. 七月份,她被评选为“本月最佳员工”

    In July she was chosen " Employee of the Month . "

  11. 是的,我们又被评选为”年度最佳流行双人组合“

    Yes , we 've been voted " best pop duo of the year " again .

  12. 不过她非常亲切。我很肯定地说她一定会被评选为“最佳人缘奖”!

    But that she is very nice and that for sure she will be voted Miss Congeniality !

  13. 棕榈岛亚特兰蒂斯酒店的水世界冒险乐园被评选为中东第一水上乐园。

    Aquaventure Waterpark at Atlantis the Palm was voted number one water park in the Middle East .

  14. 在71岁高龄之时,义大利著名女星索菲娅·罗兰日前被评选为世界上最具自然美的人。

    Sophia Loren has been voted the world 's most naturally beautiful person , at the age of71 .

  15. 在96~97赛季,贝克汉姆在40场比赛中攻入8球,并最终被评选为当年的英超最佳新人。

    Beckham was voted Young Player of the Year for 1996-97 , scoring an impressive eight goals in 40 appearances .

  16. 我在毕业年鉴中被评选为最可能成为智力竞赛选手的人,通俗来说就是最呆的书呆子。

    I was voted for my senior yearbook most likely to be a contestant on Jeopardy or code for nerdiest .

  17. 这个协会是由44000名职业足球运动员组成,他被评选为上赛季最佳运动员。

    Fabio was awarded in Madrid as best player of the past season by the44000 professional footballers all over the world .

  18. 2002年,英国也曾举行过类似的评选活动。二战时的首相温斯顿丘吉尔被评选为“最伟大的英国人”。

    In a similar exercise held in the UK in2002 , wartime prime minister Winston Churchill was voted the greatest briton .

  19. 2012年7月,李敏镐被评选为“化妆品电视广告最具魅力男艺人”。

    In July 2012 in South Korea , Lee was voted the most attractive male celebrity in TV commercials for cosmetics brands .

  20. 美国乡村音乐歌手约翰尼-卡什在爱妻生日时写下的一封情书被评选为史上最伟大的情书。

    A heartfelt birthday message from Johnny Cash to his beloved wife June has been voted the greatest love letter of all time .

  21. 谷歌再一次被评选为美国最佳就业公司,至少《财富》杂志的员工是这么说的。

    Google is once again the best company to work for in the United States , at least according to the folks at Fortune .

  22. 鲁尼本周被评选为球队的年度最佳球员,说他很喜欢和巴伦西亚并肩作战。

    Rooney , this week voted Manchester United 's player of the year , said Valencia was the team-mate he enjoyed playing alongside most .

  23. 斯嘉丽·约翰逊被评选为当今最性感的女人,一个原因就是她拥有最完美的鼻型!

    She has been voted the sexiest woman alive , but now it emerges that one reason may be that Scarlett Johansson apparently has the perfect nose .

  24. 参与者将被评选出最快入眠者、鼾声最响者、最佳睡姿奖和最佳睡眠穿著奖。

    The participants of the siesta contest win points for the first person to fall asleep , the loudest snorer , best original sleeping position and best dressed sleeper .

  25. 被评选出来的新的世界七大奇迹为(名次不分先后):中国长城、约旦红玫瑰古城、墨西哥玛雅古城、巴西基督像、意大利古罗马斗兽场、秘鲁天空之城和印度泰姬陵。

    The New7Wonders of the World , in random order , are : The Great Wall of China , Petra , Chich é n Itz á, the Statue of Christ Redeemer , the Colosseum , Machu Picchu and the Taj Mahal .

  26. 白杨的表演风格质朴、优美、自然,一生扮演过20多个银幕形象,在话剧舞台上塑造了50多个人物,六十年代被评选为“中国电影22大明星”之一。

    Bai Yang developed a graceful and natural , yet distinct style . She acted as over 20 film images and created over 50 characters on drama stage in her life and was chosen as one of the 22 Chinese film stars .

  27. 王文忠说他最近在自己的家乡枣强被评选为十大道德模范。他组织了一个由10名志愿者组成的小组,并花费约3万元(4860美元)购置援救设备和救灾物资。

    Mr. Wang , who says he was recently named one of the ' Ten Great Moral Models ' in his home county of Zaoqiang , organized and outfitted a team of 10 volunteers , spending around 30,000 yuan ( $ 4,860 ) on rescue equipment and relief supplies .

  28. 王文忠说他最近在自己的家乡枣强被评选为“十大道德模范”。他组织了一个由10名志愿者组成的小组,并花费约3万元(4860美元)购置援救设备和救灾物资。

    Mr. Wang , who says he was recently named one of the ' Ten Great Moral Models ' in his home county of Zaoqiang , organized and outfitted a team of 10 volunteers , spending around 30000 yuan ( $ 4860 ) on rescue equipment and relief supplies .

  29. 2003年一部《化蝶》被观众评选为“我最喜爱的春节联欢晚会节目特别奖”。

    The production " butterfly " was chosen as My Favorite Performance of Spring Festival Evening in2003 .

  30. 只有一项世界古代奇观还存在于世&现在历史爱好者们被邀请评选新七大奇观。

    Only one of the ancient wonders of the world still survives & now history lovers are being invited to choose a new list of seven .