
  1. 另一只伦敦蓝筹基金glg去年遭受了沉重打击,管理下的对冲基金资产贬值逾半,而今年同样表现良好。

    GLG , another blue-chip London fund that was hit hard last year when its hedge fund assets under management more than halved , is also doing well .

  2. 有谁知道买华夏蓝筹基金怎么样?

    Who knows to buy an ancient name for China La Chouji gold how ?

  3. 虽然摩根士丹利和美林等投行出现了动摇,高盛却稳步建立一份令众多同行艳羡的客户名单,其中包括蓝筹公司、对冲基金和私人股本公司。

    While others such as Morgan Stanley and Merrill have wavered , Goldman has steadily built a widely envied list of clients among blue-chip companies , hedge funds and private equity firms .