
  1. 用纯化的蛋白包被ELISA反应板,对融合成功的杂交瘤细胞进行筛选。

    The ELISA plates were coated with purified protein and hybridoma culture supernatants were screened by indirect ELISA method .

  2. 用纯化的包膜蛋白包被微孔板,经ELISA方法检测HCVRNA阳性血清中的E2抗体。

    By ELISA , the anti E2 antibodies were detected in HCV RNA positive serum using the expressed protein .

  3. 将纯化的目的蛋白包被于聚苯乙烯平皿上作为靶蛋白,经过4轮淘筛,得到能够与IRS-1的PH结构域相结合的重组噬菌体克隆;

    The purified-protein-coated polystyrene plate was used to screen recombinant phages that could bind onto it .

  4. 用此蛋白包被ELISA板,检测正常孕妇血清,阳性率为6.5%(17/263)。与本室制备的全病毒抗原ELISA的诊断符合率为96%。

    The ELISA coating with the recombinant protein had a good agreement ( 96 % ) with the whole virion antigen ELISA kit made by us .

  5. 以HCVe2蛋白包被酶标板,检测阳性噬菌体对HCVe2与人CD81分子结合的抑制作用。

    The inhibitory effect of the positive phage on the binding between HCV E2 and human CD81 was detected .

  6. 第1次是将A蛋白包被于反应板,加双抗体夹心后,第2次将酶联A蛋白包被抗体中IgG的Fc段,阻止了非特异性反应。

    The first step is to attach protein A on the reacting plate as solid coating layer ; after adding double antibody , the following step is to use the conjugated enzyme with protein A to coat Fc segment of IgG immunoglobulin preventing the nonspecific reaction .

  7. 方法取犬的脐带血,用添加有EGM-2MV的EBM-2在纤连蛋白包被的六孔板上培养。

    Methods Got core blood from dogs and cultured the cells with EBM-2 adding EGM-2 MV in 6 well cell culture clusters coating with fibronectin .

  8. 方法密度梯度离心提取单个核细胞,接种在人纤连蛋白包被的培养板上,培养于含有促血管生长因子VEGF、b-FGF、IGF、EGF等的内皮生长基质EGM-2MV中。

    Methods : Total mononuclear cells ( MNC ) were isolated from peripheral blood by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation , and then the cells were plated on fibronectin coated culture dishes , and cultured in EGM-2 MV , Which contains VEGF , bFGF , IGF , EGF .

  9. 在高尔基体至溶酶体的运输中,网格蛋白包被囊泡起主要作用。

    Clathrin-coated vesicles play a major role in the Golgi to the lysosome transport .

  10. 壳聚糖丝心蛋白包药微球的结构和释放性能研究

    Studies on the structure and controlled release of chitosan / fibroin microsphere inclusion drug

  11. 乳酸羟乙醇酸共聚物微球中蛋白包封率的测定

    Determination of encapsulated protein in the PLGA microspheres

  12. 两相真空高压均质机制备丝素蛋白包埋O/W乳液及其稳定性

    Preparation and Stability of Silk Fibroin-coated Corn Oil-in-Water Emulsion by Two Stage Vacuum High Pressure Homogenization

  13. 简化了生物膜力探针的蛋白包被方法,采用了多种工作模式。

    The protein coating procedures of BFP were simplified and the multiple working procedures were developed .

  14. 所以塔夫斯大学的丝绸专家们想出一个可能的解决办法:用丝蛋白包住疫苗。

    So silk experts at Tufts University have come up with a potential solution : encase the vaccines in silk protein .

  15. 为了改善贴壁效果,可用多聚鸟氨酸和层粘连蛋白包被培养板。

    In order to improve the effect of adherence , the culture plate could be coated with poly-ornithine and laminin . 5 .

  16. 在此条件下,蛋白包埋率可达85~90%,相对酶活达30~35%,酶活回收率达30%左右。

    In this condition , residual protein reached 85-90 % , relative activity reached 30-35 % and residual activity reached about 30 % .

  17. 与前述化学序列特性一致,实验室条件下锰结合蛋白包绕需要的锰是铜的10000倍。

    Consistent with the chemical series , a ten-thousand times excess of manganese over copper was needed to fill the MncA barrel with manganese when folding is done in the laboratory .

