
  • 网络behavioral modeling;behavior modeling
  1. 系统以产品实例为基础,以行为建模技术为手段,将KBE技术融入设计系统中。

    In the integrated system , instance is basis of product design ; Behavioral Modeling and KBE are methods .

  2. 基于Hammerstein模型的模拟电路结构级行为建模技术预制混凝土构件模板技术规程

    Methodology of the Structural Behavioral Modeling for Analog Circuits Based on Hammerstein Method Technical specification for prefabricated concrete products

  3. 基于UML的对象动态行为建模技术研究

    Research on Modeling Technique of Object Dynamic Behavior on UML

  4. 面向Agent的CGF智能行为建模技术研究

    Research on the CGF intelligent action modeling technology based on Agent

  5. 综合论述了在计算机生成兵力(CGF)中基于Agent的智能行为建模技术,并阐述了基于多Agent技术的作战仿真系统的研究方向。

    It also describes a intelligent action modeling based on Agent method in computer generated force . At the same time , it expounds the research direction based on multi-Agent technology .

  6. CGF行为建模技术是为了使得CGF在虚拟战场中具有行为真实性。

    The behavioral modeling technology of CGF is to make the CGF act a more real behavior in the virtual combat environment .

  7. 对计算机生成兵力和行为建模技术的基础理论进行了综述。

    The theory foundations of CGF and behavior modeling are summarized .

  8. 基于特征的行为建模技术在天线结构设计中的应用

    An Application of Feature-Based Behavioral Modeling in Antenna Construction Design

  9. 格斗空战行为建模技术研究

    Research on Human Behavior Representation of Fighter Dogfight Combat

  10. 三维参数化行为建模技术在包装容器优化设计中的应用研究

    The Application of 3D Parametric Behavioral Modeling Technology in Optimum Design of Packaging Container

  11. 基于行为建模技术的翻领式成型器三维建模研究

    Development of 3D modeling of the lapel shaper based on the behavioral modeling technique

  12. 介绍了行为建模技术以及先进的仿真技术;分析了国外装备保障性工程领域模型;

    Advanced modeling technique and simulation technique are introduced and foreign models in the field of integrated supportability engineering are also roughly analyzed .

  13. 利用现代设计手段结合行为建模技术,设计人员可以在设计过程的任何时候评价设计结果。

    Using modern design techniques combined with behavioral modeling , the engineer can estimate his design result at any time of design period .

  14. 使用行为建模技术还能够解决天线变形等系统误差补偿问题,为天线调试与维护提供了一种直观有效的手段。

    Behavioral Modeling technology can also resolve system error compensation problem such as antenna distortion , and provide one straight and effective artifice for antenna regulate and maintenance .

  15. 使用行为建模技术可以很好地解决天线结构设计中反射角、平衡等诸多问题。

    We can solve some problems of antenna construction design by using Behavioral Modeling technology , such as signal reflection on the reflector and the balance of assembly .

  16. 介绍了第五代建模技术&行为建模技术,应用Pro/E行为建模技术实现对叶轮优化设计,通过轴向流道优化建模过程详细介绍了行为建模技术。

    The fifth generation behavioral modeling is described and optimized design of impeller blade in centrifugal pump is developed by using Pro / E. Model of Meridional Flow Channel is described in details .

  17. 提出了基于Pro/Engineer的包装容器三维参数化设计的方法,研究了行为建模技术在包装容器优化设计中的应用。

    The method of 3D parametric design for packaging container was put forward based on Pro / Engineer software . The application of behavioral modeling technologies in optimum design of packaging container was researched .

  18. 采用行为建模技术,Pro/E可以提取产品的设计意念和规范,作为设计的功能原理及工程知识,满足多重设计目标,设计者从其中提取最优参数进行设计。

    Using this modeling technology , the software can capture engineering know-how and know ledge as specifications and product intent inside the design , then automatically prepares as many design prototypes as are needed to satisfy multiple objectives .

  19. 针对天线配重设计中存在的问题,利用先进的设计软件Pro/E中的高级模块行为建模技术对配重设计进行了优化,使配重设计更加简单、准确、高效

    The article analyzes the existing problem in designing balance device of antenna and optimize designing balance device of antenna using behavioral modeling technology of Pro / E , making designing balance device of antenna more simply , more precision and more efficiency

  20. 利用行为建模技术解决了单一参数化技术无法解决的轴面流道的优化问题,将叶轮设计的大量重复、费时费力的一个复杂设计过程,通过优化特征的建立,变成了一个自动化的过程。

    The Optimization of pinacoid flow passage , which can 't be realized by single parameterized technology , is figured out with behavioral modeling . By establishing the optimal characteristics , the complex and repetitive process of impeller design is turned into an automatic one .

  21. 采用Pro/E行为建模技术,进行了高速面铣刀不平衡量的调整策略的研究与刀具动平衡等级的评价,为刀具动平衡调整结构的设计提供了依据。

    With the use of Behavioral Modeler of Pro / E , the adjustment strategy of imbalance for high speed end milling cutter has been accomplished , and the grade of balancing has been estimated , which provide theory for the design of balancing adjustment mechanism .

  22. 面向虚拟实体对象的行为建模关键技术研究

    Research on Key Technologies for Behavior Modeling of Virtual Artifacts Objects

  23. 将面向对象分析技术与基于行为的建模技术分别应用于系统软件的静态功能和动态行为的分析与建模,建立了一个层次化、组件化的开放式数控软件结构。

    Object-oriented analysis and behavior-based modeling are used respectively for the modeling of software 's static functions and dynamic behaviors , and a multi-lay modular software structure is suggested .

  24. 行为建模角度信息技术采纳研究综述

    A Critical Review of IT Adoption Research on the Perspective Behavioral Modeling

  25. 论文研究了跨领域行为建模与仿真技术,解决了跨领域集成仿真环境中多刚体系统的动力学建模问题。

    Then , this paper explores cross-domain behavior modeling and simulation technology , and resolves multiple rigid-body system dynamics modeling in cross-domain integrated simulation environment .

  26. 虚拟人群行为建模及仿真技术在虚拟空间中对人类的感知、规划、行为和认知方式进行模拟,旨在更真实地反映人群的各种特性。

    The behavior modeling and simulating technology for virtual crowds simulates the perception , planning , behavior and cognitive ability of human beings and aims to reflect the characteristics of crowds realistically .

  27. 在三维建模技术部分介绍了视觉建模技术,包括几何建模、运动建模、物理建模、对象行为建模和模型分割技术并给出了外部三维模型的导入方法。

    In the three-dimensional modeling technology part , it introduces the vision modeling technology , including Geometric Modeling , Kinematic Modeling , Physical Modeling , Object Behavior Modeling and Model Segmentation and providing the method to import an outer three-dimensional model .