
shǔ lèi
  • tubers
  1. 目的:测定我国常见谷类和薯类食物血糖生成指数值(glycemicindex,GI),探讨碳水化物种类、加工方法与食物消化吸收和血糖应答的关系。

    Objective : To determine the glycemic index of common cereals and tubers products in China , and to examine the relationship among the response of blood glucose and the type of carbohydrate , food processing , and food digestion and absorption .

  2. 常见谷类和薯类的血糖生成指数

    The glycemic index of common cereals and tubers products

  3. DG系列气流干燥机组是用于湿法加工玉米,薯类及其它原料淀粉脱水后烘干的成套设备。

    DG Series of Air Stream Dryer is drying plant for to dry maize , potato alike and other starch material processed by wet method after dewatering process .

  4. 木薯(ManihotesculentaCrantz)属于世界三大薯类作物之一,它既是重要的粮食作物,也是一种重要的能源植物。

    Manihot esculenta Crantz is one of the most important tuberous crops of the world , and is not only an important food crop , but also an important economic plant .

  5. 薯类酒精糟液处理及综合利用技术研究

    Study on treatment and integrated utilization technology of potato alcohol wastewater

  6. 薯类及杂粮即食粉丝的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Instant vermicelli Made of Potato and Coarse Cereals

  7. 利用薯类淀粉生产酵母单细胞蛋白

    Single cell protein production from sweet pota-to starch by yeast

  8. 三种薯类作物对土壤干旱反应的差异

    Different Reactions of Three Tuber Crops to Soil Drought Stress

  9. 谷物及薯类的主要成份是淀粉。

    The main content of cereal and potato is starch .

  10. 薯类酒精废糟液治理工程设计探讨

    On the Design of Waste Potato Fermentation Distillers Treatment

  11. 薯类加工产业可持续发展的现实思考

    Realistic Consideration on Preserving Development of Potato Processing Industry

  12. 谷物、薯类粗淀粉标准法试验中几个问题的研究

    A study on standardization of determinating method of rough starch in cereals and root crops

  13. 充分发挥资源优势全面提升宜昌薯类产业水平

    Sufficiency exerting resource ascendancy , roundly advancing yichang industrial level of potato and sweet potato

  14. 薯类淀粉生产技术的发展趋势

    Developing Trend of Root Starch Productin Technology

  15. 系统中水稻的有效降水量虽然很大,但水分满足率最低;薯类、豆类等作物的有效降水量小,但水分满足率较高。

    Paddy has an high effective precipitation , but the lowest satisfaction in water requirement .

  16. 用途:清洗去除薯类原料外皮以及外皮粘带的泥土,沙石,和杂物。

    Usefulness : Clean potatoes up the hull , sand , muddy or other sundries .

  17. 薯类通心粉丝机的研究

    Studies on sweet potato macaroni forming machine

  18. 在我国南方薯类原料是最广泛的用于酒精发酵的淀粉质原料。

    Potatoes represent the most widely used starchy raw material in ethanol production in south China .

  19. 木薯是世界上三大薯类作物之一,是我国重要的旱地作物。

    Cassava is as important dry land crop and the one of three big yams crop in the world .

  20. 木薯是热带地区多年生块根作物,是世界三大薯类作物之一。

    Cassava is a perennial root crop in the tropics , one of the three major tuberous crops in the world .

  21. 二级厌氧+氧化沟工艺治理薯类酒精糟液

    Application of the Technique of Secondary Anaerobic Reactor Coupled with Oxidation Channel in the Treatment of Waste water in Potato Alcohol Production

  22. 企业简介美加州薯条的中国市场部投资人为美国美洋圣加(国际)有限公司,是全球最大的薯类食品企业之一。

    American ocean holy add company , with nearly half a century of developing history , is specializing in producing pure natural potato food .

  23. 两周后,你可以在膳食中添加全粒谷物、薯类(土豆除外)和一点点的添加糖。

    After two weeks , we reintroduce whole kernel grains , potatoes - except for white potatoes - and a little bit of added sugars .

  24. 通心薯类粉丝加工工艺及粉丝成型机具的研究甘薯粉丝加工成套设备的设计

    Study on the Processing Technology of Sweet Macaroni and Its Forming Machine Design of the Complete Sets of Equipment of Production on Sweet Potato Vermicelli

  25. 与全国平均水平相比,小麦、玉米、薯类、花生、芝麻、烟叶具有明显的比较优势。

    The result showed that the corn , potato and tobacco produced in Pingdingshan region have distinct comparative advantage comparing with those produced in Henan province .

  26. 上海型根霉在发酵过程中产酸能力强,适于酿造薯类原料,而不同的上海型根霉菌种又各具特色;

    Shanghai rhizopus had stronger acid-producing power , more suitable for the brewing of potato materials . Moreover , different Shanghai rhizopus species had diverse properties .

  27. 芋头是一种小型薯类。不同于那些体形稍大的薯类,人们只是简单地将他们放在锅里煮熟,上桌后去皮,然后蘸着砂糖作为零食食用。

    These are little yams , unlike the larger varieties and they are simply boiled , peeled at table and dipped in caster sugar as a snack .

  28. 其结果表明,内蒙古畜牧业是具有明显优势的地区优势产业,种植业当中的玉米、豆类、甜菜、薯类业也具有优势。

    As a result , stockbreeding is the most obvious superiority industry in Inner Mongolia , and so are maize , beans , beet , potato industries .

  29. 本税目下设粮食白酒、薯类白酒、黄酒、啤酒、其他酒、酒精六个子目。

    Under this tax category are six specific items such as grain spirit , potato spirit , yellow rice and millet wine , beer , other wines and alcohol .

  30. 豆类是人、畜植物蛋白主要来源,食用豆类在三大食用作物(谷类、豆类、薯类)中排名第二。

    Legume is the main resource of plant protein for man and livestocks . Edible legume ranks second among the top three food crops , following cereals and before potato .