  18. 通过采用不同的蛋白包被方式、不同长度的选择素分子和特定氨基酸位点变异的选择素,对分子取向、长度和氨基酸变异对选择素-体反应动力学的影响进行了研究。

    By using different protein coupling modes , selectins of different length and selectins mutated in specific amino acid , effects of molecular orientation , length and amino acid mutation were tested .

  19. 通过超滤牛乳,可提高蛋白质的保留率、总固形物含量,将乳清蛋白包于干酪中,乳清析出量减少,得率得以提高。

    By UF , retention rate of protein and total solid content of cheese could be improved . Precipitate amount of whey decreased when entrapping whey protein into cheese , thus the yield was increased .

  20. 以真核表达的融合蛋白为包被抗原建立了间接ELISA方法,用来检测动物体内FMD的抗体水平。

    Indirect ELISA that can detected the valence of antibody was developed with the fusion protein expressed by eukaryotic expression system as antigen .

  21. 以GST-Fba重组蛋白为包被抗原,采用间接ELISA方法检测小鼠抗血清效价。

    The titer of antiserum was tested by indirect ELISA using GST-Fba recombination protein as the coated antigen .

  22. 用表达的口蹄疫3A蛋白作为包被抗原,建立了间接ELISA试验,对口蹄疫病毒感染血清、免疫血清和其它非口蹄疫病毒血清进行了检测研究。

    An indirect ELISA was established with expressed3A protein of FMDV as coating antigen and was experimentally used to detect FMDV infection sera , immune sera and other disease sera .

  23. 结论用酵母菌表达的HSVⅠ重组gD蛋白作为包被抗原进行ELISA检测是一种敏感、特异的方法,具有较大的应用价值。

    Conclusion The ELISA with recombinant gD protein of HSV - ⅰ as coating antigen is a specific , sensitive , quick and convenient method for diagnosis of HSV - ⅰ infection .

  24. 方法以重组p53蛋白作为包被抗原,检测ELISA方法的敏感性、特异性、精密度与稳定性,同时对203份正常人血清及548份临床确诊恶性肿瘤病人血清进行检测。

    Methods The recombinant p53 protein was used as the coating antigen to test sensitivity , specificity , precision and stability of ELISA method . 203 serum samples from healthy individuals and 548 from patients with malign tumor were examined .

  25. 两组比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论及意义:1.周围神经采吻合后应用周围神经生长因子-纤维蛋白胶包埋,神经功能恢复效果优于单纯外膜缝合。

    The two groups have no statistically significant ( P0.05 ) . Conclusions : 1 . Neural function recovery of anastomosis of peripheral nerve embedded in fibrin glue containing nerve growth factor is better than used epineural anastomosis only . 2 .

  26. 以纯化到的N蛋白作为包被抗原建立了间接ELISA方法(N-ELISA),可以检测出鸡血清中的抗IBVN蛋白的特异性抗体。

    With the purified N protein as coating antigen , an indirect ELISA assays ( N-ELISA ) were established which could detect the antibody in chicken serum against N protein of IBV . The reaction conditions of N-ELISA were optimized .

  27. 表面不同蛋白对包载顺铂Plu-Chol泡囊理化性质的影响

    Influence of different conjugated proteins on physical and chemical properties of Cisplatin-loaded Plu-Chol niosomes

  28. 以不同比例的100K、33K两种蛋白混合包被,建立间接100K-33K-ELISA方法。

    The two proteins of 100K and 33K are mingled then coated with the different proportion to establish the indirect 100K-33K-ELISA method .

  29. 将体外扩增的膀胱上皮细胞以相同密度分别接种于普通培养板(对照组)和纤维蛋白凝胶包被的培养板(实验组),于接种后4d比较两组细胞克隆形成情况。

    Bladder epithelial cells proliferated in vitro were inoculated to normal culture plate ( Control group ) and fibrin glue-coated culture plate ( Experimental group ) at the same density . Cellular clone was compared between control group and experimental group 4 days after inoculation .

  30. 用7种重组蛋白为包被抗原,浓度均为2μg/每孔,以病人血清为一抗、HRP标记羊抗人IgG为二抗,建立检测血清标本中上述抗原IgG抗体的ELISAs。

    The coated concentrations of the seven protein antigens were 2 μ g per well . By using the patients ' sera as the first antibody , HRP-labeling sheet anti-human IgG as the second antibody , ELISAs for detecting IgG antibodies specific to the antigens were established .