
  1. 糯米淀粉质无蛋沙拉酱工艺及流变学性质研究具有观赏性和实用性双重性质的一种工艺品。

    Study on the production of salad dressing from waxy rice starch and rheological property The crafts look beautifully and the usable ambiguity archery target one kind of handicraft .

  2. 蒂特里克说,如果大批生产的话,不含蛋的蛋黄酱可以比传统蛋黄酱便宜10%。

    Mr. Tetrick says that , in large quantities , he can make eggless mayo 10 % cheaper than conventional egg mayo .

  3. 一些种类的鱼卵或蛋通常作为鱼子酱食用。

    The roe , or eggs , of some species are eaten as caviar .