
  1. 采购:茶叶,冷冻蔬菜,水产品,保健食品,调味品。

    Buy : Tea , Frozen vegetable , Aquatic product , Health food , Seasoning .

  2. GB/T12296-1990水果、蔬菜制品水不溶性固形物含量的测定

    Fruit and vegetable products-Determination of water-insoluble solids

  3. 蔬菜经水浸半小时,猪肉用小苏打、链鱼肉用盐和白醋、镛鱼用白醋处理6小时,均可使亚硝酸盐下降。

    Nitrite levels would reduce by soaking vegetables for half an hour with water , curing meat with soda , salt , vinegar , etc.

  4. 用煮过蔬菜的水或是用洗过鱼的容器中的水来浇花,这样能会给植物营养,从而帮助它们生长。

    Tip : Watering your plants with the water in which you boiled vegetables or water from your fish tank gives them nutrients that help them grow .

  5. 研究了臭氧水在蔬菜、水产品加工及对设备、管道、包装容器处理中的杀菌效果。

    S The producing technology of ozonated water , the sterilizing effect of ozonated water in vegetable and marine product processing , the equipment , pipeline and packaging containers .

  6. 但是提到目前菠菜和自来水的问题,在目前的辐射含量下,他会毫不犹豫地允许他的子女食用这些蔬菜或水。

    But regarding the spinach and the tap water , at the current radiation concentrations , he would not hesitate to permit his children to consume the vegetable or the water .

  7. 低能量密度的食品对你比较好,其中包括许多水果和蔬菜,水和纤维含量比较高,而热量含量比较低,同时能让你感觉更饱。

    Low-density foods are good for you and include many fruits and vegetables , which have high water and fiber content , are low in calories , and make you feel full .

  8. 本文对乳糖在脱水蔬菜和水产品中应用时,在保持产品的色泽、改善产品质地和风味、延长产品保质期、降低脱水蔬菜返霜现象的发生等方面的作用进行了分析。

    The paper analyses the effect of lactose on colors , flavor , extending the produces shelf life , and lowering the chance of returned frost when lactose is applied in dehydrated vegetable and sea foods .

  9. 洗菜的时候不要浸泡蔬菜,因为水溶性维生素如维生素C将会损失。

    Don 't soak vegetables when washing them , since water-soluble vitamins such as C will be lost .

  10. 试验证明输水管埋深为20cm时,出水孔径为3×Φ4mm的出水量能够满足根系分布在这一深度范围内的蔬菜作物需水要求。

    It was proved that the outlet flow rate of 3 ×Φ 4 mm aperture diameter at non-pressure subsurface drip irrigation could fulfill the water requirement of vegetable crop when root-age depth was 20 cm soil layer .

  11. 给蔬菜浇完水,这位农民休息了一会儿。

    Having watered the vegetables , the farmer took a short rest .

  12. 迁入蔬菜田黄色水盘中有翅蚜的研究

    Studies on Alate Aphides Collected From Yellow Pan Water Traps in Vegetable Gardens

  13. 他们把几种蔬菜脱了水,并将他们与方便面包装在一起。

    They dewatered several kinds of vegetables and packed them with instant noodle .

  14. 施硝酸盐肥料的土壤.施肥对大棚蔬菜地土壤水及地下水硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐污染的研究

    Nitrogen Fertilizer Effects on Nitrate and Nitrite Contamination in the Soil Water and Groundwater

  15. 蔬菜和饮用水是人体摄入硝酸盐的主要来源。

    Vegetable and drinking water contribute to the main source of nitrate in human .

  16. 采购:方便食品,速冻水果,速冻蔬菜,速冻水产品,包装,罐头食品。

    Buy : Fast food , Frozen fruit , Frozen vegetable , Frozen seafood , Packaging , Canned food .

  17. 蔬菜是需水较多的经济作物,尤其是果菜类,对水分的要求更高,所以对蔬菜品种的抗旱性评价研究具有重要的意义。

    Vegetable is one of economic crops which need much water to irrigated , especially fruit-vegetable which has high requirements to water . So the evaluation Studies on drought-resistant of vegetable variety has important significance .

  18. 针对无公害生产环境质量的综合评价,采用污染指数法对曲周县蔬菜产地的水、土和大气环境质量进行了分析和综合评价。

    In view of the assessment of environmental quality for pollution-free agricultural product , it was analyzed and assessed that the water , soil , and air environmental quality of vegetable production base in Quzhou County , with the comprehensive pollution index method .

  19. 通过对蔬菜基地1m土壤水、地下水中硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐、全氮及氨氮的测定,得出蔬菜地氮的流出量。

    We gained the content of the nitrogen in the vegetable with detecting the water from vegetables base under 1 meter , nitrate , nitrite , total nitrogen and Ammonium Nitrogen from groundwater .

  20. 快速气相色谱法测定蔬菜中甲胺磷和水胺硫磷残留量

    A Rapid Gas Chromatographic Method for the Determination of Methamidophos and Isocarbophos Residues in Vegetables

  21. 成都平原蔬菜生产中灌溉水对农药渗漏的影响研究

    Effect of irrigation on pesticides leaching in vegetable farming in Chengdu plain using PEARL model

  22. 不同种植年限蔬菜地土壤导水性能及影响因素

    Conductive Capability and Its Influential Factors for Vegetable Soil with Different Planting Years in Tianjin City

  23. 亚隆说,高蛋白食品、蔬菜、纤维和水则会产生相反的效果。

    Eating foods high in protein , vegetables , fiber and water have the opposite effect , Dr.

  24. 我的饮食由鱼、肉、蔬菜、水果、水和牛奶组成。

    My diet is made up of meat , fish , vegetables , fruits , water and milk .

  25. 南京东郊蔬菜种植基地地表水氮、磷、重金属含量及影响因素

    Concentrations of nitrogen , phosphorus , heavy metals and their affecting factors in the surface water of peri-urban vegetable bases of Nanjing City

  26. 因此,有关蔬菜作物的需水规律和土壤肥力对蔬菜的影响一直是设施农业蔬菜栽培研究的热点之一。

    So researches on water-requirement-rule of vegetables and effects of soil-fertility on vegetables have been one of the hotspots on vegetable cultivation of agricultural facility .

  27. 同时,山东省也在与蔬菜、水果、水产品和畜产品相关的产业上采取多种措施来提高竞争力。

    For those industries related to vegetables , fruits , aquatic products and livestock products , more measures are being taken in Shandong to enhance its competitiveness .

  28. 土壤有机质含量由大到小依次为:水稻花生轮作地蔬菜地草莓地水稻田葡萄地;

    The gradation of the soil humus content were as followings : rice and peanut rotating land was the maximum , then were vegetable land , strawberry land and rice land , grape land was the minimum ;

  29. 宁夏农村人口食物消费中,粮食主要依靠自给,肉类、蛋类、蔬菜、水果、水产品等来自市场;在外饮食消费较高。

    The result shows that most people can meet their diet demand ; the main source for meat , eggs , vegetables , fruits , and aquatic products is purchasing , and for grain is planted by self . Expenditure on eating outside is high .

  30. 让蔬菜蒙上水汽是在每一个蔬菜上喷洒水的过程。

    Misting is a process in which vegetables are sprayed with water .