
  • 网络phenotypic vaLue;phenotype value
  1. 传统育种是以个体表型值为依据进行选择的,称为表型值选择(PS)。

    Selection in traditional breeding is based on phenotypic value , called phenotypic value selection ( PS ) .

  2. 模拟程序主要比较了利用表型值的选育过程、利用BLUP方法进行的选择过程和利用真实育种值的效果,表明表型值方法较好;

    The model program compared the affection of phenotypic value method with BLUP ( Best Linear Unbiased Predication ) breeding value method and true inbreeding value .

  3. 基于所构建的分子图谱,结合田间调查的15个产量相关性状表型值,采用多重区间定位法开展了15个辣椒产量相关性状的QTL定位。

    Based on the linkage map and phenotype values of 15 yield-related traits , QTL analysis were performed by multiple interval mapping .

  4. 2比较各性状表型值高、低组的混合DNA扩增片段后发现,公、母鸡群分别有12、8个RAPD标记与性状关联。

    Compared with mixed DNA amplified bands of high and low group of each trait , there were 12 or 8 RAPD marker traits association in male or female population respectively .

  5. 利用BC2F2群体对14个产量相关性状进行QTL定位,共检测到控制8个性状的20个QTL。对性状表型值起增效作用的有11个,占总检出数的55%。

    Additionally , a total of 20 QTLs for eight traits associated with yield were identified in the population of 122 BC_2F_2s , and of which 55 % had positive effect .

  6. 结果表明,水稻结实率表型值及其在F3家系群中的分布以及所检测到的QTL数目因生长环境不同而有较大差异,说明QTL与环境有明显的互作效应。

    The value of seed setting rate and its distribution in F_3 lines and the number of detected QTL were significantly different due to different growing environments , indicating the interaction between QTL and environment significantly .

  7. 凉山48-50支半细毛羊母羊预期表型值综合选择指数的研究

    Study on the predicted phenotypic combined selection index of Lingshan Semi-wool sheep

  8. 后者是将标记值与表型值线性组合成一个指数,作为选择依据。

    The latter combines marker score and phenotypic value as an index for selection .

  9. 育成公羊依据表型值选择与依据综合育种值选择的结果差异极显著;

    The difference between phenotypic selection and TBV selection of ram hogg reached a significant level .

  10. 综合结果表明,各性状的表型值在播期间存在着明显的差异。

    The highly significant differences between two sowing dates were observed for phenotypic values of all characters .

  11. 类似在生物界,生物数量性状的表型值也同时受环境和遗传的影响。

    Similar to the biological phenomenon , the phenotype value of quantitative traits will be influenced both by environment and gene .

  12. 并根据两独立样本间个体表型值的分布筛选与性状真实关联的分子标记。

    Molecular markers having true correlation with traits were selected according to the distribution of the individual phenotypic value of two independent samples .

  13. 显然,这两种方法所用的选择依据(标记值和选择指数)与传统的表型值相似,都是个体基因型值(育种值)的一个近似。

    Obviously , the selection criterions used by the two methods are an approximation of individual genotypic value ( breeding value ), similar to the traditional phenotypic value .

  14. 相关分析表明4个性状的表型值之间存在高度相关(0.57-0.72),单株穗数与其它3个性状(穗长、小穗数、穗粒数)存在明显的负相关(-0.57~-0.71)。

    Correlation analysis indicated that the performance value of 4 traits showed high correlation ( 0.57 ~ 0.72 ), spikes per plant and other 3 traits had an obvious negative correlation ( - 0.57 ~ - 0.71 ) . 3 .

  15. 前者采用逐步回归筛选与目标性状相关联的标记,由此估计个体的标记值,作为选择的依据;后者是将标记值与表型值线性组合成一个指数,作为选择依据。

    The former uses marker score as selection criterion estimated based on the markers showing significant associations with the target quantitative trait screened by stepwise multiple regression . The latter combines marker score and phenotypic value as an index for selection .

  16. 从育成品种产量性状的表型值分析,审定品种具有多样性的特点,品种的多样性符合水稻生产多样性的要求,同时减少了稻瘟病等病虫害及低温冷害对吉林省水稻生产的影响。

    The varieties registered are diversified by the analysis from phenotypic value , the diversity of rice meet the requirements of the diversity of rice production , while reducing the rice blast and other pests and cold damage to the rice production in Jilin Province .

  17. 利用蒙特卡罗方法,模拟不同的选择过程;将个体性状的表型值剖分为四个向量,即群体平均值、个体育种值、印迹效应值和随机效应值;

    Here I utilized the method of Monte-Carlo and expressed a kind of trait with a mathematic model , and the phenotypic value is divided into four parts , namely , average value of group , individual breeding value , imprinting effect value and random effect value .

  18. 中国人外周血淋巴细胞37种表型正常值的测定

    Determinations of the Normal Reference Values on 37 Phenotypes of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes

  19. 河南省健康人群外周血T淋巴细胞14种表型正常参考值的建立及意义

    Establishment of 14 reference values on peripheral blood T lymphocyte subsets in healthy adults in Henan Province

  20. 方法以脐带血库单体型频率和脐带血库容量为基础计算出某一具体表型的理论值与实际查询结果相比较。

    Methods The theoretical value calculated on the basis of haplotype frequencies and actual finding result from cord blood bank were compared .

  21. 带刻度表型计量器具示值误差测量结果的不确定度评定方法

    The Measurement Uncertainty Assessment Method of the Measuring Instrument with a dial

  22. 各生殖构件表型观测数据最大值比最小值高2.1~21.1倍。

    The maximum in the observed phenotype data of each reproductive module were 2.1-21.1 times more than the minimum .

  23. 通过通径分析描述各表型性状对表型性状梯度值的直接作用和间接作用,从侧面证实了繁殖器官性状的稳中求变。

    Meanwhile the path analysis results showed the direct and indirect effects of phenotypical characteristics on phenotypic character gradient values , which proved the fact that the propagative organs are changing with steady steps .

  24. 目的通过对健康青少年和成人外周血T淋巴细胞免疫表型分布调查,建立健康人外周血T淋巴细胞免疫表型正常参考值范围。

    Objective To detect T lymphocyte subsets in healthy teenagers and adults in Zhejiang areas and establish the reference range for normal values of T lymphocyte subsets .

  25. 动植物和人类的很多重要性状都是抗性性状,这类性状大多由多基因控制且表型易受环境条件影响而发生变异的一类性状,其表型值经常呈现数量变异。

    Many important taits in animal , plant and human are resistance traits , the traits are controlled by polygenes and the phenotypes are modified by environmental factors . As a consequence , the phenotypic values usually show quantitative variation .