
  • 网络Blue-water navy;blue water navy
  1. 日本官员几乎全都对中国神经过敏,特别是中国蓝水海军的发展。

    Japanese officials are almost unanimously jittery about China , particularly its development of a blue-water navy .

  2. 但中国每年以15%至20%的比例增加军费支出,美国和日本相信,中国正在发展蓝水海军。

    But the country is increasing military spending at 15-20 per cent a year and the US and Japan believe it is developing a blue-water navy .

  3. 中国海军已朝着蓝水海军的目标迈进了好几步。

    The Chinese navy has already taken several steps towards this goal .

  4. 我们需要建立自己的蓝水海军,依靠海外军事基地降低补给成本。

      We need to set up our own blue-water navy and to rely on overseas military bases to cut supply costs .

  5. 驻北京的军事专家彭光谦表示,中国需要蓝水海军的一个原因是,为其出口和能源进口保护海上航道的安全。

    Peng Guangqian , a military expert in Beijing , said one reason China needed a blue-water navy was to safeguard sea lanes for its exports and energy imports .

  6. 但在这些礼遇之外,对于中国构建一支蓝水海军的努力,美国已表示焦虑。至少在理论上,这样的蓝水海军将有能力在远离中国海岸线的地方投射实力。

    Such niceties aside , the US has expressed anxiety over China 's efforts to build a blue-water navy capable at least theoretically of projecting power far beyond Chinese shores .

  7. 中国正试图建设一支能够在远海执行任务的蓝水海军,从而在美国占据霸主地位几十年的太平洋上改变力量平衡。

    China is trying to tilt the balance of power in the Pacific where the US has been dominant for decades by developing a blue water navy that can operate further from its shores .

  8. 在国家大力发展蓝水海军的在背景下,在水文科学领域,水声遥控得到了系统的研究并取得了丰硕的成果,使得水声遥控系统得到了广泛的应用。

    In the background of the country to develop blue-water navy , in the hydrological sciences , water-sound remote control system has been studied and achieved fruitful results , making underwater acoustic remote control system has been widely used .

  9. 刘清华第一次尝试将中国海军建成一支“绿水”舰队,并最终发展成一支成熟的“蓝水”海军军队,能够远距离投射。

    From the harbor at Dalian naval shipyard in northeast China , the first aircraft carrier of the People 's Liberation Army Navy ( PLAN ) will soon set sail for the first time .