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  • behavioral scientist
  1. 激励因素&保健因素理论是美国的行为科学家弗雷德里克·赫茨伯格(FredrickHerzberg)提出来的,又称双因素理论。

    The theory of motivation factor and health protective factor is raised by American behavioral scientist Fredrick Herzberg , which is also called dual-factor theory .

  2. 成为一个行为科学家。

    Become a behavioral scientist .

  3. 行为科学家丹艾瑞里(DanAriely)和詹姆斯海曼(JamesHeyman)要求实验对象完成一项枯燥的工作;那些有几美分报酬的人干得比没有报酬的人还少。

    The behavioural scientists Dan Ariely and James Heyman asked experimental subjects to perform a boring task ; those paid a few cents did less work than those paid nothing at all .

  4. 多年来,行为科学家们一直在研究这样的问题。

    For years , behavioral scientists have studied such questions .

  5. 动物心理学教授和行为科学家则截然不同。

    Professors of animal psychology and behavioral scientists are a very different story .

  6. 我们还回顾了有关改变自我的科学研究文献。早在20世纪60年代,改变自我就是行为科学家开始认真探索的课题。

    We also reviewed the scientific research literature on self-change , a topic that behavioral scientists began to explore in earnest in the1960s .

  7. 由于不确定条件下的概率判断日益为人们所关注,心理学家、数学家、经济学家以及其他一些社会和行为科学家中有越来越多人开始从事这方面的研究。

    As for more and more people paying attention to probability judgment under uncertain conditions , many scientists were engaged in researches of this field .

  8. 正如对此问题兴趣越来越浓厚的行为科学家所暗示的那样,对理想的刺激措施的追求,与其说是个算术问题,不如说是个人性问题。

    The quest for the ideal incentive package is , as behavioural scientists ' increasing interest suggests , a human problem more than a mathematical one .

  9. 行为科学家已经做过无数试验,证明任何人都往往会重复一个动作,立即产生出愉快的结果。

    Behavioral scientists have done countless experiments to prove that any human being tends to repeat an act which has been immediately followed by a pleasant result .

  10. 尽管有些行为科学家认为,广泛的社交关系有助于人们取得更大成功;但是,有些颇具影响的大师实际上生活得相对隔绝。

    While some behavioral scientists have found that having strong connections makes you more successful , some of the most influential creative people lived in relative isolation .

  11. 行为科学家发现,一个地方越富裕,那个地方就越快乐,但是那个地方的人就更有可能自杀。

    Behavioural scientists found that the more affluent an area then the happier it was , but the more likely its residents are to take their own lives .

  12. 然而,据芝加哥大学行为科学家奚恺元教授介绍,人类似乎生性懒惰,旨在保存精力。

    However , the bad news is that humans seem hard-wired to be lazy in order to save energy , according to Professor Christopher Hsee , a behavioural scientist at Chicago University .

  13. 佩尔古尔堡汉森是南丹麦大学的行为科学家和丹麦网络主席,他说:“它甚至比海报上的孩子们说,我住在这里,或者我希望我爸爸能平平安安回家的效果更好。”

    It works even better if " the children featuring on the poster are saying ' I live here , " or ' I want my daddy to come home safely ' , " says Pelle Guldborg Hansen , behavioural scientist at the University of Southern Denmark , and chairman of the Danish Nudging Network .

  14. 几年来这种反常行为让科学家们很困惑。

    For years this anomalous behaviour has baffled scientists

  15. 这也是一些行为学科学家所认为的每公里耗油量才是更好的测量标准。

    And that 's why some behavioral scientists think gallons per mile is a better metric .

  16. 动物在这种情景下的行为是科学家们难以解释的谜。

    The behaviour of the animals in this situation is a mystery that scientists are finding difficult to unravel .

  17. 对于研究病毒演变及行为的科学家来说,埃博拉病原体的本质与数量庞大、历史悠久、形态各异的各种病毒并无不同。

    For scientists who study the evolution and behavior of viruses , the Ebola pathogen is performing true to its vast , ancient and staggeringly diverse kind .

  18. 正因为这种假设,研究阅读行为的科学家们对单独的一只眼睛进行了测试,因为他们认为两只眼睛是在做同样的事情。

    Because of this assumption scientists looking at reading behavior have just measured one of the eyes because they assumed the eyes were doing the same thing .

  19. 一些动物及其行为对科学家来说依然很神秘,只有通过长期的研究和观察,他们才得以破解很多有关动物的谬误。

    Some animals and their behavior remain mysterious to scientists and it 's only through long term research and observation that they 've been able to bust a number of animal myths .

  20. 通过随访这些儿童及其家庭的行为,科学家发现他们的父母在稻田捉蟹并把蟹加入他们的孩子的饮食中。

    By following the behaviour of these children and their families , researchers found that their parents were fishing for crabs in rice paddies and adding them to their children 's diet .

  21. 许多世纪以来,昆虫、鱼类和低等哺乳动物的复杂行为引起了科学家们的兴趣。

    Complex behavior in insects , fish and lower mammals has intrigued scientists for centuries .

  22. 但是方舟子认为,这样的惩罚太轻了,不揭露行为不端的科学家的名字,就不足以震慑其他人。

    But Fang says that the punishment is too slight and the practice of not revealing names of most of scientists accused of misconduct will fail to deter the others .

  23. 作为研究者之一,尼古拉•盖冈表示:“对研究背景音乐对个体行为影响的科学家而言,这是个有趣的结论。”

    One of the researchers , Nicolas Gueguen , wrote , " The results are interesting for scientists who work on the effect of background music on individuals ' behaviour . "

  24. 柯伦不是什么想要发掘肮脏秘密的私人调查员,而是替一家贺卡公司工作的人类学家。人类学家是指通过系统观察研究人类行为的社会科学家。

    Mr Curran is not a private investigator hoping to uncover a dirty secret but an anthropologist – a social scientist who studies human behaviour through systematic observation – working on behalf of a greeting card company .

  25. 研究群居性昆虫行为特征的科学家发现,昆虫每个个体能力十分有限,在群落一级上的合作基本上是自组织的,在许多场合中尽管这些合作可能很简单,但是却可以解决复杂的问题。

    The scientists who studied the behavior of insects with sociality found that insects ' cooperation can solve complicated problems although this kind of cooperation is nearly self-organized in one community and seems very simply in some situation .

  26. 每一种生物都有控制自己行为的时钟,科学家们称之为生物钟。

    Every living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior .

  27. 人类的行为不能以自然科学家观察实验标本那样的精确度来审视。

    Human behavior cannot be examined with the same precision with which a natural scientist can examine laboratory specimen .

  28. 道德品质教育主要在文明行为常识以及著名科学家的事迹中找素材对学生进行道德品质教育。

    The moral character education mainly looks for the source material in the general knowledge about civilized behavior as well as in the famous scientists ' fact to carry out the moral character education to the students .

  29. 欧洲脑和行为学会致力于脑机制和行为学的欧洲科学家之间进行信息交换。

    The purpose of the European Brain and Behaviour Society is the exchange of information between European scientists interested in the relationship of brain mechanisms and behavior .

  30. 中国一位最主要的科学不端行为的批评者方是民最近输掉了一起名誉侵权官司,起诉他的是一位被他批评行为不端的科学家。

    China 's main critic of scientific misconduct has been found guilty of libelling a scientist he accused of academic wrongdoing .