
  • 网络Subsidy;subsidy income;Subsidize revenue
  1. 本文在一般讨论的基础上,以补贴收入中的所得税返还的会计处理为例进行了分析。

    After general description , the paper analyses the accounting process of income tax refund of subsidy .

  2. 最近,汽车制造商将补贴收入囊中。

    This week , the car manufacturers secured their subsidy .

  3. 支付补贴的收入必然来自两方面。

    The revenue to pay the subsidy must come from one of two sources .

  4. 英国可以不必再向欧盟划拨资金,用以补贴农民收入或较贫困地区。

    The country would no longer have to transfer funds to the EU to subsidise farm incomes or poorer regions .

  5. 政府通过以更高的价格收购大米而补贴农民收入,不愿将大米在国内市场便宜出售。

    The government , which is subsidizing farmers ' income by buying rice at higher prices , is reluctant to sell it cheaply in the domestic market .

  6. 月平均工资按国家统计局规定列入工资总额统计的项目计算,包括工资、奖金、津贴、补贴等收入。

    Mean monthly the project consideration that salary includes total wages count by regulation of national statistic bureau , include the income such as salary , bonus , subsidiary , allowance .

  7. 这在国内也是鲜见的提法。文章较严格地分析了政府通过建立良好的社会风尚和个人信誉制度、运用经济补贴和收入再分配等间接手段促进私人供给公共物品的机制。

    This thesis analyze the mechanism of improving the supply of private public goods by way of establishing good social norm and personal prestige system and using subsidy and redistribution of income policies to improve private provision .

  8. 作为国民收入再分配的一种形式,补贴对改善收入分配、降低收入不平等的作用也备受关注。

    As a form of national income redistribution , subsidy is concerned about its effect on improving income distribution and reducing income inequality .

  9. 在上世纪50年代,一米高的围墙建了起来,将村民与深圳河分隔开来,而深圳河是他们通过捕鱼来补贴微薄农业收入的地方。

    In the 1950s a one-metre high fence was constructed , separating villagers from the river they fished to supplement meagre agricultural incomes .

  10. 因此,增加农机补贴可以减小收入分配差距,但是其效果不如按照人头进行补贴的情形。

    Therefore , increasing machinery subsidies will reduce the income gap , but it would be better if we distribute the subsidies according to number of people .

  11. 实证结果表明,与价格补贴相比,收入补贴具有明显的成本优势,而且随着补贴人群的缩小,收入补贴的成本优势将更加明显。

    The empirical analysis indicated that compared with price subsidy , income subsidy had obvious cost advantage , and the advantage will be more distinct as subsidy group is narrowed .

  12. 虽然在市中心迫切需要政府补贴的低收入住宅,但私人开发商实际上可以不受约束地将先前的办公大楼改造为豪华公寓。

    While subsidised low - income housing is desperately needed in the inner city , private developers have been given virtually free rein to convert former office blocks into luxury flats .

  13. 燃油税率的双重红利研究中发现,当新增税收完全补贴给要素收入,减少要素市场扭曲时,第一重红利和第二重红利的效果均非常显著。

    Based on the results of researching double dividend effects of fuel tax , this paper finds that when the additional tax revenue was subsidized to factors income where lessening distortion in the factor market , the effects of both dividends are highly significant .

  14. 财政政策的建议如下:(1)加大免税补贴,增加农民收入。

    Fiscal policy recommendations are as follows : ( 1 ) Increase tax-free subsidies , increase their income .

  15. 总的来说,2002法案的核心内容是增加对农业的补贴,构建农民收入的安全网。

    In a word , the core content of 2002 Farm Act is to increase agricultural subsidies and build a safe net for farmer 's income .

  16. 而这个国家音乐人却将这个模式颠倒过来:不得不通过音乐出口来补贴国内的微薄收入。

    The country 's pop musicians have turned this model upside down : they have to export their tunes to make up for meagre pickings at home .

  17. 他向父亲许诺的时候,心里就在盘算,想给他妹妹每人再补贴一千镑的收入。

    When he gave his promise to his father , he meditated within himself to increase the fortunes of his sisters by the present of a thousand pounds a-piece .

  18. 对教育和医疗保健的支出为每一个公民创造了起点公平的条件,财政补贴支出给低收入群体带来比较大的收入效应。

    Expenditures on the education and health establish an equal condition to start for every citizen . In a word , the fiscal subsidy expenditures bring about larger income effect for the low-income group .

  19. 与生产不挂钩的收入补贴能提高农民收入、增进社会福利,农业政策调整时,这种政策的配套实施还有利于新政策的贯彻落实。

    Incomes that are non-linked to production will enable farmers to raise their incomes and promote social welfare . When agricultural policies are adjusted , the backup implementation of this policy will help improve the practice of new policies .

  20. 实证结果显示:稻作补贴、稻作收入、和地租对长期稻米生产调整比率均有负面的影响;农业所得率则有正面影响。

    The empirical results show that the compensation on rice production , rice revenues , and level of rent all had a negative effect on the long-term ratio of rice production adjustment while the ratio of agricultural income had a positive effect .

  21. 同时进一步通过回归分析发现文化程度、耕地的细碎化程度、化肥和农药的投入、国家补贴与种植业收入存在着正相关关系,而劳动力人数与种植业收入存在着负相关关系。

    At the same time , through regression analysis showed that education level , the degree of fine land , fertilizer and pesticide inputs , fanning subsidies are positive correlation to the national income , but labor income is the negative correlation to the national income .

  22. 由于收入补贴目标瞄准性更好,当价格补贴和收入补贴的资金相同时,收入补贴的收入分配效应可能更好。

    With better target effect , the income distribution effect of income subsidy will better than price subsidy if the policy cost is the same .