
  • 网络virtual property;fictitious property;virtual assets;virtual wealth
  1. 然后界定了虚拟财产的内涵和外延,认定虚拟财产主要包括与网络游戏有关的虚拟财产、即时通讯软件账号(如QQ、MSN等)、电子邮箱以及论坛的账号等。

    And then define the connotation and extension of virtual property , finds the virtual property , including with respect to the online games , instant messaging software , accounts of virtual property ( such as QQ , MSN , etc ), e-mail and Forum accounts .

  2. 针对我国网络虚拟财产民事法律保护存在的问题与不足提出了完善民事法律保护制度的建议,以期能对这种现实纠纷的解决有所裨益。

    Virtual property against our civil law to protect existing problems .

  3. 本文通过对虚拟财产、网络财产的分析揭示QQ号码的物权属性。

    The article will reveal the nature by analyse the intangible property and the network property .

  4. 第一部分是对虚拟财产的理论界定。

    The first part is to the hypothesized property theory limits .

  5. 虚拟财产纠纷中的举证责任分配

    The burden of evidence in the disputes about the virtual property

  6. 论数字化时代侵财性犯罪的对象&以网络虚拟财产为视角

    On the Object of the Crime Against Property in Digital Times

  7. 第二部分是对虚拟财产的财产法分析。

    The second part is to the hypothesized fictitious property law analysis .

  8. 但我国尚未有明确法律对虚拟财产加以界定。

    In China , there is no clear legal defined virtual property .

  9. 网络游戏虚拟财产法律性质浅议

    Briefly On Legal Character of the Virtual Property of the Network Game

  10. 关于网络虚拟财产的民法思考

    Analysis on the Net Virtual Property in the Civil Law

  11. 这里也要提醒玩家们注意保护自己的虚拟财产。

    Users themselves are advised to protect their virtual property .

  12. 论盗窃网络虚拟财产案件的定性问题

    On the Nature of Stealing Fictitious Properties in the Network

  13. 虚拟财产保护的物权法借重

    The Virtual Property Protection Reality of Laws Relies on Helping

  14. 第四部分探讨了网络虚拟财产的民事法律保护现状。

    Part IV discusses the virtual property legal protection of civil status .

  15. 第四部分是对虚拟财产法律保护的研究。

    The fourth part is to the hypothesized property legal protection research .

  16. 第二部分为网络虚拟财产的法律性质。

    The second chapter is the legal attribute of network virtual property .

  17. 虚拟财产的物权性否定

    The Dismissal of Virtual Property as Jus in Res

  18. 在次基础上在概括了虚拟财产的特征。

    Then give the character of the virtual property .

  19. 网络虚拟财产及其侵权责任研究

    Study on Network Virtual Property and the Infringement Liability

  20. 虚拟财产法律保护体系的构建

    Design on Legal Protection System of the Virtual Property

  21. 虚拟财产在性质上是一种类似于无记名有价证券的虚拟债权凭证,具有证权一体性和无因性。

    Virtual property is a virtual documents of obligation similar to bearer securities .

  22. 对强索网络虚拟财产行为的定罪研究

    On the Conviction of Gaining Net-invented Property by Violence

  23. 浅谈预应力损失论虚拟财产

    Discussion on prestressed losing Talk about the Virtual Property

  24. 第一个层次着重解决虚拟财产是否属于财产的问题。

    The first level focuses on whether virtual property belongs to personal possession .

  25. 从三个方面论述了网络虚拟财产需要民法保护的必要性。

    Its necessity is discussed briefly in three aspects .

  26. 提出认定虚拟财产价值的标准和方法。

    Standards and methods of identifying the value of virtual properties were proposed .

  27. 第二节探讨了虚拟财产犯罪。

    Part Two discusses the crimes involving virtual property .

  28. 网络的发展带来了网络虚拟财产的繁荣,也带来了对传统刑法适用范围的挑战。

    The development of the Internet has brought the prosperity of network virtual property .

  29. 希望这些建议能为虚拟财产的保护有一定的益处。

    The author hopes that these suggestions will benefit the protection of virtual property .

  30. 虚拟财产保护的立法构想

    Legislative Thinking of Protection of the Virtual Property