
  • 网络Virtual Sales;Virtual Selling;Virtual shopping
  1. 最后讲解专为中国网通这类客户服务而设计的新措施&虚拟销售团队、一站式服务和双重记帐法。

    Finally , the thesis sums up China Netcom 's new designs for these customers , Virtual Sales Team , One Stop Service and Double Accounting .

  2. Facebook称其大部分资金来自在线广告,但同时还表示,希望从虚拟商品销售中收取费用,包括社交游戏中使用的电子产品,而不是实物产品。

    Facebook says most of its money comes from online advertising . But the company also says it expects to earn money from fees charged on the sales of goods . These are digital products used in social games , not physical goods .

  3. Editd还有一个虚拟的销售规划档案工具,可以帮你制定下一季的促销战略。

    A visual merchandising archive helps shape promotion strategies for upcoming seasons .

  4. 虚拟的销售和租赁,将利息重新命名为利润或租金,这种做法并非没有代价。

    Spurious sales and leases that rename interest as profit or rent are not without cost .

  5. 以上四点让我们不由想到苹果和谷歌,这两家公司熟练利用了那些心甘情愿、满怀渴望的开发者,由于技术进步,后者现在能通过虚拟市场销售自己的“产品”。

    The four items above bring us back to apple and Google , companies that have deftly taken advantage of an army of willing , hungry application developers who can now sell their wares on virtual markets thanks to technological advances .

  6. 表面上,阿里巴巴销售的是会员资格供应商获得会员资格后便可建立虚拟店面,销售各式小型器具和设备。

    Officially , Alibaba sells subscriptions to erect virtual storefronts to sell all manner of gadgets and widgets .

  7. 网上开店,就是在网上开设一个虚拟的门店销售商品或拍卖商品。但上网购物和在商店购物是不同的。

    Open a shop on the web is set up a dummy shop to sell or bid products through Internet . Buying on line is different from buying in the store .

  8. 他们认为,这种网络与传统商店相结合的新型组合将使人们的购物方式发生根本性的变化。网上开店,就是在网上开设一个虚拟的门店销售商品或拍卖商品。

    Think this new combination of bricks and clicks could radically change how we buy goods . Open a shop on the web is set up a dummy shop to sell or bid products through Internet .

  9. 软件产品有别于传统意义上的商品,具有虚拟性,其销售方式也独具特色。

    The software products are virtual and different from the traditional merchandises .

  10. 数码产品,比如:软件、电影、音乐,可以在纯虚拟的环境中销售。

    Digital products , such as software , films and music , can be sold in a purely virtual environment .

  11. 产品设计虚拟化、产品销售网络化、消费行为网络化、技术服务在线化等已经成为当今市场竞争的必然趋势,基于网络的市场开拓支持已成为市场营销发展的一种新的模式。

    Nowadays , product design virtually , product sales networked , consumption behavior networked and technical services on-line have already become inevitable trend of marketing competition , and networked marketing exploiting and support become a new mode of marketing .

  12. 它包括虚拟生产、虚拟开发、虚拟销售和虚拟管理四种模式。

    It includes virtual production , virtual exploitation , virtual distribution and virtual management .

  13. 主要有虚拟研发、虚拟生产、虚拟销售、虚拟服务、虚拟管理以及人员虚拟等。

    There are virtual R & D , virtual manufacturing , virtual marketing , virtual services , virtual management and staff .

  14. 基于X3D/VRML的网络虚拟商品展销系统网上开店,就是在网上开设一个虚拟的门店销售商品或拍卖商品。

    Internet Virtual Goods Sales System Based on X3D / VRML Open a shop on the web is set up a dummy shop to sell or bid products through Internet .

  15. 虚拟仪器流是电子商务技术与虚拟仪器技术相融合的一种仪器信息技术,可以实现虚拟仪器的网络销售、租用、远程调用等功能。

    Combining virtual instrument with E-Commerce , the virtual instrument stream is a instrument information technique , which can realize networked marketing , lease and remotely call for virtual instrument via E-Commerce .