
  • 网络willow;Willow Smith;Willow Tufano
  1. 我真不敢相信你居然跟一个…与树同名的女人约会(薇洛为柳树之意)

    I cannot believe you are dating ... someone named after a tree .

  2. 两生花/薇洛尼卡的双重生活

    Double Life of Veronique

  3. 9月25日(北京时间9月26日)薇洛史密斯牵着爸爸威尔史密斯的手一起从洛杉矶的Barnes&Noble走出来。

    Willow Smith holds hands with her dad Will as they leave a Barnes & Noble on Sunday ( September 25 ) in Los Angeles .

  4. “女王伊丽莎白二世养过三十多条柯基犬,现在还有一条叫薇洛。”更多实用有趣节目搜索微博微信:早安英文

    You might be informed : " Queen Elizabeth II has owned more than 30 corgis during her reign and currently has one named Willow . "

  5. 而在巴士路过白金汉宫时你会听到:“女王伊丽莎白二世养过三十多条柯基犬,现在还有一条叫薇洛。”

    Or as the bus whistles past Buckingham Palace you might be informed : ' Queen Elizabeth II has owned more than 30 corgis during her reign and currently has one named Willow . '