
gǔ huò
  • poison and bewitch;enchant;demagogic;bewitch
蛊惑 [gǔ huò]
  • [demagogic] 使人心意迷惑

  • 而滥求租税,糜费产业,蛊惑士女。--刘勰《灭惑论》

  • 蛊惑人心

蛊惑[gǔ huò]
  1. 这年轻人没有分析自己蛊惑著迷的过程,因为对他来说,爱是个不可分析的迷

    The young man did not analyze the process of his captivation and enrapturement , for love to him was a mystery and could not be analyzed .

  2. 他和罗伯特·弗里德兰(RobertFriedland)的友谊也从此开始。罗伯特是乔布斯一生中少有的能以自己的魅力蛊惑他的人。

    And thus began his relationship with Robert Friedland , one of the few people in Jobs 's life who were able to mesmerize him .

  3. 另外,不少的骗子网站还在网址中插有恶意代码,更有甚者开始恬不知耻的在网站内页打出XX网站合作伙伴或指定经销商的旗号来蛊惑消费者。

    In addition , many sites are still at the crook of malicious code into a more even start shamelessly page of the site , making XX site partners or distributors to confuse consumers under the banner .

  4. 运用视觉引诱蛊惑人有很多技巧。

    There are far subtler ways that sight bewitches and beguiles .

  5. 你最好小心些,他太会蛊惑人啦。

    You had better take care , he is very fascinating .

  6. 随着命运巧妙的安排,让它蛊惑一个新的持有者。

    Until , when changce came , it ensnared a new bearer .

  7. 他们相信蛇具备蛊惑猎物的能力。

    They believed that the serpent was capable of fascinating its prey .

  8. 父亲说人民都受到了法兹鲁拉的蛊惑。

    My father said people had been seduced by Fazlullah .

  9. 蛊惑人工智慧的心灵

    that has a reason to haunt the minds of artificial intelligence ?

  10. 但是人心很容易受到蛊惑

    But the hearts of Men are easily corrupted .

  11. 蛊惑热血青年投入血的战争;

    That wave hot youth to fields of blood ?

  12. 据说蛇能蛊惑小鸟。

    Snakes are said to fascinate small birds .

  13. 我会教你们如何蛊惑意志,俘获感觉。

    I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses .

  14. 你的王国已经覆灭了我是不会为你的美貌所蛊惑的

    Your emperor is defeated and I 'm immune to your bewitching good looks .

  15. 她是我的未婚妻,所以你没有机会受到她的蛊惑。

    She is my fiancee , so you have no chance of deluded by her .

  16. 蛊惑(某人)邪恶的女妖对王子施魔法,将他变成一只青蛙。

    Eg. The wicked fairy bewitched the prince and turned him into a frog . Vt.

  17. 他蛊惑了我们的兄弟。

    He has bewitched our brother .

  18. 很不幸,言谈却是廉价与蛊惑性的声称,违背了真相。

    Unfortunately , words and talk are too often cheap and deceptive claims that violate truth .

  19. 如此说来,自由是一个遥远而长期的梦,它时刻都在蛊惑着我们。

    So , freedom was a distant and long-term dream , it was always mesmerized us .

  20. 宗教蛊惑与大众文化

    Religious cult and mass culture

  21. 他们的目的,就是要蛊惑别人,牺牲自己的权益,巩固自己的统治地位。

    They want to fool other people into sacrificing their own rights to consolidate their ruling status .

  22. 我知道,因为我忘不掉她蛊惑人的声音。

    I know , ' cause I can 't get her siren voice out of my head .

  23. 而且,电影还让我回想起每次跟史蒂夫谈完之后,我都会心潮起伏&要么愤怒,要么被他蛊惑。

    And it reminded me of how amped I would get angry or enthralled after talking to him .

  24. 他们能够操纵人的思维蛊惑人的心灵他们是致命的他们必须被消灭

    They have the ability to control your mind , Seduce your spirit.They are deadly.They must be destroyed .

  25. 魅妖:射手,远程反击,蛊惑免疫(傀儡大师),引诱。

    Succubus Temptress : Shooter , Ranged Retaliate , Immune to Hypnotize ( aka Puppet Master ), Seduce .

  26. 在许多人乐于栖身的城市,到处充满了蛊惑的能量。

    Big cities which attract many people to come to stay are filled with poisonous , swaying energies .

  27. 被你的眼睛蛊惑,你那灵魂之窗。在爱的游戏中我是你的目标吗?

    Mesmerized by your eyes , the window to your soul . In the match am I your goal ?

  28. 蛊惑是关于一个女孩探求超自然现象和她自我性觉醒的一个故事。

    Hex is the chilling story of one girl 's exploration of the supernatural and her own sexual awakening .

  29. 你也有超能力她不能用意念控制你肯定用了其他手段蛊惑�

    You 're supernatural so she can 't compel you . I 'm sure she used her other charms .

  30. 不过,你比较容易受他人的谄媚所蛊惑,这或许就是你容易草率作出决定的原因。

    You are , however , somewhat vulnerable to flattery , which may be the cause of hasty decision making .
