
  1. 有的发展中国家被发达国家妖魔化、边缘化了。

    Some developing countries have been demonised and marginalised by developed countries .

  2. WTO决策法律制度作为WTO体制中的重要一环,亦被发达国家和发展中国家所重视。

    Both developing and developed countries attach great importance to WTO decision-making legal system which plays an important role in WTO institution .

  3. TPM正是以设备管理维护为基准点的一套被发达国家广泛采用的生产保养系统。

    TPM is production maintenance system based on equipment management and comprehensive adopted by developed country .

  4. 随着贸易自由化在全球范围的推进,各种关税和非关税壁垒逐渐为WTO所限用或禁用的同时,一种新型非关税壁垒即绿色贸易壁垒开始被发达国家广泛应用于国际贸易实践中。

    With the rapid development of trade liberalization all over the world , various tariff and non-tariff measures used as trade barriers have been restricted or totally forbidden by WTO . Meanwhile , a new type of non-tariff barriers named green trade barrier has been widely used in developed countries .

  5. 不同情况下,心源性休克患者死亡率为40%-80%[1]。对于心源性休克,左心室辅助装置(LVAD)是除药物和心脏移植之外的一种有效的治疗方法,正逐渐被发达国家应用于临床治疗[2]。

    Finally , mortality of patients with cardiogenic shock is about 40 % ~ 80 % . In addition to medicine and heart transplantation , Left Ventricular Assist Device ( LVAD ) is an effective treatment for cardiogenic shock which is used more and more by developed countries on clinic .

  6. 粗面内质同外周被发达的微管。

    The outside of the rough endoplasmic reticulum with developmental microtubules is notable .

  7. 资本运营作为有效的发展手段,已被发达国家传媒产业广泛运用。

    Capital Management as an effective means of development , the media industry has been widely used in developed countries .

  8. 在西非的电子废墟中,孩子们正在帮助清理被发达国家丢弃的计算机。

    In the electronic wastelands of west Africa , children are helping to clear up the developed world 's discarded computers .

  9. 电子商务环境中的网络信息安全已被发达的各国列为未来信息战争的战略课题。

    The network information safety in electronic environment has been listed as the future strategic pro - gram of information war by developed countries .

  10. 而目前,国内数码发电机的市场主要是被发达国家所占领,其关键技术也被垄断。

    At present , the domestic market for the digital generation is mainly occupied by the developed countries , the key technology is also be monopolized .

  11. 中国、印度、巴西和南非等发展中国家相互沟通,表示不能够被发达国家分化。

    Developing countries including China , India , Brazil and South Africa are staying in communication so that they won 't be separated by the developed countries .

  12. 2014年的整体局面是,中国以及整个新兴地区经济增长放缓给全球经济带来的影响,将被发达国家经济状况日益好转所抵消。

    The bigger picture for 2014 is that the slowdown in China and the emerging region will be offset by increasingly positive economic conditions in developed countries .

  13. 这份报告同时指出,正在被发达国家的捕捞船队搜寻的深海的新鱼种也会遭受同样的命运。

    The report also says that new deep-water species , increasingly being sought by the developed world 's fishing fleets , stand to suffer the same fate .

  14. 在这个相互竞争的过程中,经济实力较弱的发展中国家企业往往被发达国家跨国公司嵌入在全球价值链低端。

    In this competitive process , enterprises in developing countries often be embedded in the low end of the global value chain by multinational companies in developed countries .

  15. 绿色交通是一种可持续发展的、以人为本的先进的交通理论,具有前瞻性,其理念被发达国家广泛推崇和采用。

    Green transportation is a kind of people oriented and advanced traffic theory with sustainable development and foresight . Its concept has been widely adopted by developed countries .

  16. 遗传资源的核心价值在于遗传资源利用过程中产生的知识产权权益,而这一权益几乎被发达国家独享。

    The core values of genetic resources is intellectual property rights which is generated in the process of utilization of genetic resources , and this interest was almost exclusively in developed countries .

