
  1. 现在的问题:如果蔡铭超拒绝付款结果又会如何?

    Now the question is : What will happen if Cai doesn 't pay ?

  2. 2006年,蔡铭超以1300万美元的价格拍得明朝的一尊铜佛,并带回国内。

    In 2006 , Mr Cai paid $ 13m to bring home a Ming Dynasty Buddha bronze .

  3. “购买文物实际上就是一种爱国主义情感的表达,”蔡铭超在2007年曾说过。

    " The purchases are as much about patriotism as a love of art ," Cai said in2007 .

  4. “理论上,蔡铭超是应该支付拍卖品的经费的,”他说。

    " Theoretically , Cai is required to pay for the auction objects at the price agreed ," he said .

  5. 牛宪锋,中华抢救流失海外文物专项基金副总干事,他在新闻发布会上称蔡铭超是一位“令人钦佩的公民”。

    Niu Xianfeng , deputy director of the fund , described Cai as an " admirable citizen " at the news conference .

  6. 他补充说蔡铭超也许会被要求偿付委托金,预计在三千万欧元的交易中缴付七百万欧元。

    He added that Cai might be asked to pay the commission for the sale , estimated at7 million euros for the30-million-euro deal .

  7. 据新华社的报道,蔡铭超在记者招待会上声明,“我想要强调的是,这个款我不能付”。

    " What I want to stress is that this money cannot be paid ," Cai said at a news conference , according to Xinhua .

  8. 王峰海,中国拍卖协会的首席代表律师,向中国日报的记者表示,他认为蔡铭超的案例前景并不乐观。

    Wang Fenghai , chief lawyer at the China Association of Auctioneers , told China Daily that he is not optimistic about Cai 's legal prospects .

  9. 尽管佳士得(拍卖公司)有可能考虑将蔡铭超送上法庭,但面对中国无数公众对蔡的强大支持,它(佳士得,译者注)也不得不三思而后行。

    And while Christie 's may consider charges against Cai , they will likely relent after an outpouring of support from the Chinese public for his actions .

  10. 中国的艺术商蔡铭超重金拍得兽首,仅仅是是为了抗议对两个兽首的拍卖行为。因为在中国人的眼中,拍卖是对他们文化遗产的不公平的掠夺。

    Chinese art dealer Cai Mingchao submitted the massive bid to protest the sale of the heads , which many Chinese see as unfairly torn from their cultural patrimony .

  11. 中华抢救流失海外文物专项基金表示,蔡铭超代表该基金参与了拍卖。该基金的资金来源为私人捐赠和国家补贴。

    The lost artefacts fund , an organisation that finances itself from private donations and state subsidies , said Mr Cai had taken part in the auction on its behalf .

  12. 赣学军,北京华晨拍卖行经理,认为蔡铭超在拍卖行业内部的荣誉将会受损,然而佳士得为了追回赔偿会采取相应的法律行动。

    Gan Xuejun , general manager of Beijing Huachen Auctions , said Cai 's reputation in the auction business could be ruined , adding Christie 's may take legal action to pursue payment from him .

  13. 今年44岁的蔡铭超在北京召开的新闻发布会上表示他不会对拍品付款。在拍卖会上的竞标主要是为了保护流失海外的中国文物。

    Cai Mingchao , 44 , told a press conference in Beijing that he would not pay for the bids ; and that he made the bogus offer to protest the sale of looted Chinese relics .

  14. 蔡铭超在福建省经营了一件拍卖公司。他因对文物品收藏的狂热在圈内闻名,并且见证了古董价格市场的起伏兴衰。

    Cai , who runs an auction house in Fujian province , is best known for his interest in , and collection of , antique pieces that have been witness to the ebb and flow of history .