
  • 网络The Blue Lotus
  1. 我非常喜欢蓝莲花泰国餐馆。我那里的饭菜一流&而且员工都非常友好。

    I really liked The Blue Lotus Thai restaurant . I thought the food was brilliant – and the staff was very friendly .

  2. 心中那自由的世界,如此地清澈高远盛开着永不凋零,蓝莲花。

    There never a decline in full bloom of a blue lotus .

  3. “蓝莲花”的吊灯很有特色,玲珑精致,古色古香,自然地将中国的传统文化与西方的酒吧文化融合一体。

    Look at the special pendant lamp with Chinese characteristics ! The bar combines the beauty of the east and the west .