  17. 然而一种新型的、隐蔽性较强的、透明度较低的、不易监督和预测的技术壁垒被发达国家广泛用来保护本国市场,抵制外国产品,这就是绿色贸易壁垒。

    While one late model , whose conceal is stronger and transparency is low with no easy supervised and forecasted , is employed widely by developed countries to protect the homeland market and boycott foreign products .

  18. 但是,目前先进半导体硅片磨削技术与设备被发达国家及跨国公司所垄断,严重制约了国内半导体制造业的发展。

    However , at present , the advanced grinding technologies and equipments for wafer are monopolized by developed countries and multinational companies , so the development of semiconductor manufacturing technology and equipment in our country is severely confined .

  19. 热电联产是节约能源、提高效能、减少污染、保护环境的有效措施,已被发达国家和许多发展中国家广泛采用。

    The way of joint producing electric power and heat is an effective measures for energy saving , efficiency enhance , pollution reducing and environment protection , which has been widely adopted by developed countries and many developing countries .

  20. 摘要文化贸易作为促进各国各民族文化交流的重要方式,被发达国家用来作为推进其强势文化的手段,导致发展中国家出现巨大的文化贸易逆差。

    Cultural trade is an important means to accelerate cultural communion all over the world , which is used by developed countries to advance their mainstream culture , so a lot of developing countries have unfavorable balances of cultural trade .

  21. 发展中国家环境标准相对较低,内在化的外部成本的增长率较小,产品的国际竞争力较强,利润的增长率较大,被发达国家认为是生态倾销,所以设置绿色壁垒加以限制。

    Because developing countries have comparatively low environmental standards and lower growth rate of external costs , highly competitive products and higher growth rate of profits , thus are frequently regarded as eco-dumping and restricted by green barriers set by developed countries .

  22. 西门子印度分公司的工程师们开发了一种低成本X射线扫描照相机&它非常好用,因此将被用于发达世界的设备中。

    Engineers at Siemens ' Indian affiliate developed a low-cost x-ray scanner camera that is so good it will be used in developed-world equipment .

  23. 基于此理论而编制的全面收益表,被西方发达国家作为第四张报表展现在人们面前。

    The comprehensive income statement based on this theory is accepted as the fourth financial statement in the western countries .

  24. 制定发展议程的设想是由阿根廷和巴西在2004年世界知识产权组织大会上提出的。在会上它主要得到了发展中国家的支持,被一些发达国家反对。

    At the2004 WIPO general assembly where it was backed mainly by developing countries and resisted by some developed countries .

  25. 此后这一理论被部分发达国家的营利组织、非营利组织和行政部门采纳运用,对于改进这些组织的管理也取得了一定的成效。

    Hereafter , administrative departments , profit and non-profit agencies in some developed countries have obtained success in management by adopting this theory .

  26. 股票期权制度是一种被国外发达国家反复证明的一种最富成效的企业激励制度。

    The system of stock option is the most effective corporation stimulation system which has been testified time and again by other developed countries .

  27. 垃圾卫生填埋是能对渗滤液和填埋气体进行控制的填埋方式,被广大发达国家普遍采用。

    Sanitary landfill is a filling method that can control percolating and filtrating liquid and landfill gas , and universally adopted by developed countries .

  28. 而这一难题也已被日益发达的科技攻破&不久前,科学家成功研制了一种高效的太阳能电池板,不仅白天提供电能,而且在夜间也可提供电力。

    Not long ago , scientists successfully developed a kind of high-efficiency solar panels which can supply power both in the day time and at night .

  29. 产业结构发展与税收收入增长密切相关,产业结构的变迁会促进经济增长进而促使税收增长,同时产业结构变迁本身也对税收增长起作用,这已经被众多发达国家的发展轨迹所证明。

    Industrial structure is closely related to tax revenue . The change of industrial structure will promote economic growth so that the tax revenue will grow .

  30. 更多资源被用于发达国家而不是发展中国家,但和传染性疾病不同的是,有的问题对两类国家来说是共同的。

    More resources have gone into the developed than the developing world , but then some of the issues , unlike with infectious diseases , are common to both .